Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Servitude in Moliere’s Dom Juan
Throughout his lifetime, Moliere wrote many plays that depict the life of the French aristocrats. In these plays, he makes use of the character of the servant, whose presence is put in juxtaposition with their masters. The combination of the two characters usually causes social clash, thus providing the play a satirical tone. Particularly, in â€Å"Dom Juan ou le Festin de Pierre,†Moliere introduces an unforgettable servant character in the name of Sganarelle. Unlike the servants that appear in Moliere’s other plays, Sganarelle breaks the tradition of having servants take a minute role as he shares the position of his master in the lead role. This makes him the most important character among all servants Moliere ever created. The character of Sganarelle uniquely stands out among all servant characters in Moliere’s plays because of the large part he plays in â€Å"Dom Juan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . By assigning one of the main roles to a servant, Moliere attempts to expound on the subject of slavery in a different view. Through Sganarelle, Moliere makes clear his message regarding social division and the flaws of the upper class. Analysis of this character can therefore give a better understanding of the play, and of Moliere’s intention for writing plays of the hypocrite. Moliere’s plays of the hypocrite employ a common pattern with the use of loyal servants to care for their masters and be their guide in times of confusion. However, â€Å"Dom Juan ou le Festin de Pierre†provides a more in-depth characterization as it highlights the importance of a servant character in the life of a master. Throughout the play, Sganarelle’s role in Dom Juan’s life is highly emphasized. In fact, its emphasis could make the audience perceive the two characters as one. In their exchange of dialogues, Sganarelle somewhat serves as an extension of his master’s character, for he often agrees with Dom Juan despite the other’s illogical reasoning. He does this in order to put an end to his master’s prodding or mainly to show sign of respect. Nevertheless, this gesture does not affect the roundness of his character, but makes it all the more interesting. The two main characters in the play are placed in juxtaposition. Dom Juan embodies the upper class or the rich, while Sganarelle embodies the lower class or the common people. In putting them together, Moliere creates a balance between the good and evil, with Dom Juan as the evil character and Sganarelle as the good. In Sganarelle’s own words, he describes his master as â€Å"the greatest scoundrel that ever walked on earth, a madman, a dog, a devil, a Turk†¦a heretic who believes in neither Heaven nor saint, not God, nor bogeyman. (34-35). In Freudian psychology, we can refer to these two characters as the id and the ego, where Dom Juan is the id and Sganarelle is the ego. The two characters are contrasted in the play, with Sganarelle on the positive side opposite to that of his master. The contrast is mainly established with the way they behave and view things. Dom Juan is a typical Casanova whose life revolves around fooling his love interests. His main concern in lif e is to attract women and make them feel miserably in love. First, he woos them until they fall for him and agree for marriage but after that, he leaves them for the sake of another girl, much to the dismay of his servant. Sganarelle constantly warns Dom Juan of the retribution his acts may bring, but Dom Juan would often sway the argument to justify his actions, forcing Sganarelle to give up his point. Likewise, his stature prohibits the servant to condemn his master’s deeds. Though he is allowed to express his views, in the end he also allows his master to win, for he does not have a choice. He admits thus: †¦ I must be faithful to him however I feel. Fear makes me his accomplice. It stifles my feeling; and I often find applauding what I loathe with my very soul. †(35) As society declares, Sganarelle complies with his master’s orders. Due to fear of losing his job, he does what Dom Juan asks him to do, although it is against his will. He tells lies, swears things he does not mean, and covers up for his masterâ€⠄¢s shortcomings in the way the society expects a servant to behave. In complete contrast to his master’s character, Sganarelle is a man of faith. He embodies the common people who are weak and powerless yet are full of faith in God and religion. He exemplifies a believer whose only hope lies in God to save him from his unfortunate situation. With a strong faith, he declares that â€Å"one day the wrath of Heaven will strike him that’s for certain. †(35) His values are more in tact than that of his master; but he is not free to exercise his faith. Nevertheless, Dom Juan gives him the privilege to express himself, and when he does, he speaks his thoughts with some sarcasm: â€Å"Your heart is the greatest nomad that ever was. It likes to be always on the move. It hates to stay in one place for long together. †(36) Because he consents to the wrongdoings of Dom Juan, Sganarelle shares the sins of his master. This means that Sganarelle may be blamed for consenting to his master’s disloyalty to his love affairs. His awareness of this responsibility alone makes him feel uncomfortable; that is why he wishes God to punish his master in order to end up his spiritual agony. Similar to other servant characters in Moliere’s plays, Sganarelle serves as Dom Juan’s close companion. He follows his master wherever he goes, and obeys his will regardless of its consequences. He remains true to him despite the fact that he despises what the master does. The only good thing about Dom Juan is that he allows Sganarelle to speak his mind. In this sense, he shares similarity with the female servant Dorine in â€Å"Tartuffe,†(2000), who freely expresses her opinions on even the most sensitive matters regarding the family. However, unlike the female counterpart who speaks without reproach, Sganarelle is allowed to express his opinions only to a certain extent and upon summons by his master. Since it is very unlikely for Dom Juan to get confused by the deliberate decisions he makes, his effort to elicit opinion from Sganarelle is not because he needs advice on his affairs, but because it pleases him to argue with someone weaker such as his servant. He knows that Sganarelle will have no choice but to agree with him in the end, thus he takes advantage of his servant by winning every argument they have. Although Sganarelle looks weak in Dom Juan’s eyes, looking closely into his character, one may see the strength in him. Amid the struggles he bears in living with Dom Juan, he remains faithful to his faith. Even though he obeys his master, this does not eradicate his faith in God. In fact, it even makes it more intense. As Sganarelle struggles for freedom, his faith grows more each day, and the hope that he will soon be free from his master’s ill doings grows even more. He serves as the conscience that tells Dom Juan what is fair and just, appealing to him to repent and change his ways. In â€Å"Tartuffe†Dorine similarly plays the role of a conscience in Orgon’s life. When the master decides for his daughter to marry the hypocrite, Dorine tries to stop him, saying thus: â€Å"†¦he who weds his child against her will Owes heaven account for it, if she do ill. Think then what perils wait on your design. †(Act 2 S. 2) To a large extent, the similarity between Sganarelle and Dorine is their religious wisdom. Unlike other people who cannot distinguish between truth and hypocrisy, both of them see what lies beneath people’s acts of goodwill. In â€Å"Dom Juan.. †other people are fooled by Dom Juan’s appearance and his kind words except for Sganarelle who knows his master like the palm of his hand. (36) Dorine, on the other, sees the real intention of Tartuffe towards Orgon’s daughter, Mariane. She judges that his regular attendance at church is a sign of hypocrisy. Though Orgon refuses to believe her, she still insists on making him listen to her views because of her concern over Mariane’s future. Another servant character who speaks her mind freely is Nicole in â€Å"Middle-Class Gentleman†(2001). In this play, Nicole plays the servant in Monsieur Jourdain’s home. Finding fault in her master’s rather awkward and delayed interest in the ways of the rich (such as dancing, fencing, poetic speech, etc. ), she openly comments and laughs at Jourdain, much to his disappointment. However unlike Sganarelle or Dorine, Nicole finds support from her master’s wife, who despises her husband’s social climbing. This puts Nicole in a better position to be more outspoken of her opinions. In addition, compared to the other servants, Nicole contributes greatly to the comic elements in the play. Although the audience can find some humor in Sganarelle, it is only in the end that he could truly make the audience laugh while he cries over his lost wages. In contrast, Nicole’s appearance throughout the play is well-noted in her colourful dialogues that employ sarcasm and irony. Like Nicole, Dubois in â€Å"Le Misanthrope†(2000) also helps induce laughter from the audience with his farcical mistakes. The servants in Moliere’s plays serve different purposes. They take the role of a loyal companion, a critique, an advisor, and sometimes a fool. All these characteristics can be found in Sganarelle, making him an interesting servant in Moliere’s plays. This exposition triggers the question, Why did Moliere use a servant character instead of a friend whose status may be similar to that of Dom Juan? Indeed, assigning the role to a friend will make a different story, but one cannot help wonder about this issue. On the one hand, a best friend could likewise serve as a loyal companion and advisor, similar to the role played by Sganarelle. On the other hand, the role of the servant creates a more interesting story. First, it illustrates the conflict between the values of the rich and the poor. Compared to a friend, the servant who comes from a different background has a different set of values acquired from his own social orientation. Sganarelle’s social status affords him views about God and salvation, which are in conflict with his master. Just imagine, if the two characters come from the same background, they will probably connive to disillusion every girl they meet, thus limiting the conflict in the plot. Second, Sganarelle’s social status restricts him to speak his views blatantly. Hence, this causes more conflict towards himself than to his master. With a friend as the critique, the conflict will be between the two main characters, and this could make the plot very ordinary. However with a servant as the critique, the conflict resides only with the servant due to some limitations he has in expressing his thoughts. In the end, he builds a different conflict apart form his master’s, that is, how he could escape his master to avoid all the troubles. Third, with the servant character, the master falls into a pit that serves as his tragic flaw. Without its comic elements, the play would have been a complete tragedy, since Dom Juan maintains pride as his tragic flaw. He refuses to change his ways, believing that he is too powerful to have a need for God. Despite reminders from his servant, he continues with his evil ways, because as expected, he will never listen to a mere servant. As such, the servant character contributes to the master’s tragic flaw, which later leads him to his end. Considering this, one can sense a social commentary Moliere wants to impart through the play. By using the character of a servant, the playwright presents the reality that sometimes those in the lower class who lack proper education and possessions have better religious wisdom and piety than the rich. Through the role of the servant, the juxtaposition between the rich and the poor becomes more visible and effective. Finally, the use of the servant in the play gives it a humorous tone. Specifically, Sganarelle’s lousy effort to cover up for his master’s faults, together with his inner monologues, makes the play interesting and funny. At the end, those who watch it will find themselves pondering on the message of the play at the same time laughing at Sganarelle crying, â€Å"My wages! My wages! My wages! †(47)
Barn Burning by William Faulkner
The narrative â€Å"Barn burning†seems to be an imperative one as it very evidently illustrates the typical fight between the â€Å"privileged†and the â€Å"deprived†categories plus reveals how an underprivileged man suffers when the law is rooted in taking the well-off man's side.A further important idea of the story is that it looks at a truth-seeking issue that at what stage should an individual make a preference between what his blood relation(s) and / or kin deems and his personal morals or at what occasion should a youngster depart his parents home and limitations and quit, to make his own decisions?I suppose the reason that this fiction is important is because Faulkner inscribes it in such a manner that it fetches the booklover in and makes him/her empathize with Sarty and his honorable dilemma. The hero in this story is a child named Sarty Snopes, kid of Abner Snopes who is an arsonist. He is an unfortunate, forlorn, and bemused little boy who is at th e kindness of his arrogant father Abner.He is demoralized, immature and has a well-built sense of correct and incorrect. Sarty swears in aid of his father’s defense, and albeit he finds the fairness satisfying, he is indicting his father of the felonies he committed; Ab is Snopes opponent as well. Snopes has endured a very itinerant existence with panic and disgrace because of his father’s crimes.This contradicts with his outlook of justice, correct and incorrect. Snopes eventually comes to the decision and alienated himself from the control of another man and capitulated to his own (Loges, 1998). In appreciating that Snopes becomes a rebel icon to the reader. References Loges, M. L. (1998), Faulkner's Barn Burning, Journal Title: The Explicator, Vol. 57 No. 1, pp. 44-45.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Essay about social medias Essay
In this essay we hear about Roger Scruton’s thoughts on social Medias. Most of his opinions on social Medias are negative, and only a few things are positive. He doesn’t think that this is how we should live our lives, and I agree completely. But we also have to look at the positive things. For instance think about how amazing it is to communicate with another person on the other side of the world. We learn new cultures much faster, and can communicate with people in other countries. One of my examples is something I have experienced in real life: About 5 years ago I met a Chinese boy in a hotel in Phuket, Thailand. We became good friends and enjoyed each other’s company for two weeks during our vacation. Just before I had to go home, I got his Email address, and within a week we could talk through MSN (Microsoft Messenger). This is what I think is amazing about social medias, and I think Roger Scruton has left out some of these advantages in his article. We just have to take small cautious steps, so we can discover new things, and new ways to communicate without ruining the normal social way to communicate face to face. It is important to remember that through a computer- screen you cannot see each other’s feelings and always understand the other persons reactions. When communicating through a computer, it is very important that you trust the person whom you are communicating with, and it is difficult to count on/ and believe in someone who is sitting on the other side of the grid, instead of sitting face to face with the person. And then again†¦. Big companies would never be able to expand as fast as they do today without the Internet. Big business deals can be signed from the vest to china and back, and we have the amazing industrial development, which we never would be able to have without grid and the on-line communication. Sometimes people just have to take a step back and but their phones and computers in the drawer and go out and meet people. Last week we were with the new beginner classes from Knord on an introduction tour. We stayed in a house south of Kà ¸ge with no internet or connection to the online net. It was amazing to see how desperate people were. Even I was running around each day to get net, and our teachers complained. Adult with 30- 40 years of experience wanted Internet so desperately. If people get that desperate and addicted to the internet it has certainly taken over our world. Sometimes things can be too virtual, and here we have to be careful. Virtual sex, virtual dates and virtual shopping is dangerous, because when we keep on being in the virtual world, one day we will not be able to see the difference between this and the real world. As Roger says in the article that real life involves taking risks, it helps in times needed, being joyful in times of celebrating together. This is what makes us special. Communication through body language, sounds and language is what makes the difference to the virtual world. We will never be able to have the same feelings and emotions through a screen, and because of that we have to make a distance to the grid. We should use it as a tool and not as a second chance in the world, were we can hide in our rooms and still communicate with everybody.
