Saturday, August 31, 2019
Nvq 3
201 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai: Imagine you are a newly appointed supervisor/manager within your service. You need to update your staff handbook to reflect current employment law. Identify three different sources of information you could use to enable you to do this. The existing hand book, changes in the law since the last update, latest health and safety requirements. Once you have identified a reliable source of information:Aii List three aspects of employment covered by law. My contract and working hours, my rights at work, holidays and time off. List three main features of current employment legislation. Minimum wage, Health and Safety policy, Training Aiii Briefly outline why employment law exists. To oversee the workplace safety and standards, fair wages, retirement and pensions, employee benefits, to name but a few. Employment law dea ls with both the employer and the employee’s actions, rights and responsibilities, as well as their relationship with one another.Task B Your work role For this task you will need the following: †¢ A copy of your contract of employment or employment agreement. If you don’t have a written contract of employment eg if you are employed as a personal assistant, discuss your terms and conditions with your employer and make notes to help you to complete the task; †¢ A recent payslip or pay statement; †¢ Access to your workplace policies and procedures or notes from a discussion with your employer if you are employed as a personal assistant.Bi Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in your contract of employment or employment agreement. Job description – defining the role, responsibility level. Entitlement – rate of pay, holiday entitlement, retirement and ill-health benefits, bonus/overtime rates, uniform and/expenses all owances. Responsibilities: working hours, dress code, reporting illness/absence, annual assessments, complaints procedures, notice periods for leaving/dismissal, requirements to change working hours.D: General: Other part-time work, confidentiality clauses, using company equipment for private use (eg phones, computers, vehicles) general codes of behaviour and adherence to certain corporate practices, health & safety regulations. Bii Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/ statement. Company name, my name, NI number, Hourly rate, hours worked, Tax Code, Date, Amount earnt before deductions, NI paid, Tax Paid and Net Pay. Also shows Gross Pay to date, NI to date and Tax to date.Biii Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer. Name and address Biv Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a grievance at work. You may describe this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram. Bv Explain the agreed ways o f working with your employer in relation to the following areas: 1. Data protection 2. Grievance 3. Conflict management 4. Anti-discriminatory practice 5. Health & safety 6. Confidentiality 7. Whistle blowing Bvi Explain how your role contributes to the overall delivery of the service rovided. Bvii Explain how you could influence the quality of the service provided by; Following best practice within your work role; Showing respect at all times, having respect for residents privacy and dignity when bathing or assisting them in toilet routines. Knocking on doors and waiting before entering a room. Not carrying out the requirements of your role. If a carer wants the clients to do as they are told rather than being given choices and respect, then their quality of life becomes miserable and they will dread that particular ‘so-called' carer being around.Bviii Describe how your own work must be influenced by National factors such as Codes of Practice, National Occupational Standards, Legislation and Government Initiatives. Bix a) Identify two different representative bodies which influence your area of work. b) Describe the role of the two representative bodies you have identified. Task C Career Pathway Create a career pathway plan for yourself, indicating what opportunities are open to you as you progress in your chosen career. Indicate what you will need to learn or any qualifications you might need to gain in order to achieve your goals.Identify sources of information to help you achieve your goals. I am currently a Senior Carer and would like to work up to Deputy Manager or even Manager. To become a Senior carer I had to be trained to do dressings, be a leader, how to deal with a death and admittance to hospital. How to use lifting equipment like a hoist properly. To become a deputy manager I will need to have passed my NVQ level 3 and have previously worked as a Senior Carer or even Head of Care. Task D Presentation or reportPrepare a presentation or repor t on an issue or area of public concern related to the care profession. Your presentation or report should include: †¢ A description of the issue or area of public concern raised †¢ An outline of the different points of view regarding the issue or area of public concern raised †¢ A description of how the issue or area of public concern has affected service provision and methods of working †¢ A description of how public opinion is affected by issues and areas of concern in either the health, social care or children’s and young people's sectors
Friday, August 30, 2019
Deontology: Ethics and Kant Essay