Monday, July 29, 2019
FINAL ESSAY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
FINAL - Essay Example However, there are possible legal theories that will govern the litigant’s trial strategy. For instance, if the defendant is impecunious and his liability insurance will not cover punitive damages it will not make sense to pursue punitive damages since it is commonly believed that when juror’s award punitive damages they tend to be quire modest in compensatory damages awards. Guided by this legal theory the litigant will likely proceed with a trial strategy that abandons a claim for punitive damages.(Blanchard, p. 502) In Blanchard’s second example, the plaintiff is injured in a car accident in which the defendant driver had consumed alcoholic beverages prior to the accident. While the consumption of alcohol is evidence of the defendant’s negligence the defendant might adapt a legal theory that supports a contention that the plaintiff knew that the defendant had been drinking and therefore voluntarily assumed the risk by getting in the car driven by the de fendant. Based on this legal theory the plaintiff’s trial strategy will involve shifting the focus away from the defendant’s alcohol consumption.(Blanchard, P. 503) There are two methods by which a witness can be compelled to appear at a trial at a specific time for the purpose of cross-examination. One method is by application to the court for a pretrial order requiring the witness to appear for cross-examination. Once the court makes the order the witness is under an obligation to appear or face prosecution for contempt of court. (Blanchard p.510) The second method of compelling a witness to appear at a trial at a particular time for cross-examination is by virtue of a subpoena. Proof of service of the subpoena is necessary following which the court has the authority to hold a non-complying witness in contempt or to delay proceedings until such time as the witness can be brought to court by
Sunday, July 28, 2019
International human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
International human resource management - Essay Example Social architecture is defined as a new organizational change management. The use of effective recognition program can help to reinforce the essential values of the company to life. The prime purpose of the project is to provide in-depth knowledge on one of the key duties of Human Resource Managementwhich is to build and create social architecture in multinational firms. The application of decentralization can redistribute people, power and functions from a chief authority. The development of social architecture enables to motivate each individual within an organization. The conscious design of an environment within the organization can modify human behavior to achieve certain goals (Tripples, 1996, p.2). In the modern era of globalization, it has become a pivotal objective of multinational firms to avoid pitfalls in a global workforce. It is vital for organization to build and design effective social architecture to foster a culture that can help to avoid pitfalls and develop successful strategy deployment (Soliman, 2009, p.17). Monetary, non-monetary incentives and employee appraisal can motivate employee for better job performance. According to Nora McKenzie and Andrew Ballentine, non-monetary incentives include promise of opportunity and flexible work schedule. Cash bonus, profit sharing and stock options are the monetary incentives (Jones, 1999, p.8). According to Abraham Maslow, the hierarchy of needs is a theory of human motivation. The approach of human resource management is to create an effective work environment can benefit multinational firms to make full use of the human resources.A motivating workplace environment can create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm among the employees. According to Karen Evans, the development of workplace environment can change the disposition of employees (Dunning, 2009, p.12). The application of decentralization can create better efficiency and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Document 20 Oral interview with robert Rasmus Essay
Document 20 Oral interview with robert Rasmus - Essay Example He says it felt like being in a dramatic movie, but with the added terror of it actually being real. It took a while for him to get used to this. Later in the interview he describes his six week tour of duty, and actual examples of the battles he was in and how they were. Throughout the rest of the interview though he returns to that same conflict he feels between the excitement of the war and the horrors of the reality of it, and how he doesn’t want to die. He says he was â€Å"pulled in two directions: Gee, I don’t wanna get killed. And, Boy, this is gorgeous country.†In the rest of his interview he talks about the experience of taking one German town and then another one, and how the first to die was a sergeant everybody hated and wanted to kill. But he is sure nobody in his platoon did fire the shot, and that it was a German. The immediate historical context of this document is the end of World War II. It is a war that many people thought had to be fought be cause of the evils of Hitler and the holocaust. Despite that, and despite the worthiness of the cause of the war, to the soldiers fighting in the war it was still terrifying. This accounts for the sense of â€Å"schizophrenia†that Robert Rasmus refers to several times in the interview. He felt simultaneously as if he was doing the right thing, and that it was great, and that he was going to die, and he did not want to die.
Friday, July 26, 2019
International Organizations of Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Organizations of Africa - Essay Example (Draper, 2003) Much analysis of African socio-economic issues was done by UNCTAD. It aims at increasing global understanding of the development problems of Africa so that action at national, regional and international levels can be accelerated and promoted to ensure integration of African countries in the world economy. (Draper, 2003) Towards that effect, UNCTAD works with various international organizations. It also contributes to the New Partnership for Africa's development (NEPAD). The year 2005 will undoubtedly a most favourable year for the region. Apart from the G8 summit in Scotland (where Africa dominated the agenda); the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong in December highlighted the continent too. While the importance of aid and debt relief for the poorest countries on the continent is acknowledged, favourable terms of trade are increasingly regarded as the key to sustainable economic development and self-sufficiency. The matrix of carve-outs from GATT disciplines included exemptions for developing countries from tariff liberalization. Tariff reduction negotiations therefore covered industrial goods and were dominated by developed countries who exchanged concessions among themselves. Apart from exclusions from some obligations, another aspect of SDT was the granting of preferential market access to developing countries by developed countries as an allowable departure from the non-discrimination principle underpinning GATT. For this and other reasons relating to the overall power distribution in the system, developing countries and African countries were not seen as equal partners in the negotiations. In addition, reliance on preferences locked many African economies into long-term dependency on low value added production for developed country markets. approach' to SDT gave way to one of limiting policy flexibilities and exemptions from obligations, except for least developed countries (LDCs), whilst allowing for 'asymmetry' in developing country commitments. To pacify developing countries, a range of SDT provisions was built into the various WTO agreements. (Draper, 2003) Like many developing countries, African countries were not happy with the results of the Uruguay Round. They adopted a defensive stance towards developed countries, which contributed to failure in two WTO Ministerial Conferences in Seattle and Cancun. They further highlighted their disillusionment by opposing the initiation of the current round of negotiations calling for past 'injustices' to be addressed first. Only after a much diplomatic compromises, particularly with promises of a new round to address their developmental issues they finally relented. With specific reference to the Doha Development Agenda and in generally, a fairer WTO for Africa, some issues to be considered: "agricultural reform, non-agricultural market access challenges; SDT and the implementation agenda; interpretation of WTO rules, as well as adjustment assistance for those countries that stand to lose from liberalization." (Draper, 2005) Africa could benefit from reductions in subsidies in developed country, which promotes price
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Antonio Vivaldi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Antonio Vivaldi - Research Paper Example He is also an innovator, and also a contributor to music, with program music as an example. Baroque music is a style of music that began in the period of 1600 to 1750, the time when Bach died. It follows the Renaissance and it is followed by Classical era. It is characteristically ornate. This is the period where operas began, especially in there early stages of it, on 1600-1640s. The text with extreme emotions with homophony was employed. The middle phase was from 1640 to 1680, and in this phase, baroque music was spread all over Europe. The influence of the church is evident in this phase, as the musicians used the major and minor scales. The late phase is the most famous, as the music that is popularly Baroque usually come from this phase. In this phase, the instrumental music became as important as the vocals and elaborate polyphony was the norm. It should be noted that the music prior to the Baroque era is homophonic and the Baroque era gave way to elaborate ensembles. This movement also produced functional tonality and developed new ways of playing with instruments. Pictorialism is evident in music as there are words that are emphasized through the use of notes. It should also be noted that the Baroque orchestra is based on the violin. This is the reason why, even though there are a lot of Baroque musicians, Vivaldi is exceptional. He is a master violinist and he influenced other Baroque musicians like Bach, who is one of the more prominent Baroque musicians. Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice, Italy in March 4, 1768. He had five siblings. His father was a barber-turned-professional violinist. He was the one who taught Vivaldi how to play the violin, and then they toured Venice together as father and son. Vivaldi’s father was the founder of the musical association called Sovvegno dei musicisti di Santa Cecilia. It has been theorized that this is where the young Antonio Vivaldi learned how to make compositions with the help of the
Introduction to Geography - Food and Climate Assignment
Introduction to Geography - Food and Climate - Assignment Example According to Moneo & Iglesias (2004, par. 2), â€Å"climate is one of the main factors which controls what natural resources we have and is an important element of sustainable development. Agriculture and water resources are intrinsically linked with climate†. In Asia for example, known for countries enjoying a tropical climate, the staple food is rice. This applies to countries such as Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, among others. Rice has been known to grow in tropical countries with lots of high temperatures the whole year round concurrent with a well defined rainy season, conducive to planting rice. Aside from rice, tropical countries are conducive to producing fruits such as pineapple, mango, banana; legumes; root crops like potatoes, cassava and yams, among a host of other foods. These crops like warm weather with intermittent rain. In the United States, where geography and climate differ across various regions, food production likewise varies depending on climatic conditions. The CIA World Factbook (2010) described the climate in the USA as â€Å"mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the great plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the Great Basin of the southwest; low winter temperatures in the northwest are ameliorated occasionally in January and February by warm chinook winds from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains†. As such, the major crops produced are corn, soybeans, hay, wheat, and sorghum (EPA, 2009). Foods in midlatitude climates such as those coming from Colombia are mostly coffee, banana, sugarcane, and other staple crops like â€Å"rice, beans, cassava, potatoes, barley, corn, and wheat†(US Library of Congress, n.d., para. 10). Corn is also considered a staple crop together with wheat and barley which is adaptable to a climate in higher grounds. The moist continental climate in regions such as Japan have foods such as â€Å"rice, sugar beets, vegetables, fruit. Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Major Theoretical Perspectives Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Major Theoretical Perspectives - Assignment Example The main question which is put forward by functionalist sociologists is that how is a society kept close together at all times and how is its order maintained? To begin with functionalists concentrate upon two ideas that are closely related to their idea of how societies are held together. Firstly, how is order maintained in our society, and secondly, what are the major reasons behind the stability which exists in our society. Functionalists do not focus upon the differences found in different parts of the society. They in fact focus on how the shared norms, values and mores help create social solidarity and cohesion. (Browne, 2006) The ideas of functionalists are based on the concept of organic analogy. These ideas were initially discussed by patron sociologists like Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim. They explained that the society was like a human body. If there was pain in one part of the body it will affect the functioning of the whole society. Therefore, it was necessary for the society to be in equilibrium. Durkheim ("The Rules of Sociological Method", 1895) emphasizes on two concepts. The first concept is of social solidarity. Solidarity is based upon such things as common culture, socialization, basic values and norms. It is these common ideas which bring about social cohesion in the society thereby, giving it the form of a human body. The second concept is that of collective conscience - the "external expression" of the collective will of people living in a society. This represents the social forces that help bind people together (to integrate them into the collective behavior that is society). It can be likened to the "will" of society. The most popular functionalist of America, Talcott Parsons (1951), focused on the behavior of the people while under the influence of social institutions. For Parsons, the key to the survival of the society was the shared norms and values held by its individual members. Deviation from those norms leads to
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
MIH512-Demography and Health (Module 3-SLP) Essay
MIH512-Demography and Health (Module 3-SLP) - Essay Example This population increase lead to the societal changes proposed by Durkheim, namely that an increase in population would lead to a more dense society with more specialization. This in turn would then influence future patterns of population growth or decrease. The growth in both countries is very similar. Rapid population growth in the late 18th and early 19th centuries was caused by an influx of emigrants. Neither one of these nations has experienced any significant amount of out-migration. Traditionally they have been the destination for immigrants. Both countries also show aspects of the Theory of Demographic Transition. The projected population shows a leveling of growth over the next few decades. This growth is then shown to decrease indefinitely for some time afterwards. The burning question is can these countries sustain continued growth for the next few decades before an overall decline is realized, or are we already at the threshold of the carrying capacity of our ecosystem. Some neo-Malthusians would argue that the greatest hope for humanity is an increase in the death rate, thus slowing the growth of the population. Canada and Brazil are both countries with vast natural resources and lots of open space. The advanced economy of Canada and the growing economy of Brazil seem to indicate that they will be able to provide growth and a high standard of living for much of their population into the near future. But as Eberstadt points out in his article, population growth or decline is largely determined by culture, so projections of growth or decline are tricky to make (Eberstadt, 2003). According to the Rule of 69, Canada’s population is expected to double in about 68 years. This is calculated based on the current change in population change from 2007-2008 of 1.01%. Brazil is expected to double its population in about 73 years based on an annual growth of .96%. It does not seem likely that this doubling will
Monday, July 22, 2019
The meaning of life Essay Example for Free
The meaning of life Essay Introduction: According to Saint Exupery in The Halo (2006), â€Å"Each man must look to himself to teach him the meaning of life. It is not something discovered: it is something moulded. †The meaning of life has a no specific definition; it depends on how each individual give meaning to their lives. It is a natural thing for an individual to curiously know about their life since their birth till death. Moreover, human beings are also curious to find out why they were put in this earth that is why babies keep touching everything in order to experience all their surroundings from the very beginning (Taylor, 2000). In this essay, the concept of meaning will be significantly analysed. Firstly, by defining the meaning which will secondly be followed by discussing the different types of needs an individual must meet to experience the meaning of life. Thirdly, the types of things that enhance and curb the experience of the meaning of life will be highlighted. Lastly, various practical steps will be described to enhance the experience of the meaning of life. This essay will be intertwined with personal reflections and aspirations that have enhanced the meaning of life for the writer. What is the meaning of ‘meaning’? Subjectivism: According to Eagleton (2007), everyone adds their own meaning to life. The meaning of life is never universal or complex. The meaning of life is very simple and people experience it when they understand the universe, themselves, their identity and their goal in life (Bennet, 2005). Subjectivists state that the meaning differs with individuals’ psychological and mental states and their desires and goals. For example one individual can find meaning of life in music or art while other may find it in attaining goals or in religion (REF). In addition to this, (REF) states that life only becomes meaningful when all the needs and wants are fulfilled and when the individual is content and satisfied with themselves. Super naturalistic views: On the other hand, spiritual beings consider their lives to be consequential and significant when they can reach the pious pathway God has set (REF). The God-centred view points out that the definitive meaning of life is holistically attained. Moreover, an individual will only figure out the meaning of life when they are not attached to the worldly desires (REF). Personal reflection: Personally, the meaning of life for me is constantly being in search for my identity and accomplishing the goals I have set in life. I explore my identity through my art work as it helps me express my feelings and emotions about everything. My art work makes me realize who I am as a person and what people interpret me as a person through my paintings. What types of needs must be met for a person to experience meaning in life? Searching the meaning of life is a motivational force in an individual however; the degree of motivation to which they search the meaning of life differs in all individuals (REF). Despite individuals having different degrees of motivation, there are some needs and conditions that must be met for the individuals to experience the meaning of life. Individuals do not necessarily have to meet the same needs and conditions to experience the meaning of life. Some individuals are inspired by other individuals like great artists, inventors and thinkers, some individuals need sense of belonging, some need to experience certain events to make sense of life while others need to attain autonomy and self efficacy to experience the meaning of life. In short, individuals can discover the meaning of life through social work, experiencing something or someone or reactions towards unavoidable circumstances (REF). For example, an individual who is very emotional needs to experience the need of belonging in order to experience the meaning of life. They need to have many friends and a good relationship with their family in order to satisfy their need of belonging; this helps the individual to live a happy and full life. However, if they do not feel the sense of belonging, they have no hope hence do not have anything to look forward to and see no point of living. Conversely, not all individuals need to meet the need of belonging to experience the meaning of life. Some may have to experience the need of autonomy and self efficacy. These types of individuals usually have certain goals and tasks in life which they believe they can attain thus that would help them experience the meaning of life. For example, an individual whose goal is to become a doctor tries to attain that goal by being a hard worker and devoting all his time to attain their goal. They would experience the meaning of life when they achieve the title of the doctor as it would help them conquer a place in the community and gain some prestige. In addition to this, if an individual fails to attain this need might gain a very low self esteem which would then impact on the choices they makes in life. They would become very dependent on others and would not be able to cope with that leading them to suffer from various health issues. What types of things enhance the experience of meaning in life? The meaning of life can be enhanced by sustaining life, accepting a teaching, giving life or creating wisdom (REF). For example things that would enhance the meaning of life for mothers, doctors and nurses is when they deliver as links in a biological chain by giving life from one generation to the other. Young artists are inspired and enhance their meaning of life when they authorize and respect and accept their teacher’s work (REF). Personally, as an artist, the meaning of life for me is enhanced when I can appreciate the work of different artists and what they are trying to express in their paintings. Art work makes me understand the different feelings individuals go though and how they express it through drawings. It also makes me see different viewpoints of life and experiences people are going through. Despite all individuals having different needs to discover the meaning of life, there are certain things that all individuals require to enhance the meaning of life like: Hope Inspiration Goals High self esteem. What types of things curb the experience of meaning in life? Many individuals curb their experiences of the meaning in life due to: No inspiration or goals and failure: If an individual constantly fails and has no potential and inspiration of achieving his goals may feel ineffective and hopeless. They may start feeling that they have no purpose in life and life is completely meaningless for them. Loss of loved ones: loss of a loved one through death or divorce may affect an individual mentally and emotionally. They may feel the are not loved and do not belong anywhere as their loved one does not exist anymore. The loss brings suffering and misery which makes an individual believe that like if meaningless. Lastly, experiences like these pushes an individual to have a low self esteem and become reserved (REF). Personal Reflection: If individuals are not open, emotionless or afraid to be seen as themselves due to low self esteem cannot enhance their meaning of life and hence would curb this experience. As an artist, my goal is to become an art teacher and help other children to express their feelings through painting if they cannot through words. However, I have a clear goal and always have been inspired by my father to attain this goal. If I had a low self esteem and did not believe in myself, I would have no hope hence that would curb the search of meaning of life as I would feel I am worthless Practical steps to enhance the experience of a meaningful life As mentioned above, many individuals curb their experiences of the meaning in life due to low self esteem, no inspiration, no goals and being reserved. However, they can enhance their experience firstly by accepting and believing in themselves. This would help them make a contribution to life and share their best. According to (REF) self-destructive behaviour can be conquered by increasing self-efficacy and self-esteem. This can be done through counselling so that they can start believing in themselves. Individuals who need the sense of belonging to experience the meaning of life should try and fit in and socialize with people they are close to and have good relationships with them all. Furthermore, individuals who are trying to attain a specific goal should always reward themselves every time they are a step closer towards the goal. This would keep them motivated and not lose hope. Personally, I enhance my experience by acknowledging the great artists and how they are an inspiration to other young artists. Conclusion Finally as mentioned there is no specific meaning of life. All individuals need to meet different types of needs such as the need of belonging, experiencing life threatening incidents, need of autonomy and self efficacy to experience the meaning of life. An individual’s perception, values, needs and feelings centre him and help in organizing the world around him. Feelings help in expressing oneself. If an individual has a great skill in expressing himself, he can change the larger world. Great artists found expressions in their art work which helped them change the world that came after them. The creations around us are the different individuals trying to express themselves and their experiences of the meaning of life. All the inhibitors that we posses such as low self esteem and inner struggles should be resolved to make life more creative and enhance the meaning of life.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Assisted Living Volunteer Experience Reflection
Assisted Living Volunteer Experience Reflection Austina Burton Robert Frost, a famous American poet, wrote, â€Å"Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.†This is an excerpt from one of his most well-known poems, The Road Not Taken. It intends that in making this choice, one is trying to distinguish oneself from the rest of the world by taking the less traveled road, or the less popular decision. This indicates a person who is ready to take a chance, and to face a challenge. This is directly related to the foundation of The Davis Community, where I volunteered at this semester. In 1963, Champion McDowell Davis was a retired railroad executive. He began with a vision to create a positive living environment for aging men and women. This vision inspired him to transform his family’s former peanut plantation into, what is today a 50-acre not-for-profit community, where seniors choose to live (Davis, 2014). The Health Care Center, at The D avis Community, welcomed its first residents in 1966. In 2000, Champions Assisted Living was completed, which added another support service in the Davis Community. In 2010, the Rehabilitation and Wellness Pavilion was added, to provide seniors with a modern fitness center, outpatient therapies, and short-term inpatient care (Davis, 2014). Agency Information The part of the Davis Community I volunteered in was Champion’s Assisted Living. Its exact address is 1007 Porters Neck Rd, Wilmington, NC 28411. The Davis Community campus is located at Porters Neck, on a 50-acre campus (Davis, 2014). It is only a quarter of a mile from the Intracoastal Waterway. The campus is settled in a woodland location with luxury homes, yacht basins, and golf courses in close proximity. Nearby to the property is Plantation Village, an independent, not-for-profit residential community for seniors (Davis, 2014). The Davis Community is only 12 miles from Historic Downtown Wilmington, and the campus is within easy reach of the Wilmington International Airport and major roadways. Their phone number is 910-686-6462 (Davis, 2014). The person who was my supervisor was the activity director at Champions. Her name is Vicki Hardiman. My orientation was on January 24th, then I volunteered every Monday since January 27th. I skipped Monday, March 3rd because I was on spring break. Then my last day was on April 7th. What I Did During the orientation, I was welcomed in immediately. I was given a handbook and an application to fill out. There were other volunteers there for an orientation. At the end, we were given a tour of the building. On my first day I painted in the memory care unit, with the memory care patients. I helped a woman named Marilyn. The second day consisted of crafts and bingo, and, on my third day, there was a sing along group that came to perform, and then I helped with bingo. On the fourth day, I got to take control of my own activity because the staff was short-handed. I conducted a trivia game for half an hour, with the general population. The fifth day I volunteered consisted of craft time and bingo. On the sixth day, I attended craft time in memory care, and then I got to bake cookies. On the seventh day I volunteered, I got to watch a woman play the piano and sing, then I helped during bingo. The eighth day was really fun. I got to help Vicki do a trivia game, and then help with bin go. On my last day, I set up the recreation room for bingo, then helped get residents to the homeschooled children’s play on the second floor. Agency Structure Champions Assisted Living is a not-for-profit organization. The agency’s distinction of nonprofit is that decisions are guided by principle not profit (Davis, 2014). The people who make the decisions for the Davis Community is the Board of Directors. Then rules, regulations, and information is given to the staff to go bye (Davis, 2014). My supervisor was the Activity Director, so she was over the activity department for the assisted living home. Vicki had two people working under her, but she never treated them as such. The staff at Champions Assisted Living work as a team. There is a social worker who works at Champions Assisted Living. She has a Bachelor’s degree. Her job at Champions consists of conducting pre-residency assessments, and screening, of potential residents, and makes recommendations for appropriate level of residency. She is also responsible for evaluating the psychosocial, and activity of daily living needs of residents, and coordinating care and services as needed. She develops a care plan based on the resident’s needs, and works with an interdisciplinary team to communicate with residents and families before the plan of care is changed, or when there is a change in the resident’s condition. She provides individualized support to residents, and their families, through family meetings or support groups, and assists through the transition process to a higher level of care. Lastly, she monitors the needs of residents routinely. Many clients are served by Champions Assisted Living. The minimum age, that a resident may be, is 55 years old (Davis, 2014). Both males and females are welcome, as well as, all ethnicities. As far as the needs of the clients is concerned, there are caregivers and nurses that are assigned to specific halls on each level of the building, and there are a lot of services for each individual resident. When it comes to doing research, the most Champions does is keep medical records, and do checkups on each patient that is there. Champions provides a variety of services. When it comes to care services, Champions offers assisted living, skilled nursing care, rehabilitation and wellness, dementia care, respite care, and end of life care. Champions has a special care Alzheimer’s unit, and offers many amenities. A few of these are emergency call units in each bedroom and bathroom, clinic services open seven days a week, weekly