In our world today it is often hard to genuinely decide what in fact is right or wrong. The reason that it is so tough to determine is because of our human nature given everyone has their own opinion. We do not all think the same or think the same actions and consequences have the same effect. It is this reason we analyze situations with ethical theories, such as that of Kant’s deontology. Kant’s theory in its own right has a strong moral foundation in which it seems understandable to decide what is right or wrong. However it has its weakness as well. To me however, I believe Kant’s theory on deontology offers a sound premise for which to determine what is morally right or wrong. Kant’s theory on deontology is a way of assessing one’s actions. One’s actions are either right or wrong in themselves. To determine if actions are right or wrong we do not look at the outcome in deontology. Instead Kant wants us to look at the way one thinks when they are making choices. Kant believes that we have certain moral duties in regards to one’s actions. It is our moral duty that motivates ones to act. Theses actions are driven either by reason or the desire for happiness. Since happiness is differs from person to person, it is conditional. Reason on the other hand is universal and can be applied to all making it unconditional. In Kant’s theory on deontology, actions are either intrinsically right or wrong, which is based largely on reason. Kant says that it is in virtue of being a rational being that we as humans have the capacity to be moral beings. Also that moral law amounts to one’s duty. Kant says duty is grounded in a supreme rational principle, thus it has the form of an imperative. To determine what actions one should take Kant utilized imperatives. Imperatives are a form of instructions that will guide an individual on what one should do. Kant had two classifications between imperatives, hypothetical and categorical. Hypothetical imperatives can apply to one who aspires for a desired outcome. These imperatives allow one to take an action for the method of obtaining a certain outcome, meaning if one has a desired outcome, then they ought to act. Kant has divided hypothetical imperatives into two subcategories, the imperatives of skill and imperatives of prudence. The imperatives of skill are imperatives that lead to an action in which the end result desired would be anything other than happiness. The imperatives of prudence are imperatives that lead one to actions, where the desired outcome is happiness. Kant believes that morality however is not like this. Morality does not tell one how to act in order to achieve a goal. Instead morality is made up of categorical imperatives. Kant taught that morality is universal, meaning it could be applied to all and moral law must be obeyed. He believed that when we act we are using moral law and act on the maxims, or the universal rules, of our actions. Kant’s categorical imperative states one can â€Å"act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become universal law. †Kant’s uses categorical imperative commands one to take an action. Before one can act they must analyze the principle on which they are acting. Once they have determined why they are acting, it may no longer be ideal, then it is wrong for one to use that maxim as a basis for taking that action. Kant’s principle of morality is the categorical imperative. This means that as an imperative it is a command and being categorical the command has its whole worth with in itself. The categorical imperative doesn’t have some proposed end as in a hypothetical situation, it has its own rational necessity in its justification. Kant’s principle of morality is essential to â€Å"good will. †This is a will that acts for the sake of duty. It is the only thing that is good without qualification. Thus a good will cannot be made better or worse by the result it produces. Good will is also the basis for a major part of Kant’s theory and that is the Universal Law Formula, which is the basis in which Kant uses to determine whether or not things are morally right or wrong. This formula states that one should act in such a way that your maxim could become a universal law of nature. That is if you took your belief or ideal and applied it to the entire world would it hold true and not contradict itself. Kant’s categorical imperative has two formulations included within it, one being the Formula of Universal Law and the other being the Formula of Humanity. The second formulation, The Formula of Humanity, is a principle under the Formula of Universal Law. Kant’s defines the Formula of Humanity as â€Å"Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. †This formulation states that one’s actions are immoral if it is using a person as a means to an end. It also has to be understood that Kant’s ideals greatly fall on a matter of agency, whether or not you are in fact the one willing an action that causes a negative outcome even if you did so now the result of that action would do more good. Because you took action you are the agent that caused a negative outcome. The proposed â€Å"better†outcome has no value towards the morality of your action. Kant’s strengths in his theory are that they can be applied to nature as a whole, thus the universal law formula. His theory doesn’t depend on an individual’s virtues or character. His weakness is that his morality is based on one’s personal action and doesn’t take in to account the outlying consequences that could ultimately benefit from that action. With Kant’s theory I believe we can make a more sound argument as an approach to ethics. With Kant we have to take situations and become very specific with them. We focus on what the action is and universalize it. That way no matter where in the world it can apply to everyone and won’t contradict itself. Then and only then we decided if it is morally right. Also Kant’s theory is good because it leave no grey area with its matter of agency. It doesn’t let possibilities of better or worse consequences affect the morality of the action in question. Thus I believe in all Kant has a more promising approach for ethics.