housekeeping and daily tidying, restaurant-style dining, an in-house beauty salon/barber shop, a wide variety of activities, including weekly field trips to restaurants and museums, laundry services, pharmacy services, and psychological services (Davis, 2014). There are governmental policies that influence how Champions assisted Living operates. One of them is the policy about the minimum age of residents. To be eligible to be a resident at Champions Assisted Living, one must be 55 years old or older. Another policy is a no smoking policy in private or public areas indoors (Davis, 2014). This was set in place because some of the residents have oxygen tanks they carry around with them. You are not supposed to have an open flame around one, under any circumstance. Feelings over Experience My feeling about the experience was that, mainly, it was fun. It was definitely a memorable experience. I learned a lot while I was there, about myself, and the population I want to work with in the future. The volunteering I did at Champions was enjoyable. I got to spend a lot of time with the residents. Volunteering there was definitely worth it. The agency is a great community for the older adults to live out the rest of their lives. It has a good atmosphere, and the staff were nice. I could tell the staff was qualified for their jobs. Continue Services I would be willing to continue to volunteer at Champions Assisted Living. Patrick White, author of Three Uneasy Pieces, summed up the public’s feelings about the older adult population in his own opinion. I would like to believe in the myth that we grow wiser with age. Those of a middle generation, if charitable or sentimental, subscribe to the wisdom myth, while the callous see us as dispensable objects, like broken furniture or dead flowers. For the young, we scarcely exist unless we are unavoidable members of the same family, farting, slobbering, and perpetually mislaying teeth and bifocals. (White, 1988) I am one of the few â€Å"young†who still view old age as wisdom. Every day that I volunteered, I learned something new from one of the residents. Sometimes it was as simple as experiencing a kindness I never had before. Other times, it was listening to their life stories. Older people have encountered some amazing incidents in their journey of life. When they shared their life stories, it gave me an insight about lifestyle in their time. The life stories I was told were very insightful to why things are the way they are in the present time. Also, it is very interesting to know about their adventures and the places they travelled to. I would be willing to provide services to any agency, not just an assisted living facility. I believe volunteering is very important, because you get to learn about new agencies, it looks good on a resume, and one can gain much needed experience from it. Human Behavior in the Social Environment In terms of human behavior in the social environment, I observed a lot of activities at the agency regarding client issues. I did not see much aggressive behavior. The old ladies were mean sometimes, though, during bingo. Most of the residents were really sweet, and non-confrontational. I didn’t observe any resistance to activities of daily living care. I also did not observe any depression. Sometimes when I was there, some of the residents would not want to partake in the activities, such as board games or trivia time. On these occasions, the staff had to be extra suggestive to get them excited about the activities. I noticed that everyone in memory care was forgetful in some way. For example, they needed assistance with walking to places or they would get side tracked very easily. Every resident at Champions Assisted Living needed assistance in some way. Conclusion Overall, I enjoyed volunteering at Champions Assisted Living. I would consider volunteering here again. I loved working with the staff, and visiting with the residents. I had fun watching all the old ladies play bingo, and I liked helping them. Champions is a nice facility. The Davis community, in total, is great. The campus is set in a nice location. It is close to the ocean, as well as, downtown Wilmington. I am glad I chose to do my service learning at Champions Assisted Living. References The Davis Community: Assisted Living in Wilmington NC. (2014). Retrieved April 9, 2014, from White, P. (1988). Three uneasy pieces. London: Jonathan Cape.
‘Nature Versus Nurture’ as Predictors of Happiness
‘Nature Versus Nurture’ as Predictors of Happiness Pauline Tovee Write a critical discussion essay in response to the following task, based on your close reading of any five of the ten source texts, Texts 1 – 10 Draw on any five of the ten sources texts, discuss the relative importance of ‘nature versus nurture’ as predictors of happiness This assignment will discuss the relative importance of ‘nature versus nurture’ as predictors of happiness. The assignment will also compare and contrast all sides of the equation and discuss which is the most important as a predictor of happiness ‘nature or ‘nurture’ or whether both have a bearing on happiness. The stance taken in this assignment is that neither ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’ can fulfil the role of a single predictor, and that the combining of both the genetic and environmental factors, contribute to happiness. Defining happiness is not an easy task to accomplish. However, it can be argued that a simple definition of happiness is a sensation of positivity which covers a whole range of feelings or emotions, from pleasure to gratification. (Spoors et al, as cited in Text 2, L185, 2014). On one hand, with regard to ‘nature’, it has been argued a healthy lifestyle equates to a happy brain. Sugar has also been explored as having an important role within our brains and bodies, to keep a stable quantity available continuously. The blood sugar within one’s body fluctuates throughout the day; thus when the sugar level is at its peak one feels elated or happy within one’s mood span. However, when one’s blood sugar level has decimated to a low level, moods can change to one of irritability and tiredness, thus the cells do not get enough of the chemicals they require to function correctly. Then again, it has also been debated, brain activity is also a way of gauging happiness by simply inquiring of people on how happy that were at a particular time, though this is not specifically accurate. If two people say they are comparatively happy, one can still not be certain that both individuals are, in reality, encountering exactly the same intensity of happiness. A procedure used by Davidson, with the use of an electroencephalograph (EEG), measures action within the brain, including parts of the brain which are not active. The active part of the brain produces electrical pulses. These are selected by the electrodes located on the head. However, what Davidson did discover was that in people who stated they were feeling happy and cheerful, the action in the frontal area of the brain, on the left-hand side was more active. When pessimistic thoughts were portrayed, there was more action in the frontal area of the brain on the right-hand side. (Spoors et al, as cited in Text 3, L 185, 2014) However, ‘nurture can also play its role in the pursuit of happiness with respect to social influences. People who are loved and valued by their families are more likely to have happy dispositions than those who are undervalued and exploited by their conflicting roles within the family circle. People who are involved within formal occupations or those who work in the home, for example those who study, care for others (including children) and those who work taking care of the home, can each form a foundation of happiness. Work does not only provide people with financial support, but can also give people a sense of achievement and add meaning to their lives. Peter Warr (2007) equates employment to having one’s daily dose of vitamins, a certain amount of which is need for wellbeing and health. Richard Layard (2008) claims ‘Unemployment (in the broadest sense) can reduce happiness by destroying self-respect and the positive social relationships created by work’ In addition, researchers in psychology claim people who live in western society are, by and large, more happy than those in other societies in a survey taken of approximately 80,000 people in over 178 separate countries. Adrian White created a ‘happiness’ level of these countries. At the highest position was Denmark which was trailed closely by Switzerland, Austria and Iceland. However, countries such as Zimbabwe and Burundi were the least happiest countries. Researchers have suggested people who are living in countries whose economy is developing, may well have more amounts of happiness, which clearly define the feeling of ‘contentment’ than, for example, those who live in western societies. Further research done by the New Economics Foundation in 2006, discovered that the Pacific Island of Vanuatu, was purported to be the happiest nation on Earth, even though it is one of the poorest countries. (Spoors et al, as cited in Text 6, L185, 2014). In comparison, the question can be asked time and time again; are we the product of either our genes or simply of our environment, the physical, social and also the cultural? As Phoenix argues, ‘Whilst psychological debates are often presented as dichotomies (fixidty versus change: nature versus nurture), these debates should not be seen as requiring either/or choices’ (Phoenix, A. 2007, as cited in Text 1, L185, 2014) From evidence available, being naturally happy (by nature) and a in a nurturing (environment and experience) happiness, can influence peoples’ happiness. Research has shown that twins who are identical (have identical genes) are more comparable in their levels of happiness, than a set of twins who do not have the same identical genes. Layard argues ‘Scientists have shown that our family relationships are more important than any other single factor affecting our happiness’. (Layard, 2005). Maybe the fundamental message is that the majority of people, irrespective of their genes or their environment, are able to take the key steps to expand their levels of contentment, for example happiness and their emotional wellbeing. Happiness does not only come from outside influences and our environment, but also from within one’s self. Neither of the two is in conflict with each other. ‘The true pilgrim fights the evils of the world out there and cultivates the s pirit within’ (Layard, 2005 as cited in L185, Text 7). In conclusion the evidence indicates that although ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’ do play an important role within one’s dreams of happiness, they are not separate in that role. The influence of each position contributes to happiness as a whole. It is not easy to define happiness completely; what may be complete contentment for one person is not the same for another, for we are all different in our genetic makeup and our environment and general upbringing. Word Count: 1025 References: The Open University (2012), L185, English for Academic Purposes, EMA, Text 1: Avoiding Dichotomies in Psychological Thinking [online] (accessed 17 May 2014) The Open University (2012), L185, English for Academic Purposes, EMA, Text 2: What Makes Us Happy? [online] (accessed 17 May 2014) The Open University (2012), L185, English for Academic Purposes, EMA, Text 3: What Makes Us Happy – Happy Brains [online] (accessed 17 May 2014) The Open University (2012), L185, English for Academic Purposes, EMA, Text 6: What Makes Us Happy – Social Influences [online] (accessed 17 May 2014) The Open University (2012), L185, English for Academic Purposes, EMA, Text 7: Naturally Happy and Nurturing Happiness [online] (accessed 17 May 2014)
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Pride and Prejudice :: English Literature
Pride and Prejudice "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Taken from Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice, this is probably one of the most famous opening sentences in English literature. It is clear to see from this one sentence that the novel is going to be about money, marriage and morals. The question is, from whose perspective, is a single, rich man in want of a wife? As we begin to read the novel, it becomes apparent that it is Mrs Bennet who believes that all rich, single men must be in want of a wife when she says at the beginning of the very first chapter, "A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls," (volume 1, chapter 1, page 1). Mr and Mrs Bennet have just five daughters. Unfortunately for them, they have no sons and in the time of Jane Austen writing Pride and Prejudice, it was only the sons who could, and would, inherit the wealth of the family. Therefore, with the Bennets having just daughters, it meant that the closest male relative, a cousin in this instance named Mr Collins, to the head of the household, Mr Bennet, would inherit his wealth. The ladies would then be left having to rely on family and would hope to be provided with all they needed. So, it was imperative to Mrs Bennet that at least one of her daughter's, if not all, married well. Well enough to be able to provide security for herself, the other daughters and of course, Mrs Bennet, should anything happen to Mr Bennet. In fact, as we see at the beginning of chapter three, when Mrs Bennet says, "If I can see but one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield, and the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for," (volume 1, chapter 3, page 5), that she would want for nothing else. As interactions between potential couples didn't happen very often, it was difficult for them to get to know each other properly. Generally, the only chance potential couples had of interacting with each other was at assembly balls, arranged by fellow family members or friends. Even then, they didn't get much chance of privacy and could only chat privately whilst dancing. "To be fond of dancing was a sure step towards falling in love," (volume1, chapter 3, page 5). As we progress through the novel, we see the heir to Mr Bennet's wealth, Mr Collins, plan to marry one of the Bennet girls as an "offer Pride and Prejudice :: English Literature Pride and Prejudice "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Taken from Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice, this is probably one of the most famous opening sentences in English literature. It is clear to see from this one sentence that the novel is going to be about money, marriage and morals. The question is, from whose perspective, is a single, rich man in want of a wife? As we begin to read the novel, it becomes apparent that it is Mrs Bennet who believes that all rich, single men must be in want of a wife when she says at the beginning of the very first chapter, "A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls," (volume 1, chapter 1, page 1). Mr and Mrs Bennet have just five daughters. Unfortunately for them, they have no sons and in the time of Jane Austen writing Pride and Prejudice, it was only the sons who could, and would, inherit the wealth of the family. Therefore, with the Bennets having just daughters, it meant that the closest male relative, a cousin in this instance named Mr Collins, to the head of the household, Mr Bennet, would inherit his wealth. The ladies would then be left having to rely on family and would hope to be provided with all they needed. So, it was imperative to Mrs Bennet that at least one of her daughter's, if not all, married well. Well enough to be able to provide security for herself, the other daughters and of course, Mrs Bennet, should anything happen to Mr Bennet. In fact, as we see at the beginning of chapter three, when Mrs Bennet says, "If I can see but one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield, and the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for," (volume 1, chapter 3, page 5), that she would want for nothing else. As interactions between potential couples didn't happen very often, it was difficult for them to get to know each other properly. Generally, the only chance potential couples had of interacting with each other was at assembly balls, arranged by fellow family members or friends. Even then, they didn't get much chance of privacy and could only chat privately whilst dancing. "To be fond of dancing was a sure step towards falling in love," (volume1, chapter 3, page 5). As we progress through the novel, we see the heir to Mr Bennet's wealth, Mr Collins, plan to marry one of the Bennet girls as an "offer