The Fading Nokia
Contents Contents Introduction 1. Glorious period 2. 1 Biggest market occupation 2. 2 Essential and successful merger and acquisition 2. 3. 1 Merger with Siemens 2. 3. 2 Acquisition to NAVTEQ 2. Sagging situation at present 3. 3 Severe competition in this area 3. 4. 3 Pressure from Apple and Samsung 3. 4. 4 No longer popularity of Symbian operational system 2. 2 Lack of cash flowing 3. Analyze the causes resulting in the depression of Nokia 3. 1 Failure investment 3. Losing the opportunity to achieve most value 4. Future and some suggestions 4. 1Transformation to windows systems 4. 2Get experience from other failed companies (Ericsson and Alcatel) Conclusion References Bibliography Introduction Nokia, the most well-known brand and biggest mobile company, once occupying over 60 percent sales in the market, has now dropped to less than 30 percent share of this area. What’s more, 90 percent of share price has evaporated since Apple launched the first iphone 5 years ago.Nowadays, its 15 years dominant position is totally taken placed by Apple and Samsung, in other words, the IOS and Android system are preferable to be chosen by customers rather than the old and past Symbian. What is worse, the news coming from official Nokia on June 14th shows that there will be 10 thousand staff fired by the end of 2013, causing the mobile phone area norm these days. It is truly the hardest time for Nokia now. As a result, this essay is aimed to describe the fading process of Nokia and explore the severe condition of it.In general, this project will be divided into 4 parts. Firstly, it will look at the glorious period of Nokia and give examples of some significant events, and the second part is going to analyze the sagging situation it is faced with, including the severe competition from Apple and Samsung, the falling trend in sales and the lack of cash flow. Thirdly it will explain the causes leading to the depression of Nokia, and I will give some constructive future sugg estions towards the end of the subject. Glorious period 1. Biggest market occupation It is really surprising that Nokia was originally built as a paper factory in 1965, and 2 years later, it became a form technology company after a serious of merge operations . The year 1987 meant a significant turning point to Nokia, which launched the first mobile phone in the world, opening a new window to the phone’s development. This invention, actually, laid the foundation to Nokia to jump to the biggest mobile phone producer and helped to construct the Nokia destiny in the following 20 years.Until the year of 2007, Nokia still took the first place in market sale, stating officially that its profit surged 85 percent in the third quarter due to strong demand for low-cost phones in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, lifting its share of the global market to almost 40 percent. As Nokia profit soars near a half, while Samsung and Apple shared 13. 5 percent and 6. 5 percent occupations in the end of 2007. Figure 1 Worldwide converged smart mobile device market Market shares Q4 2007, Q4 2006 Source: Canalys estimates,  © canalys. com Ltd. 2008.From the figure above, it can be seen that Nokia was far away ahead of other rivals and it seems no one could construct potential threat to the ‘mobile king’ at that time. 1. 2 Essential and successful merger and acquisition All successful companies need creativity and business events to adjust it all the time, therefore there is no doubt that Nokia will also follow this rule, in order to expand its business scale as well as increase the avenue profit. In fact, several mergers and acquisitions were done by Nokia in history, all bringing unexpected great results to this huge company. . 2. 1 Merger with Siemens On June 2006, Nokia and Siemens were to merge their mobile and fixed-line phone network equipment businesses so as to create one of the world's biggest network firm. Although both companies contributed a 50% sta ke, it could not deny the prominent role of Nokia in the new infrastructure company. Additionally, Nokia and Siemens were even closer in 2008. A communication company based on them was proclaimed, achieving 4. 3 billion euros on net sales, which increased by 24% than last quarter. 1. 2. 2 Acquisition to NAVTEQIn the same year as the communication company was established, a significant acquisition to NAVTEQ Company by Nokia was completed on July 10th. A wise leading strategy was so important to a company that this event directly resulted in 31. 2% business growth of NAVTEQ in the third quarter. According to the financial data in third quarter of Nokia, it remarked a decline trend in overall business profitability. The consensus could be mostly caused by huge market investments and fast rate to expand the trade chain. The table below presents the financial statements during 2007 and 2008. Figure 2 The financial statements during 2007 and 2008 uro(million)| 2008| 2007| net sales| 50710 | 51058| sales cost| -33337| -33781| gross profit| 17373| 17277| research and develop cost| -5968| -5636| cost of marketing| -4380| -4379| other income| 420| 2312| other cost| -1195| -424| profit| 4966| 7985| pretax profit| 4970| 8268| Source: Nokia’s official avenue financial statements in 2007 and 2008. Based on the data provided, several figures were not as ideal as last year, as their profit decreasing was mainly due to the big expense on the merger and acquisition related to Siemens(28600million euros) and NAVTEQ companies(5million euros).However, no one accurately predicted that these huge costs generated to be the dominant reason to the present failure of Nokia, on the side of cost control, despite other potential threats to Nokia such as the cooperation with Android Company and the dramatic rise of Apple and Samsung. Sagging situation at present Once Nokia’s slogan â€Å"Human Technology†is well-known in the world at the peaking time, who would care abo ut that the weak company like MOTOLORA and Samsung even Apple which lost its operation officer Steve Jobs 5 years ago could be the rivals today?However, just in that short period, Nokia dropped down so seriously that came out of our widest expectations. In a word, the competition from other companies as well as the shortage of cash flow and unsuccessful Lumia phones all contributed to the sagging condition of today’s Nokia. 2. 1 Severe competition in this area In the first quarter of 2012, the position occupying the largest share in phones sales, which existed as long as 14years, was replaced by Samsung, At the same time, the shares fell to only 22. percent in total. 2. 1. 1 Pressure from Apple and Samsung When Nokia was still insisting on its original strategy to adjust appearance of phones rather than improve the hardware and operational details, Apple and Samsung silently changed the old style and headed to new target which were previous settled. It was a big well fare for normal people that Apple promoted the â€Å"customer experience†based on the touching screen and Samsung focused on the hardware modification.Under this pressure, changing appearance of Nokia gradually lost the attractions to technological customers who always wanted something new, and the effect brought by the â€Å"low function, high price†had totally departed from its objective to the middle and low market. For the general people who had spare money to buy phones, Samsung and Apple seemed to be their first choice. Figure 3 The shipped numbers of handsets and smartphones in 2012 1st quarter Source: Financial News, 27th April 2012By the comparison in the bar chart above, it can be seen that Samsung had overtaken Nokia in phone handset shipments, when it came to the smart phones, the numbers of Nokia were far more behind the other two. Although Apple had the least figure in quantity, it still was the richest handsets company over the world since its high profit of e very phone. Apparently, Nokia was facing the severest challenge from Samsung and Apple ever, and the sales gap was enlarging, due to the blank products in smartphones and the weak supports to application platform. 2. 1. 2 No longer popularity of Symbian operational systemIn recent years, Apple and Google were vigorously promoting the application service platform, and IOS and Android were hard working at inventing and launching to the market, while Nokia, unfortunately, paid enormous 27billion euros on dividends and stock buyback, and did nothing improvement on its OVI platform, which all pushed customers to prefer to try the new IOS and Android. As a result, there was no doubt that market share of Nokia smartphones experienced a sharp decline since Apple gave birth to the first iphone and the quick spread of Android in 2007, dropping from more than half at peak to nowadays 8. percent. Therefore, Symbian system was no longer popular and in fact, Nokia had announced to give up this sy stem in the early year which meant the original customers could never enjoy update again. Below was the present condition of IOS, Android and Symbian share. Figure 4 Smart phones share ranking Source: Andrew Munchbach, May 19th. http://www. bgr. com/2011/05/19/ A new report published by Millennial Media presented a picture of the global smartphone landscape in April of 2011. Obviously, Android continued its domination in pure market share, holding a 53% of impressions on the company’s network.Apple’s IOS came in second with 28% and others including Symbian only had 4% of all. 2. 2 Lack of cash flowing As pointed out by Rich (2012), last three months (April-June) Nokia made losses of 1. 1billion pounds as networks saw no reason to push Lumia. What’s more, sales in smartphones fell 34% to 1. 2billion pounds although the cash reversed to gain about 18% in the second quarter. Due to a number of investments reaching to 27billion euros on dividends and stock buyback, and also the research and invention at largely untried Microsoft Windows platform, the company is now facing with financial crisis.What is worse, the sales downturn leads to little revenue to it. For example, the depressive phone-fancier saw sales fall by a fifth, with sales of Nokia Lumia Windows phones-latest smart phones by a third, rarely sold 4 million Windows phones in this second quarter, continued being less than one tenth of sales of Apple and Samsung. Just several days ago, according to the latest financial statement conducted by Nokia, the net income had 29percent decline compared to last year, as the total operational loss became 1. 1euros that present CEO Stephen Elop had to announce that there would be 10 thousand staff fired by the end of 2013, giving an unexpected shock to this area. Things were not going to improve in the following months, because Microsoft had made a decision to cut off current Lumia phones and remove the connections between Windows 8 system and pr evious Windows phones belonging to Nokia. That means the Windows phones cannot go far away without the back support of Microsoft update system and data.Furthermore, Nokia has forecast a similar loss in the next three months-an outlook that was worse than economists had estimated, just as JP Morgan analyst Deshpande (2012) stated â€Å"The third quarter is going to be the most difficult quarter for Nokia†. Analyze the causes resulting in the depression of Nokia 3. 