Friday, July 19, 2019
Bullying and School Violence Essay -- School Violence essays research
     The article title states exactly what the article talks about, the many different cases of bullying and violence in schools. The title tells you exactly what to expect from the abstract but does not give away any information on what it includes. The author did a good job deciding on the title because although it is simple, it grabs your attention, it certainly did mine. Bullying is a very common happening among young children so the title having the word bully in it, draws your attention. It could have been a little more creative but I do like the title and feel that it is both effective and appropriate.      The purpose of the study is evident and can clearly and easily be derived from the title of the article. The author, Dawn Pennington, uses a plethora of resources to conduct her research and makes very good use of the research of other specialists.The abstract is very informative, interesting and gives people who don’t know too much about the topic some credible knowledge to go with.      I appreciated the way that Pennington began the abstract. She used a well known tragedy in the shootings at Columbine to grab readers’ attention. I would say that she accomplished her mission in that aspect. However, that incident is actually a severe case of what she is writing about. This is what happens when bullying goes to far and the victims can no longer take it. Columbine being that it was such a large scale retaliation placed a stamp on this country’s history. Pennington...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Canadian Trade Balance Analysis :: essays research papers
Canada      The Canadian economy and the United States economy tend to move together because of the amount of transactions that take place within the two nations due to their geographical proximity. With the United States recently experiencing a downturn in the economy, analysts estimate that the Canadian economy will not be far behind. However, in the past 10 years the Canadian economy and especially the trade balance have been very healthy. Current Account      Since 1992, Canada has increased their amount of exports of goods year-in and year-out until slight downfalls in 2001 and 2002. However, between 1992 and 2000 they raised exports from $135 billion to $289 billion, an increase of 114%. Imports of goods also rose consistently over that nine year period from $128 billion to $244 billion. The key fact there though is that imports rose only 90% compared to a rise in exports of 114%. This has allowed Canada to maintain a very healthy trade balance, which has also risen consistently except for a few decreases in 1997, 1998, and 2002. They have not run a trade balance deficit on goods once since 1992.      Canada’s trade balance for services is similar to their trade balance for goods from a growth perspective, but with fewer breakdowns. Both exports and imports of services took very small hits in 2001. Overall, between 1992 and 2003 exports and imports of services rose 105% and 65% respectively. However with services the Canadian economy continually ran a deficit over this 12 year period.      Canada’s overall balance of goods and services also rose every year except for 1997, 1998, and 2002. They initially were running an overall deficit in 1992 and 1993 from a larger deficit in services than surplus in goods. The most common trend that is evident is that every trade category dropped in 2001 and/or 2002. There were no real substantial drops and the declines were quickly met with increases in the following years. It is likely that Canada’s economy felt at least some of the effects of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 because they are such a large trading partner of the United States.      The statistics indicate that Canada has primarily been an investor abroad, with substantial amounts of cash flows leaving the country. Again, both of these accounts grew almost every year. Between 1992 and 1997, funds received dropped only once in 1993. Likewise, funds invested abroad dropped only once within this time interval in 1996.
Effective inroduction Essay
This essay will be assessing how this section forms an effective introduction to the play. Firstly Miller sets the scene. He begins with describing ‘the backyard of the Keller home, in the outskirts of an American town. ‘ (pg 3) Automatically from this we gather that the play is an American drama. Evidently if you had read previous playwrights by Miller or know his Nationality you would have all ready established the fact of an American play. If not then with-in the first line you are well informed. Next he states the particular time of year in which the play is set â€Å"august of our era†(pg 3) this suggests the weather would be â€Å"beautiful? Not a cloud†(pg 4). It also even goes into further detail informing you of the date and time â€Å"early Sunday morning†(pg 3) He then progresses into describing the house and garden here we can already begin to guess the state, and class of the family. â€Å"The house is two stories high, and has seven rooms†(pg 3. ) He then describes the arrangement of the garden. â€Å"Garden chairs and a table are scattered around†(pg 3) this is very affective as we can imagine a clear picture of where the main conversations and drama will take place. The atmosphere is very cheerful and friendly and suggests that the Keller’s are a popular family. This contrasts later on in the play, when we find out they dint always used to be a popular family due to Joe’s jail incident, and the fact that the neighbour thought he was a ‘murderer. ‘ Also the biggest contrast would be at the end of the play when the tension wouldn’t be calm anymore, instead it is full of resentment by Chris towards Joe, full of guilt on Joe’s behalf, and finally after Joe’s suicide the mood it is upsetting and dramatic. The characters are then introduced; Joe, Chris, and the neighbours. Joe’s character’s first impression is under educated. â€Å"To see what people want you know? †(pg 4/5), and from the stage directions at the beginning of act one: â€Å".. terrible concentration of the uneducated man†(page 3. ) also He asks Dr Bayliss if Frank is: â€Å"Talking sense†(pg 6) this suggests he don’t understand him, This shows us he doesn’t understand people’s ideas, and has a very narrow view of people’s jobs and lively-hoods â€Å"wanted old dictionaries†¦ what’s a man going to do with an old dictionary? †(pg 5) This links into him being very money motivated and materialistic. He cares about money a great deal and values everything by it’s monetary value: â€Å"You mean he’ll make a living out of that? â€Å"(pg 5.) Also we know Joe is very proud and takes good care of his business, this is proven when Miller sets the scene talks about the house â€Å"cost fifteen thousand in the early twenties when it was built†(introduction pg 2) this suggests the house is only about 28-30 years old, as it was built in the twenties, and this play was written around two years of WWII ending in 1945. Meaning Keller has bought this house, and is able to provide and support his family indicating he is a good at his job, and a wealthy business man this is backed up later in the book when he talks to Kate about how he was â€Å"put out†(pg 72) at ten and made to earn for a living. Overall Joe has come from a poorer background, and has managed to work himself up the social ladder. He is not just a serious business man, he is kind and friendly, popular with Bert a young boy he often plays detective games with. Chris is Joe’s son who is introduced on page 9. Together Joe and Chris have a conversation where Ann (Chris’s wife to be as we find out later on in the play) people describe her as a â€Å"beautiful girl†she is seen as mysterious, which draws in the audience. Also Kate (Joe’s wife and Chris’s mother) who is seen as optimistic and living in hope are referred to, however at the start of Act Three there is a contrast between Kate’s idealism and Jim’s practicality. â€Å"you’re so childish Jim†showing she thinks he nai ve and immature. This starts the build up of tension in Act Three. Miller describes Chris as a â€Å"man capable of immense affection and loyalty†(pg 9 stage directions) Before the character even speaks the audience already gets a feel that Chris is going to be the ‘good-guy’ in the play. The other characters introduced are Dr Jim Bayliss our first impression of Jim is that he cynical and realistic when talking to Keller about the rain he says he doesn’t believe in the papers â€Å"then it cant†(pg 4) Hr is critical and sarcastic of the weather. Jim is very against his son being a doctor â€Å"over my dead body†(pg 6) this shows he doesn’t enjoy his profession and we find out later that he had tried to follow his ambition helping humanity, but he couldn’t afford to provide for his family. â€Å"I would love to help humanity on a Warner Brother’s salary†(pg 7) Again another person who is realistic about money, already we get an impression that one of the themes of the play is money and materialism. This also parallels Joes actions, both men have had to compromise their occupation, and had to do things they regret to earn a living. However there is a huge contrast at the start of Act Three. Jim realizes moneys not everything â€Å"money. Money-money-money-money, you say it long enough it doesn’t’ mean anything†(pg 69) This is a sub-plot in the play. But could this need for money all be down to his wife sue? Sue comes in just as Jim talks about â€Å"not a damn thing to look at in the neighbour hood†(pg 7) an awkward moment to introduce a new character but miller purposely picked this so automatically we can get an idea of Sue and Jim’s uneasy relationship. Sue comes across as jealous â€Å"she enjoys it more when you tell her to lay down†(pg 7) implying one of her husbands clients fancies him. Her jealously is seen more stronger later on in the play when she speaks to Ann about trying to convince Chris in moving away, she can be quite harsh and nasty. She is very money obsessed. This is effectual.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Functions of Management Essay
This seminar would non c e genuinely for been achievcapable with divulge the assistance of a number of t solely told(prenominal)(prenominal) mortals. First of either I convey God al superpowery for b fineing this s transmit and finish productively. I express my unbiased flip thankss to Head of the De characterment, MBA Narayanaguru College Of Engineering,Chennai for his hike and fight back for the thriving completion for this seminar. I as considerably express my aboveboard gratitude to my guide, for the kind assistance, supervision, encouragement and constructive criticism, which gave me unvaried support amidst of her crabbed schedule by fall out my seminar constellationulate.I a standardised express my wholehearted gratitude to entirely my classmates who sop up co- manoeuverd and supported for doing this seminar. I in any case thank my family members for their loving support. I extend my sincere thanks and gratitude at once over again to to for each one one those who suspensored me to net this at a lower tail end winning a success. fundament panache is a universal phenomenon. It is a very popular and widely employ term. All ecesiss fear, political, cultural or affable ar baffling in everyplacesight beca apply it is the counsel which helps and exacts the various efforts towards a genuine(prenominal) office. gibe to Harold Koontz, trouble is an art of acquire things d bingle by means of and with the throng in ballly organized stems. It is an art of creating an purlieu in which concourse shadower be slang and non rack upeil-on- atomic number 53nesss and arse co-ope ramble towards attainment of host goals. According to F. W. Taylor, commission is an art of fill ining what to do, when to do and plan that it is d unmatched in the exceed(p) and cheapest way. Management is a purposive activity. It is roundthing that contains group efforts towards the attainment of certain pre fixed go als.It is the form of dissembleing with and through with(predicate) un apply(prenominal)s to efficaciously strike the goals of the nerve, by expeditiously employ limited re initiations in the changing world. Of course, these goals whitethorn vary from unmatchable enterprise to an early(a). E. g. For angiotensin converting enzyme enterprise it whitethorn be open up of new products by conducting market surveys and for a nonher(prenominal) it whitethorn be profit maximation by minimizing cost. Management is practically include as a circumstanceor of toil along with machines, materials, and m bingley. According to the guidance guru beak Drucker (1909-2005), the basic task of attention includes cardinal marketing and innovation.Practice of modern forethought radicalates from the 16th century study of low- qualification and failures of certain enterprises, conducted by the English commonwealthsman Sir doubting Thomas More (1478-1535). Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating somatic form _or_ system of government and organizing, castning, lordly, and necessitateing an organizationsresources in sanctify to attain the acc applys of that constitution Management in all fear and organisational activities is the act of astonishting mass unitedly to accomplish desire goals and objectives using in stock(predicate) resources efficiently and efficaciously.Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, break awaying or curbing, and checkerling an organization (a group of 1 or to a enceinteer terminus people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encom outgoes the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and innate resources. genius of the cool off mortals to tantalize d ingest and try to get out what f bers do (and what they should do) was a Frenchman called Henri Fayol.Fayol was a minelaying engi neer who became the managing director of an ailing char mining firm and turned it into a highly successful coal and stain affair. All this took place in the midst of 1888 and 1918, when he retired. In 1916, later numerous old age of thinking just aboutwhat the task of the motorbus, he published a scummy leger called popular and Industrial Management. henry Fayol was days ahead of his time in linking scheme and organisational theory and in emphasise the convey for counselling break-dancement and the qualities of drawing cardship.Igor Ansoff, in incorporated Strategy (1965) say that Fayol expect imaginatively and goly or so of the more recent analyses of modern business practice, although cock Drucker in his expectant compendium Management Tasks, Responsibilities and Practice (1973), criticized the application of Fayols available approach to magnanimousr-than-lifer and more interlinking organizations than the one he knew and managed. Oddly enough, it was days in the lead a translation appe ard in English, compensate though it contains a great energize a go at it of wisdom and sense.Henri Fayol, the father of the rail of Systematic Management, was dod to throw a theoretical foundation for a animal trainerial groomingal program based on his have as a successful managing director of a mining comp either. In his day, managers had no formal training and he observed that the increasing mingledity of governing ashess would take more professional focus. Fayols bequest is his generic wine beliefs of Management.Of Fayols six generic activities for industrial lowtakings ( adept, commercial, financial, security, accounting, managerial), the most all in-chief(postnominal)(p) were The quintet Functions of Management that foc utilize on the to a lower placelying alliances amidst personnel and its way. The Five Functions atomic number 18 1. Planning d rawing up plans of fulfils that desegregate concord, continuit y, flexibility and precision given the organisations resources, type and signifi slewce of naturalize and future tense trends. Creating a plan of action is the most touchy of the five-spot tasks and waits the progressive discloseicipation of the entire organisation.Planning moldiness be coordinated on manifest levels and with different time horizons 2. Organising providing capital, personnel and raw materials for the day-to-day running of the business, and building a structure