1 Failure investment When the peak Nokia dropped down, it is necessary to analyze the potential reasons behind this phenomenon. Obviously, the dominant reason is the lack of cash flow, which is triggered by the following aspects: 1.It frequently allocates the cash such as paying enormous 27billion euros on dividends and stock buyback, and paid nothing to its OVI platform. 2. Increasing cost leads to the emergency of cash flow. Nokia plans to cut off the mobile phone production business cost by the end of next year to 3 billion euros, however, great cutting itself needs a lot of money ,which can reach to 0. 1 billion pounds, which still not contain the investments to construction transformation. Morgan Stanley analyst Francois (2012) pointed out that if they put these calculations above in all, before the end of 2012, Nokia needed 2. billion euro free cash flow to rescue. Therefore, Moody's and s&p and fitch ratings to Nokia credit fell to garbage level. If it has further deterioration, the situation of this company would be quite dangerous. It is possible to see Nokia collapse by 2040. 3. 2 Losing the opportunity to achieve most value As Rich (2012) stated, â€Å"Samsung's ultimate victory shouldn't be very surprising; the company makes consumer electronics of all kinds, and as the mobile phone became a commodity product, the skills needed to make money out of manufacturing them have changed to the skills with which Samsung is well-equipped. It is why Samsung develops so fast these years, owni ng to the leap improvement in software and application platform, based on Android system. In 2010, after Elop taking charge of office, he sent to the company all a memorandum named â€Å"combustion platform†and felt sorry for the company had missed the construction software platform for the good chance. Elop (2012) mentioned: â€Å"our competition on hand is to use hardware to take our market shares, unlike them to use the software, with the new ecological system.We should make a decision that whether we should establish, promote or join the system,†as to Nokia expansion of egoism, it concluded â€Å"it is our own ruin ourselves, in this difficult time, we lack leadership and responsibility to unite the whole company, we have missed a lot of good opportunity, our innovation speed too slow and the internal cooperation mechanism is not perfect enough. †So in these 5years, Nokia has already lost the opportunity to achieve most value. Future and some suggestions Nokia has recognized that they had a severe war to fight and to avoid themselves to be out of competition.However, honestly, if they want to still successfully alive in the market, they truly need to make great effort for surviving. 4. 1Transformation to windows system Nokia is now focusing on high-margin smartphones even if that means being dependent on the success of Microsoft, so the change in ranking by volume in America these days isn't surprising, even if it is a little unsettling. So focusing more on windows phones is the only hope for Nokia to stand up again in the smart phones area, and we can see there is an ideal beginning for Lumia sales in USA, although the percent is so small compared with Samsung and Apple. . 2Get experience from other failed companies (Ericsson and Alcatel) As there are two failure examples of mobile producers Ericsson and Alcatel well known in the world, people are paying much attention to Nokia’s fading. What if the windows phone fail in the future, how can Nokia survive? Does the transformation to top smart phones really work? Therefore the most urgent thing for Nokia is to make extra efficient plans in case of window phone lost advancing position in final and obtain the experience from failure companies in view of future development of itself.In order to win the war, Nokia may need to: 1. Focus on clustered products such as launch more smart phone types which are little different from Lumia so that it will generate cluster effect. Just like Porter (1985) describes that clusters affect competition in three broad ways: first, by increasing productivities of the firm; second, by increasing their innovation capacities; and third, by stimulating new business information. 2. Sell patents. Nokia can depend on selling its 30000 patents to maintain the normal cash flow which can help for a while. 3. Concentrate on low-class products.Till now, the majority of Nokia’s income and profit come from its low-class products. H owever, the biggest problem is basic functional phones no longer popular among customers since the smart phones took the place. As a result, for Nokia, it is also important to remain the low-class market when they decide to specialize it. Conclusion This paper has given an account for the fading process of Nokia, including its previous glorious history and on contrary the sagging situation at present, along with the severe competition from Samsung and Apple, showing a relatively complete timeline that it falls to decay to the readers.What’ more, causes lead to the fading are also examined. Finally, future prediction and contractive proposals to make Nokia’s renaissance in handouts field are discussed. It is only 5 years that