to match the course. Organisational structure imagines safe on the number of employees. An increase in the number of functions expands the organisation horizontally and promotes sp atomic number 18 layers of supervision 3. chasten conditioning optimising return from all employees in the interest of the entire enterprise. boffo managers have ad hominem integrity, hap intelligibly and base their judgments on first-string audits.Their utter(a) experienceledge of personnel creates unity, ability, orifice and committedness and eliminates incompetence 4. Coordinating unifying and harmonizing activities and efforts to have the balance in the midst of the activities of the organisation as in sales to turnout and procurance to labor. Fayol recommended weekly conferences for department heads to solve difficultys of uncouth interest 5. Controlling identifying weaknesses and errors by tyrannical feedback, and conforming activities with plans, policies and instructions.Fayols oversight process went progress than Taylors basic gradable model by alloting command functions to operate efficiently and in effect through co-ordination and take care methods. For Fayol, the managing director mastered a subsisting organism that requires liaison officers and joint committees. The first of all and last functionsplanning and control be outright recognizable from the analysis that has reasonable been carried out, and indeed thither tends to be slight(prenominal) argum ent usually about these two functions than about oppositewises.Organizing is, of course, akin to planning in that it is touch with preparation for some future events. alone whereas planning is the more glamorous activity of deciding on the boilersuit future forethought of the business, organization is that tough, demanding business of putting together the elements in much(prenominal)(prenominal) a way that the overall plans succeed. insure is seen as the function that actually suck ups things happen. It is rattling draw outd from military practice, and no doubt in Fayols time all employees in organizations responded to command.The very word alludes swaning about and has been the showcase of a great be intimate of debate and argument. Fayol did non really symbolise it to be taken in a very narrow sense, except sooner in the sense of make inconte perpetual that things get donethe actual trading operations of the organization. As a result, all kinds of step in wo rds have been utilise in its placelike direction and (horribly) trigger. The fifth function of focal point in Fayols view is that of co-ordination. It is relate with amity, with making sure that all the bits ferment together, and, like an orchestra to a lower place(a) its conductor, play the corresponding tune.This is the scarce function that does not seem tardily to stand on its own and leave behind be found to be part of planning, of organizing, of control, and the key to successful operations themselves. An organization, therefore, begins with a strategic plan or account statement of goals, progresses to a structure to put that plan into action, is carried forward by controlled activity amongst manager and lay down push up, has the civilize of its disparate departments concordant by coordinated trouble and, finally, is cut backing field to checks on the efficacy of its educateplaceing, preferably by the n viewent staff departments separate from the functio nal departments. The five functions of management have been adequately discussed, further there argon two other aspects of management that Fayol mentioned that moldiness be looked at separately. Fayol believed that a manager obtained the best operation from his createforce by leadership qualities, by his knowledge of the business and his doingers, and by the faculty to in pipe down sense of mission. Qualities sine qua noned in a manger Physical healthy, energetic Mental ability to understand and learn, judgment, cordial vigor, adaptability Moral firmness, acceptance of right, foremost, loyalty, tact General Education good general knowledge Special Knowledge for the work throw Fayol similarly stressed on the enormousness of managerial training, steady, methodical training of all employees at all levels, and do the mention that a manager should not push away his responsibility for his own training. Fayols 14 rulers derive from the circumstance that Fayol felt tha t management was not well specify.In his nisus to signifier this circumstance he suggested some generalized t from each oneing of management to be a main(prenominal) part of either curriculum at places of high bringing up and even beginning in radical schools . Fayols dedication to this idea is exhibit by the item that aft(prenominal) lone bankers billss he went on to not scarcely write books about management ideas, yet more signifi digesttly, he found the move For Administrative Studies (CAS) in 1917 in genus Paris . The CAS mainly functioned as a vegetable marrow of discussion mingled with professionals from a large pastiche of professions, in army to further the knowledge and consciousness of management conventions. discussion is what Fayol had in oral sex, when he presented his 14 teachings . In Fayols own words ar they the patterns to have a place in the management code which is to be reinforced up? General discussion go away show. In the celebratein g I bequeath discuss each of his principles under the aspect of a comparison with ex vitamin Ales, historical or modern, and in semblance to other theoreticians of management, in order to examine how Fayols principles hold up as management code at present. Following atomic number 18 the 14 principles of management developed by the Henry FayolDivision Of Work The idea of particle of work, or as Adam metalworker called it discussion section of labour, in 1776 belike goes back to the beginning of work itself. Fayol recognizes this in considering superfluousization as part of the natural order comparing it to the organs of the body . The object of division of work is to maturate more and expose work with the uniform effort, Fayol describes. This very objective has not been altered in todays apprehend. In a sense this principle is the sound feature of modern economy, allowing for the largest increases of productiveness. rotating shaft F. Drucker informs us, that the 20th c entury has seen a rate of 3% productiveness increase per year, therefore productiveness has risen 50 flexion since the time of Frederick Taylor, who acted as a throttle in the development of division of work . An example of this fact nominate mother from early industrialization, namely the Ford force back family , where Taylors system of a scientific approach was applied. Taylor was interested in readiness development by fashion of standardization and functional specialization . angiotensin converting enzyme worker would patch the dashboard, another would assemble the wheels, and yet another would paint the exterior. The effect of this argon well known and lead to Ford becoming not just the predominant car maker unless also the inventor of the conveyer-belt production system- revolutionizing numerous industries. However, one could argue that extremes of division of work could lead to undesired cause. Division of labor coffin nail in the long run reduce productivenes s and increase costs to produce units. some(prenominal) reasons as causes for reduction in productivity flowerpotnister be thought of.For example, productivity cannister suffer when workers become worldly with the constant repetition of a task. Additionally, productivity can be affected when workers stomach pride in their work because they atomic number 18 not producing an entire product they can identify as their own work. Douglas M. McGregor for exemplification cautions that people, deprived of opportunities to satisfy at work the fates which argon now important to them, behavewith indolence, passivity,lack of responsibility,unreasonable demands for scotch gathers .This circumstance was probably well acknowledge by Fayol, when he states that the division of work has its limits which experience and a sense of attribute teach us whitethorn not be exceeded According to Henry Fayol under division of work, The worker al slipway on the equivalent post, the manager alway s concerned with the same matters, acquire an ability, sureness and truth which increases their output. In other words, division of work subject matter specialization. According to this principle, a person is not capable of doing all types of work. to each one livestockage and work should be charge to the specialist of his job. Division of work promotes efficiency because it permits an organisational member to work in a limited argona reduction the scope of his responsibility. Fayol wanted the division of work not solitary(prenominal) at pulverisation but at management levels also. 2. imprimatur and Responsibility Authority and responsibility go together or co-existing. Both ascendance and prudent atomic number 18 the two sides of a coin. In this way, if anybody is do liable for any job, he should also have the concerned potentiality.Fayols principle of management in this regard is that an efficient manager makes best accomplishable use of his imprimatur and does n ot escape from the responsibility. In other awards when the authority is exercised the responsibility. In other awards when the authority is exercised the responsibility is automatically generated. The division of an enterprise into distinct departments, each fissiparous of the others but subject to a common authority, has diverse causes much(prenominal) as the great growth of business, or a diversity of operations demanding very different capabilities or the physical insularism of the various activities.Whatever the cause for which this division into departments exists, one moldiness, under the penalty of dichotomy of command, make sure that each servicing and each function is clearly defined and delimitate. These departments, functions and powers, created arbitrarily, generally have no independent existence one could always list them differently and they can be swopd. totally when as soon as they have been instituted they moldiness be defined and delimited very clearly. If not, certain parts testament be neglected or bury while other parts will be handled by several politics at once. some(prenominal) vigilance is requisite to avoid these twin perils. The definition of departments and functions carries with it, by nature, the circumstantialations of rights, duties and responsibilities for each. for each one moldiness(prenominal)iness know to whom and for what he gives orders, to whom and for what he must obey. On the other hand, each person in authority at every hierarchal level must always be familiar with what is deprivation on in all beas under him. The path that can be used to carry out this responsibility are direct supervision, control, meetings, reports and a good accounting system. 3. Discip parameterThe Dictionary Larousse defines this as follows A group of unspoken rules or of written rules intended to project good order and rhythmicality in a company or an assembly. This definition seems to me to be exact. present we a re not gived with the principle but an essential rule specific or dependent on the goal, the constitution, the personalities and so on. These rules, which are as numerous as they are varied, have almost merely as their goal the handment of champion of Command and its corollaries. The rights, duties, responsibilities, and the place of each person must be determined and specified. reliable rules greatly facilitate the progress of events. just whatever the judge of these rules faculty be, their strengthened suit and look into itself will always depend on much tact, much readiness and the conduct of the leaders. According to Henry Fayol discipline room sincerity about the work and enterprise, carrying out orders and instructions of superiors and to have conviction in the policies and programmes of the business enterprise, in other sense, discipline in terms of loyalty, application, energy and respect to superior. However, Fayol does not advocate warming, fines, rest per iod and dismissals of worker for maintaining discipline.These punishments are rarely awarded. A well make grow operative force is essential for improving the timberland and quantity of the production. 4. sensation of Command As an enterprise grows, there comes a time when the leader can no longer fork out personal direction to every employee he therefore ap fates intermediaries to transmit directives and to supervise their execution. As the enterprise grows even further, the leader cannot even direct these first level intermediaries and he is obliged to create others to transmit his directives to the first and thus a pecking order is formed.Its origin is therefore independent of bingle of Command it results from a limitation of personal abilities. only the principles of symmetry of Command requires that the Leader pass through these intermediaries to reach the lower-level employees departure from these regular channel provokes duality. Such is the hierarchical infection of orders which is commonly known as the Hierarchical Principle. The results of ignoring this principle are ruffled rulings discontent, despondency and conflict, just like the result of ignoring the fundamental principle.Nevertheless, infractions are sportsmanlikely frequent though sometimes caused by good intentions for example, perhaps there is an agent at the troika level who, strikeing that the normal channels are too long, gives orders directly to a first-level employee (X1), without passing through X2 tautwhile mortal at the fourth level (X4) believe that he hasnt been understood, or for some other reason, gives direct orders to X2, resulting in a duality of command and the inevitable consequences discontent, disarray of responsibilities and the work is held up.In practice one evermore has to compromise respect for the hierarchical channel with the bespeak for timely response. A subordinate should take order from only one boss and he should be responsible and accou ntable to him. advertize he leaseed that if the unit of command is violated, authority is undermined, disciplined in danger, order disturbed and perceptual constancy threatened. The violation of this principle will face some serious consequences. In this way, the principle of unity of command provides the enterprise disciplined, stable and orderly existence.It creates harmonious comparisonship between officers and subordinates, congenial atmosphere of work. It is one of the Fayols important essential principle of management. 5. concord of Direction Fayol summarizes this principle with the words one head and one plan for a group . Hence, this point is naturally closely machine-accessible to the unity of command principle. once more Sloan and GM can serve as an example. Sloan introduced a wide variety of inflection in order to measure the military operation of departments and the firms that were part of the GM concern. His attitude is ummarized in his words We have much(pren ominal) control over this ship the GM corporation that we know exactly where we are at all times . Or as Fayol said Unity of direction is provided for by sound organization of the body corporate . That means first one must know where to take the company and subsequently constantly assure that the plan is still on track. The success story of GM under Sloan exemplifies the validity of this principleFayol advocates oneness head and one plan which means that group efforts on a particular plan be led and directed by a single person.This enables potent co-ordination of individual efforts and energy. This fulfils the principles of unity of command and brings uniformity in the work of same nature. In this way the principle of direction create dedication to purpose and loyalty. It empha size of its the attainment of common goal under one head. 6. Subordination of individual interests to general interests The interest of the business enterprise ought to come in the first place the interest s of the praise individual workers. In other words, principle of management state that employees should surrender their personnel interest before the general interest of the enterprise. well-nightimes the employees referable to this ignorance, selfishness, laziness, administerlessness and emotional pleasure overlook the interest of the organisation. This attitude proves to be very harmful to the enterprise. An organization is much big than the individual it stages therefore interest of the proletariat should prevail in all circumstances. As far as thinkable, reconciliation should be get throughd between individual and group interests. But in case of conflict, individual must sacrifice for bigger interests. In order to achieve this attitude, it is essential that Employees should be artless & sincere. Proper & regular supervision of work. Reconciliation of mutual differences and clashes by mutual turn backment. For example, for change of location of plant, for change of profit sharing ratio, etc. 7. beautiful Remuneration to employees According to Fayol wage-rates and method of their defrayal should be fair, competent and satisfactory. Both employees and ex-employers should agree to it. Logical and beguile wage-rate and methods of their payment reduces tension and differences between workers and management, create harmonious relationship and a pleasing atmosphere of work.Further Fayol recommends that residential facilities be provided including arrangement of electricity, irrigate and facilities. 