Nokia totally has fallen down from the peak. For Nokia, it is going through the hardest period, in which there are still a number of problems to tackle with, such as the lack of cash flow, the fierce competition from other rivals, the uncertainty o f the future of the Windows Phones.On the other hand, this difficulty may overweigh any scene of mergers and acquisitions, financing and listed in the past. However, actually, as Porter (1985) points out, strong competitors can bring about the strategic benefits to Nokia, for example, increasing competitive advantage, absorbing demand fluctuations and enhancing the ability to differentiate. Honestly, the prediction of development prospect for Nokia is not so optimistic that no one will know the outcome that whether it can go through the difficulty.However, just because of this painful experience I believe that Nokia will carefully concern about and profoundly rethink its failing past. Is it the too fast expanding speed, bigotry to the old Symbian system or the despising attitude towards the small role of Android system resulting in today’s fading? But the reason cannot be important anymore, since MOTOROLA, Ericsson and Alcatel failed before, representing the clustered regular ity of different events in the long river of history.References Porter, M. (1985). On competition. Boston: Harvard business press Porter, M. (1985). Competitive advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers Munchbach, A. (2011). Android grabs 53% of global smartphone market share; iOS 50% of application revenues. Available from: http://www. bgr. com/2011/05/19/android-grabs-53-of-global-smartphone-market-share-ios-50-of-application-revenues/ [accessed 19 May 2011] O'Brien, K. (2007).Nokia profit soars as market share nears 40%. The New York Times. Available from: http://www. nytimes. com/2007/10/18/business/worldbusiness/18iht-nokia. 4. 7948524. html? _r=1 [accessed 18 October 2007] Chart: Bibliography â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. NAVTEQ is a Chicago-based provider of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data and is a major provider of ba se electronic navigable maps. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nokia but operates independently.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Cultural Analysis Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cultural Analysis Paper - Assignment Example Mumbai in India. These movies are produced essentially in Hindi, the national Language of India. Movies are essentially a form of media that along with entertaining the audience are also cultural representation of a country. Cinema and national identity are always interlinked. A film reflects the social, cultural and economic aspects on national level. Techniques of filmmaking are based on the targeted audience based on their nationality and culture. Today Asian movies including the Indian cinema is making prominent place in the European and American markets. Bollywood is considered as the largest film production in the world. India is a diverse country rich with different religions, cultures and social class. Indian movies explore in explicit but benign manner the class divisions in the society. A popular 2001 film Lagaan which is based on a game of cricket played by some local villagers, oppressed by high taxes, against the British regime has also depicted class prejudice as a sub theme. When the central character, Bhuvan began to prepare the villagers for the match, he invit ed the untouchable Kachra to join much to the wrath of the other players. India being a culturally diverse country, cinema audience has always been segmented. While making movies, producers keep in mind the varied interests of different sections of the society and therefore Bollywood movies are known for their culturally rich themes. One most prominent division found in Bollywood movies is art and commercial (mainstream) cinema. However, in recent years the boundaries between the two have been blurred to a large extent. The common observation is that Bollywood movies with different genre of culture appeals to different sections of the society. While action based movies have more popularity among the lower classes, movies based on social class divisions appeal more to the upper classes. Likewise, movies with Islamic themes, for instance the 1992 hit
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
ASC Research F Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ASC Research F - Essay Example The rationale behind treating this division as discontinued operation and held for sale has been discussed here and reporting of the position of financial statement for such division has been explained. A component of an entity can be considered discontinued operation if it does not have any involvement with the operation of the component after the disposal transaction. The sale of such asset or disposal group is probable or likely to occur and the transfer of such asset is expected to qualify for recognition as a complete sale within one year. Again the sale has been actively marketed at a reasonable price in relation to its current fair value. The period in which such transaction has occurred, the income statement of a business entity or statement of activities for not-for-profit entity (NFP) for current and prior periods should report the result of operation of component along with the gain or loss recognized in discontinued operations. The result of operation of a component of an entity either been disposed of or classified as held for sale will be reported in discontinued operations on the fulfilment of following conditions: On occurrence of the disposal transaction, the operation and cash flow of the component is required to be eliminated from the continuing operations of entity. Further, the entity is not required to have continuing involvement with the operation of the component after such disposal transaction. In a period in which the component of entity which has been disposed of or classified as held for sale, the income statement of the business entity or statement of activities of not-for-profit (NFP) entity should have the result of operation of component and gain or loss incurred in discontinued operations. The result for discontinued operation less income taxes applicable should be reported as a separate component of income before extraordinary items. Any adjustment to any amounts that has been previously reported under discontinued operations a nd is directly related to the disposal transaction in prior period is required to be separately classified under discontinued operations in current period. Such type of adjustments may arise in circumstances like resolution of adjustment of purchase price, retaining of product warranty and environmental obligations by seller, settlement of obligations of employee benefit plan provided the settlement should be related directly to the disposal transaction if there is a demonstrated relationship of direct cause and effect and the disposal should occur within one year following the disposal transaction unless delayed by circumstances beyond the control of entity. The business memorandum entailing the underlying principle for mining division of ABC Company which is to be sold off has been enclosed. BUSINESS MEMORANDUM ABC COMPANY MEMORANDUM TO: MATT ROGERS, CFO FROM: STAFF ACCOUNTANT DATE: 6/3/2013 SUBJECT: REPORTING OF MINING DIVISION INTRODUCTION It is known that ABC Company having six major divisions has recently decided to sell off its mining division. The company is actively seeking a buyer and has priced the division at fair value of the division’s assets and liabilities and it expects that the division will be sold during the next fiscal year. However, the division has been considered an operating segment; this memorandum entails the details of reporting the mining division in financial statement. BODY Research has been made on this issue from Accounting
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Connection Journal about Mutualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Connection Journal about Mutualism - Essay Example Facultative mutualism is a relationship that exists between two species that depend and benefit from each other by living in close association. However, this two species do not need each other for survival. One species can live without the other but it isbeneficial when both species live together.A good example is the relationship that exists between the cleaner fish and the large fish. The cleaner fish feeds on small organisms and the parasites found on the bodies of larger fish. The larger fish in return is relieved of unwelcome guests which affects their body fitness. Obligate mutualism, on the other hand, is a relationship that exists between two individuals that depend on each other for survival. Both species must live close to each other so that they can survive. A good example is the bees and the flowers. The bee must obtain nectar and propolis from the flowers so as to make honey and feed the colony. In return, the bee transfers pollen aiding in pollination thus reproducti on in the flowers. Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship that exists between two species where one species (parasite) benefits at the expense of the other (host). A slight difference exist between mutualism and parasitism. Mutualism will only exist as long as benefits acquire by each species outweighs the cost. When the opposite holds,mutualism becomes parasitism. In many cases, were mutualism exists, one species benefits more than the other thus it is similar to parasitism. Trillium grandiflorumis dispersed by insects.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Homicide in Puerto Rico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Homicide in Puerto Rico - Essay Example are used to provide the reasons behind the increase of murders. Certain suggestions have been provided in this paper to control and try to minimize the number of incidents in this paradise. Puerto Rico is rated third in homicide cases, as it has registered nearly 800 cases in 2004 which is serious concern for the Puerto Rican government. This drastic increase in crime rate has damaged the reputation of Puerto Rica which is also known as Island's Paradise, affecting the tourism industry. It is for this reason, the issue needs to be taken seriously and probable and suitable measures need to be evolved to curtail and diminish such heinous activities from the society. The criminal is recognized by his tastes, occupation, and his interests towards alcohol, cards and sexual vices. The extent of criminality seems to vary inversely with the extent to which they are incorporated in closely integrated family and community groups. The most aggravated crime i.e. murder and homicide is turning out to be a hot debatable issue through the world. Be it Daniel Pearl's killing episode of United States or Satyanarayana of India, where both of