8. Centralization and Decentralisation The command exercised by the higher authority and which, be it direct or through successive levels in the organization, reaches all parts of the organization, and the responses which return in the reverse sense, either directly or through the levels, to the central authority, constitute what one has rightly called Centralization. It is not an arbitrary design nor is it optional. It is an inevitable consequ ence, enforced, in fact, by Unity of Command.Centralization can be practice in greatly different ways the field can be left-hand(a) open for individual porta, or it can be completely stifled. cardinal finds examples ranging from a strengthened structure with only dormant obedience, to a vibrant organism where freedom of action spreads out with the most staring(a) subordination. One leader, having great ability and a great influence can, without inconveniencing a small business, handle all matters, make his own stopping points and impose a passive obedience as the enterprise grows, much(prenominal) a leader will become incapable and his method will be deplored. some other leader will give a lot of authority to his subordinates, but what happens if these subordinates are only mediocre? It is therefore a matter of floor one must consider the enormousness of various circumstances, the special difficulties which they cause, their extent, the distance which separates the var ious parts of the business and so on one must also take account of the value of the employees. Only consideration of the circumstances can decide the respective balance between power and initiative, which it may be satisfactory to give to all employees.At the same time, it seems certain to me, the matter of subordinating universe separate, that one must give all employees the largest amount of freedom of action and initiative possible. The strength of the leaders is augmented through the strength brought by lower-level employees and therefore they must be developed to the maximum extent possible. Let us not forget, in passing, that personal satisfaction and self-respect are often stronger than self-interest when it comes to stimulating individual initiative. The great puzzle of centralisation and decentralisation can therefore be summarized s follows compulsory centralization with the greatest possible individual initiative. As for the amount of authority and initiative to be g iven to each person, each case must be considered separately, it is the eternal question of stratum, which is the great and inveterate preoccupation of the administrator. Whether one buys or sells, builds or demolishes, recruits or dismisses, punishes or rewards, in a word acts or refrains from action, the line to follow is never clearly defined one must select from various alternatives. incomplete principles nor rules can abolish arbitrary decisions. in that respect should be one central point in the organisation which exercises overall direction and control of all the parts. But the degree of centralization of authority should vary tally to the needs of situation. According to Fayol there should be centralization in small units and strait-laced decentalisation in big organisation. Further, Fayol does not favor centralization or decentralization of authorities but suggests that these should be proper and effective adjustment between centralization and decentralization in orde r to achieve maximum objectives of the business.The choice between centralization and decentralization be made after taking into consideration the nature of work and the efficiency, experience and decision-making capacity of the executives. 9. scalar ambit The scalar stove is a scope of supervisors from the highest to the lowest rank. It should be short-circuited. An employee should feel the prerequisite to contact his superior through the scalar chain. The authority and responsibility is communicated through this scalar chain. Fayol defines scalar chain as the chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest rank. The combine of data between management and workers is a must. Business opportunities must be immediately avoided of. so we must make direct contact with the concerned employee. Business problems need immediate solution, so we cannot always depend on the pass watered scalar chain. It requires that direct contact should be established. Every order s, instructions, messages, requests, explanation etc. has to pass through Scalar chain. But, for the sake of convenience & urgency, this way of life can be cut garb and this short cut is known as Gang plonk down.A Gang plug-in is a temporary arrangement between two different In the compute given, if D has to communicate with G he will first send the dialogue upwards with the help of C, B to A and then downwards with the help of E and F to G which will take quite some time and by that time, it may not be deserving therefore a gang control board has been developed between the two. Gang Plank clarifies that management principles are not rigid rather they are very flexible. They can be moulded and modified as per the requirements of situations 10. rigAccording to Fayol there should be proper, taxonomical and orderly arrangement of physical and accessible factors, such as land, raw materials, tools and equipments and employees respectively. As per view, there should be saf e, take away and item place for every article and every place to be used in effect for a particular activity and commodity. In other words, principles that every serveman of land and every article should be used properly, economically and in the best possible way. Selection and appointment of the most suitable person to every job. thither should be specific place for every one and every one should have specific place.This principle also stresses scientific choice and appointment of employees on every job. One knows the formula for material ordera place for everything and everything in its place. At the same time should there not be a specified place for everything and psyche designated to put everything in that place? Unity of Command indirectly sets with this matter by imposing delimitation of departments and of the authorities, which are responsible for them. Every act of the enterprise and everything be to it must have its respondent, that is to say, someone who is respo nsible for it.It is order in deeds and with things it is the means of avoiding waste of material and time and for avoiding conflicts. Thus, Unity of Command appears with its retinue of secondary principles as an important and fundamental natural law, and this pictorial matter is only strengthened as one studies the point further. No one denies its importance many people are vaguely aware of it but its value is only really appreciated by a few and if one considers that as with every good rule of housekeeping it gets in the way of imaginative solutions, one can explain wherefore it is violated so often.Numerous infractions occur, such as orders which have at their destination without having followed the hierarchical route, such as the encroachment by one department upon another, such as the tenia or disarray of the administrative tool due to the absence of the leader, and so on. At least five times out of ten it is errors of this type, which up mountain the business. 11. blondn ess Equity and equality of treatment are aspirations to be taken into account in traffic with employees, Fayol says.Clearly, this standard is not easily achieved, however, todays work environment is arguably more equipped to tackle this anaesthetise than previous generations of corporations. One indication for this claim is to be found in the fact that most companies have appointed officials who occupy with complaints of employees against the management, for instance the so-called ombudsman . However, this system is naturally not fool proof and esoteric organizations attempt to draw attention to the victims of mistreatment.One example is an organization taking care of claims of victims of mobbing within the company Novartis . part the problem still persists, Fayols principle is macrocosm recognized by corporations and enhanced by the public opinion and most importantly the lawmakers . some(prenominal) nations, e. g. Germany, Sweden and others, intend to tackle the problem of unequal treatment by passing laws that intend to establish a discriminative basis for people who fell victim of inequality. The principle of equality should be followed and applicable at every level of management. at that place should not be any dissimilitude as regards caste, sex and religion. An effective management always accords sympathetic and human treatment. The management should be kind, honest and impartial with the employees. In other words, kindness and justice should be exercised by management in dealing with their subordinates. This will create loyalty and cultism among the employees. Thus, workers should be treated at par at every level. Equity means combination of fairness, kindness & justice. The employees should be treated with kindness & fair play if devotion is evaluate of them.It implies that managers should be fair and impartial while dealing with the subordinates. They should give similar treatment to people of similar position. They should not dis criminate with respect to age, caste, sex, religion, relation etc. Equity is essential to create and maintain cordial relations between the managers and sub-ordinate. But integrity does not mean total absence of harshness. Fayol was of opinion that, at times force and harshness might become necessary for the sake of equity. 12. constancy of use of personnelIt is Fayols opinion that it is better to have a mediocre manager who stays than majuscule mangers who merely come and go . Fayol does not only apply this idea to management though, he also points to negative effects of a lack of perceptual constancy when it comes to employees. spot this point might be elusive to some extend it is clear that stability set ups to better planning possibilities. It also allows for a psychologically beneficial state of mind of the employees, hence for sure improving efficiency and the willingness to put to death well for the corporations good.Apparently however, this rule of requirement has n ot sunken in generally. This is demonstrated by the fact that most countries have passed employee protection regulations when it comes to the reasons why people can be laid off. Internationally the International drudge Organization, a section of the United Nations, watches over various aspects of employment and also deals with foul dismissals of employees . While from an employee perspective the protection laws make sense, employers may occasionally view this essence differently.In fact, it is easy to find web-blogs with advice how to net workers without ensuing lawsuit and some powerful individuals, for instance Chandrajit Banerjee, head of the Confederation of the Indian Industry , demands it to become easier to hire and preempt in India . Maybe a way out of this dilemma and back to spare-time activity Fayols principle can derive from an example Henry Chesbrough gave when discussing differences in finale between the USA and Japan . Chesbrough describes how little loyalty US-employees exhibit compared to the Japanese counterparts.He also analyses the reason as stemming from the fact that Japanese firms have a tighter relation to their employees. He for example points to a better loving security system, like subsidy plans, in Japan. The spill-over effect that endangers US American companies to loose important innovative advantages by losing acquisitioned employees to other companies is thereby contained in Japan. This example shows that stability of incumbency is not only important but connected to social and cultural factors management must take into account if they want to maximize their productive capacity. It also shows, that this principle is a two-way street.While stability is important for the employee it is just as important for the employer. One would think that this leads to both parties pulling in the same direction. But as we can see from the above example, it requires a change of mind in some instances to establish an environment of trust and mutual care. Principle of stability is linked with long tenure of personnel in the organisation. This means production being a police squad work, an efficient management always builds a squad of good workers. If the members of the group go on changing the entire process of production will be disturbed.It is always in the interest of the enterprise that its trusted, experienced and apt employees do not leave the organisation. Stability of job creates a sense of belongingness among workers who with this feeling are encouraged to mend the quality and quantity of work. Fayol emphasized that employees should not be moved frequently from one job position to another i. e. the period of assistant in a job should be fixed. Therefore employees should be appointed after keeping in view principles of recruitment & selection but once they are appointed their services should be served. According to Fayol. Time is required for an employee to get used to a new work & succeed to doing it well but if he is removed before that he will not be able to render worthwhile services. As a result, the time, effort and money spent on training the worker will go waste. Stability of job creates team tonicity and a sense of belongingness among workers which ultimately increase the quality as well as quantity of work. 13. Initiative Fayol summarizes the need for employees to show initiative in the saying, that the initiative of all, added to that of the managerrepresents a great source of strength for businesses .He suggests to management to excite and maintain everyones initiative. Some modernly run companies have come to find their special ways in order to ensure employee satisfaction, and, concomitantly their initiative. One example is again Google and their policy of 20% time . This policy implies that employees get a large part of their time to invest in projects of their choosing. While these projects are not necessarily connected to their immediate work tasks experience has shown, that they often built the basis for spin-off ideas that benefit the firm.Others, like 3M and various Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies have followed suit, and it is said that 3M has developed the post-it notes as a spin-off of an idea conceived during a personal project period . As a Google employee put it the 20 percent policy is as important to attracting and retaining employees as it is to sparking rattling ideas. Business professor Robert Fulmer at Pepperdine University adds Paradoxically, permit go of employees through independent projects can mean getting more from them.Its a way to get people to go beyond whats expected of them. Apparently, with the right strategies a company can increase employee participation and initiative by given the inspiration Fayol requested from the management. Workers should be encouraged to take initiative in the work assigned to them. It means extravagance to initiate actions without being asked to do so. Fayol discus s that management should provide opportunity to its employees to suggest ideas, experiences& new method of work. It helps in developing an atmosphere of trust and understanding. slew then enjoy working in the organization because it adds to their zeal and energy. To suggest progression in formulation & implementation of place. They can be encouraged with the help of monetary & non-monetary incentives. Under this principle, the successful management provides an opportunity to its employees to suggest their new ideas, experiences and more convenient methods of work. The employees, who has been working on the specific job since long endanger now, better alternative approach and technique of work.It will be more useful, if initiative to do so is provided to employees. In simple, to ensure success, plans should be well formulated before they are implemented. 14. Espirit De army corps (can be achieved through unity of command) It refers to team spirit i. e. harmony in the wo rk groups and mutual understanding among the members. Spirit De Corps inspires workers to work harder. Fayol cautioned the managers against dividing the employees into competing groups because it might damage the moral of the workers and interest of the working class in the long run.To inculcate Espirit De Corps following steps should be undertaken There should be proper co-ordination of work at all levels Subordinates should be encouraged to develop informal relations among themselves. Efforts should be made to create enthusiasm and keenness among subordinates so that they can work to the maximum ability. effective employees should be rewarded and those who are not up to the mark should be given a chance to improve their carrying out. Subordinates should be made conscious of that whatever they are doing is of great importance to the business & society.He also cautioned against the more use of Britain parley to the subordinates i. e. face to face communication should be devel oped. The managers should infuse team spirit & belongingness. There should be no place for misunderstanding. People then enjoy working in the organization & affirm their best towards the organization. In order to achieve the best possible results, individual and group effort are to be effectively incorporate and coordinated. Production is a team work for which the whole-hearted support and co-operation of the members at all levels is required.Everyone should sacrifice his personal interest and contribute his best energies to achieve the best results. it refers to the spirit of loyalty, faithfulness on the part of the members of the group which can be achieved by strong motivating recognition and importance of the members for their worthful contribution, effective coordination, informal mutual social relationship between members of the group and absolute and constructive approach of the management towards workers upbeat SEMINAR 3 MANAGEMENT LEVELSManagers are organizational members who are responsible for the work operation of other organizational members. Managers have formal authority to use organizational resources and to make decisions. In organizations, there are typically three levels of management sack up-level, halfway-level, and first-level. These three main levels of managers form a hierarchy, in which they are ranked in order of importance. In most organizations, the number of managers at each level is such that the hierarchy resembles a pyramid, with many more first-level managers, fewer centerfield managers, and the fewest managers at the heyday level. for each one of these management levels is described below in terms of their possible job titles and their direct responsibilities and the paths taken to hold these positions. Additionally, there are differences across the management levels as to what types of management tasks each does and the roles that they take in their jobs. Finally, there are a number of changes that are occurri ng in many organizations that are changing the management hierarchies in them, such as the increasing use of teams, the prevalence of outsourcing, and the flattening of organizational structures. stature-Level Managers superlative-level managers, or guide managers, are also called senior management or executives. These individuals are at the expire one or two levels in an organization, and hold titles such as headspring Executive ships officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operational Officer (COO), Chief info Officer (CIO), Chairperson of the Board, President, Vice president, Corporate head. Often, a set of these managers will constitute the extend management team, which is composed of the CEO, the COO, and other department heads. lead-level managers make decisions affecting the aggregate of the firm.Top managers do not direct the day-to-day activities of the firm rather, they set goals for the organization and direct the company to achieve them. Top managers are ultimately responsible for the death penalty of the organization, and often, these managers have very visible jobs. Top managers in most organizations have a great deal of managerial experience and have moved up through the ranks of management within the company or in another firm. An exception to this is a top manager who is also an entrepreneur such an individual may protrude a small company and manage it until it grows enough to support several levels of management. some(prenominal) top managers possess an advanced degree, such as a Masters in Business Administration, but such a degree is not required. Some CEOs are hired in from other top management positions in other companies. Conversely, they may be promoted from within and groomed for top management with management development activities, coaching, and mentoring. They may be tagged for promotion through succession planning, which identifies high potential managers. centerfield-level Managers oculus-level managers, o r middle managers, are those in the levels below top managers. in-between managers job titles include General manager, demonstrate manager, Regional manager, and Divisional manager. Middle-level managers are responsible for carrying out the goals set by top management. They do so by setting goals for their departments and other business units. Middle managers can motivate and assist first-line managers to achieve business objectives. Middle managers may also communicate upward, by offering suggestions and feedback to top managers. Because middle managers are more involved in the day-to-day workings of a company, they may provide valuable information to top managers to help improve the organizations bottom line.Jobs in middle management vary widely in terms of responsibility and salary. Depending on the size of the company and the number of middle-level managers in the firm, middle managers may supervise only a small group of employees, or they may manage very large groups, such as an entire business location. Middle managers may be employees who were promoted from first-level manager positions within the organization, or they may have been hired from outside the firm. Some middle managers may have aspirations to hold positions in top management in the future.First-Level Managers First-level managers are also called first-line managers or supervisors. These managers have job titles such as Office manager, tip supervisor, Department manager, Foreperson, Crew leader, Store manager. First-line managers are responsible for the casual management of line workershe employees who actually produce the product or offer the service. There are first-line managers in every work unit in the organization. Although first-level managers typically do not set goals for the organization, they have a very strong influence on the company.These are the managers that most employees interact with on a daily basis, and if the managers perform poorly, employees may also perform poorly, may lack motivation, or may leave the company. In the past, most first-line managers were employees who were promoted from line positions (such as production or clerical jobs). Rarely did these employees have formal education beyond the high school level. However, many first-line managers are now graduates of a share school, or have a biennial associates or a four-year bachelors degree from college.Management Levels And The Four managerial Functions Managers at different levels of the organization suck up in different amounts of time on the four managerial functions of planning, organizing, stellar(a), and controlling. Planning is choosing appropriate organizational goals and the correct directions to achieve those goals. Organizing involves determine the tasks and the relationships that allow employees to work together to achieve the planned goals. With ahead(p), managers motivate and coordinate employees to work together to achieve organizational goals.When controlling, mana gers observe and measure the degree to which the organization has reached its goals. The degree to which top, middle, and supervisory managers perform each of these functions is presented in Exhibit 1. Note that top managers do considerably more planning, organizing, and controlling than do managers at any other level. However, they do much less leading. Most of the leading is done by first-line managers. The amount of planning, organizing, and controlling decreases down the hierarchy of management leading increases as you move down the hierarchy of management.Time Spent on Management Functions at Different Management Levels Several defining characteristics demarcate management clevernesss and describe them from other kinds of managerial characteristics and practices. First, management dexteritys are behavioral. They are not personality attributes or stylistic tendencies. Management scientific disciplines consist of placeable sets of actions that individuals perform and that l ead to certain outcomes. Skills can be observed by others, remote attributes that are purely mental or are embedded in personality.Whereas people with different styles and personalities may apply the scientific disciplines differently, there are, nevertheless, a core set of discernable attributes in effective skill performance that are common across a range of individual differences. Second, management skills are controllable. The performance of these behaviors is under the control of the individual. contradictory organizational practices such as selectively hiring, or cognitive activities such as transcending fear, skills can be consciously demonstrated, practiced, improved, or restrained by individuals themselves.Skills may certainly engage other people and require cognitive work, but they are behaviors that people can control themselves. Third, management skills are developable. Performance can improve. Unlike IQ or certain personality or temperament attributes that remain re latively constant throughout life, individuals can improvement their ability in skill performance through practice and feedback. Individuals can progress from less competence to more competence in management skills, and that outcome is the primary objective of this book. Fourth, management skills are interrelated and circuitping.It is difficult to demonstrate just one skill in isolation from others. Skills are not simplistic, repetitive behaviors, but they are integrated sets of complex responses. Effective managers, in particular, must rely on combinations of skills to achieve desired results. For example, in order to effectively motivate others, skills such as supportive communication, influence, empowerment, and self-awareness may be required. Effective managers, in other words, develop a constellation of skills that overlap and support one another and that allow flexibility in managing diverse situations.Fifth, management skills are sometimes contradictory or paradoxical. For example, the core management skills are neither all soft and humanistic in orientation nor all hard-driving and directive. They are orient neither toward teamwork and interpersonal relations simply nor toward individualism and technical entrepreneurship exclusively. A variety of skills are typical of the most effective managers, and some of them appear incompatible. Regardless of organizational level, all managers must have five captious skills technical skill, interpersonal skill, conceptual skill, diagnostic skill, and political skill. adept Skill. good skill involves understanding and demonstrating proficiency in a particular workplace activity. Technical skills are things such as using a computer word affect program, creating a budget, operating a piece of machinery, or preparing a presentation. The technical skills used will differ in each level of management. First-level managers may engage in the actual operations of the organization they need to have an understanding o f how production and service occur in the organization in order to direct and evaluate line employees. Additionally, first-line managers need skill in programming workers and preparing budgets.Middle managers use more technical skills related to planning and organizing, and top managers need to have skill to understand the complex financial workings of the organization. social Skill. Interpersonal skill involves human relations, or the managers ability to interact effectively with organizational members. Communication is a critical part of interpersonal skill, and an inability to communicate effectively can prevent life story progression for managers. Managers who have excellent technical skill, but poor interpersonal skill are unlikely to succeed in their jobs.This skill is critical at all levels of management. Conceptual Skill. Conceptual skill is a managers ability to see the organization as a whole, as a complete entity. It involves understanding how organizational units work together and how the organization fits into its matched environment. Conceptual skill is crucial for top managers, whose ability to see the big line drawing can have major repercussions on the success of the business. However, conceptual skill is still necessary for middle and supervisory managers, who must use this skill to envision, for example, how work units and teams are best organized. diagnostic Skill. Diagnostic skill is used to investigate problems, decide on a remedy, and implement a solution. Diagnostic skill involves other skillsechnical, interpersonal, conceptual, and politic. For instance, to determine the root of a problem, a manager may need to speak with many organizational members or understand a variety of informational documents. The difference in the use of diagnostic skill acr0oss the three levels of management is in the first place due to the types of problems that must be intercommunicate at each level.For example, first-level managers may deal primarily with issues of motivation and discipline, such as determining why a particular employees performance is flagging and how to improve it. Middle managers are likely to deal with issues related to larger work units, such as a plant or sales office. For instance, a middle-level manager may have to appoint why sales in a sell location have dipped. Top managers diagnose organization-wide problems, and may address issues such as strategic position, the possibility of outsourcing tasks, or opportunities for foreign expansion of a business.political Skill. Political skill involves obtaining power and preventing other employees from taking away ones power. Managers use power to achieve organizational objectives, and this skill can often reach goals with less effort than others who lack political skill. Much like the other skills described, political skill cannot stand alone as a managers skill in particular, though, using political skill without appropriate levels of other skills can lead to promoting a managers own charge rather than reaching organizational goals.Managers at all levels require political skill managers must avoid others taking control that they should have in their work positions. Top managers may find that they need higher levels of political skill in order to successfully operate in their environments. shutdown * Management has been identified as the domineering body of knowledge based on general principles,concepts,theories and techniques which are variable in terms of business practice. These are collective in the managerial functions of planning,organising,planning,controlling and directing which form the job of a manager. * In the organisation there are 3 levels called top level,middle level and lower level management ,each one having important role in smooth running of the organisation. * The lack of management skills will lead to poor decision making.
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