them beheaded by the terrorist in Afghanistan. Homicides nowadays have become so prevalent that it seems like our daily activities. But the fact that gives us rush down the adrenaline is the amount of homicides committed throughout the period. The data released by the National Center for Victims of Crime (2008) reveals that 1 murder occurs every 32 minutes, 1 violent crime every 6 seconds, 56 women victimized every 19 seconds, 1 assault every 7 seconds and 1 sexual assault every 2 minutes. It has been observed that of all Puerto Rico has more crime than the US mainland. The crimes in Puerto Rico decreased drastically during 90's (from 32,300 in 1992 to 11,400 in 2001). There was an incredible rise in the cases reported pertaining to murders and homicides since 1999 (593 cases) while in the year 2005, the figure climbed to 766. However this was -4% less than the previous year 2004 where 797 cases were reported. There is an incredible rise in crime trend which provides a brief overview of the violence prevalent in Puerto Rico. (Violence in Puerto Rico) The data obtained from FBI and the Police of Puerto Rico shows that there is lower annual rate and faster improvement in aggravated assault, rape and robbery, higher homicide rate and higher lethality ratio than the mainland. According to Lefort (2000) Puerto Rico was one of the poorest regions of the United States during 20th century. (Ricardo Godoy, 2008) 1.1 Rate of Homicide - Puerto Rico Puerto Rico with the population of nearly 4 million during 2004, has witnesses 760 murders during 2003, thus making homicide the 11th leading cause of death which constitutes 2.7% of the total deaths occurred in the place. (Violence in Puerto Rico) During 1999-2003, of 3,613 total homicides in Puerto Rico, 2,303 (64%) occurred among persons aged
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Physical Training In The Workplace Research Paper
Physical Training In The Workplace - Research Paper Example This proposal describes the issues that ABC Corporation is facing regarding its employees health conditions, because of which a number of malfunctions are noticed in the operational capacity of the business. Moreover, ABC Corporation is paying a significant amount of its revenues to the insurance company, in the form of premium for its employees’ health insurance. Employees are also complaining about the boredom they are experiencing at the workplace. The proposal consists of background of the problem defining the issues that lead to adoption of a suitable employee wellness program, the theoretical evidences for the proposed program and a set of recommendations regarding program design and how to implement it so that the desired objectives can be achieved efficiently. Contents Executive Summary 2 1.Background 4 2.Theoretical Grounds 6 3.Introduction to the Organization 7 4.Identifying the Issue 8 Memo 9 Reference List 12 1. Background â€Å"The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the causes and prevention of disease†(Adison, 1900) Providing a remedy to a disease with the help of medicines is easy but costly, at the same time, leaves medicine’s harmful effects on the human body. For this reason, rectifying the physical lacking and deficiencies from an individual’s health condition with the help of physical activities is beneficial as compare to the usage of medicines (DeVries, 2010). Any activity introduced by organizations’ managers and owner to improve the health conditions of the employees is known as Workplace Wellness Program. Business in the modern world design and implement policies and regulations that compel workers of that organization to adopt healthy behaviors at their designated work station, which consequently results in higher productivity level. Organizational and industrial experts suggest that organizations should implemen t processes within its functional capacities that enable the employees to get hold of and maintain control over their health conditions. For this reason, business implement a number of physical exercise activities in the name of â€Å"Corporate Wellbeing†such as Behavior Change Communication to Improve Health landscape, health related events and seminars, medical scrutiny of the employees on time to time basis, physical training, weight reduction programs, health notices or fitness facilities within the premises of the business (DeVries, 2010). Workplace Wellness programs introduced by an organization would include giving flexible timing to the employees for physical exercise, providing employees with healthy food menu and help them to develop healthy eating habits, conducting â€Å"walk and talk†meetings with the employees and offering a number of financial incentives and aide to the employees so as to motivate them to participate in wellness programs. With the emer gence of globalization on the business horizon, organizations now need to engage employees into physical activities on a more rigorous scale, to maintain their health conditions. This activity results in keeping employees physically fit and increase their ability to counter the new challenges emerging every other day (DeVries, 2010).
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Commons-Based Peer Production and Virtue Research Paper
Commons-Based Peer Production and Virtue - Research Paper Example The first virtue discussed by the writers is put under cluster I which is named autonomy, independence, and liberation. In the view of Nissenbaum and Benkler (2006), though commons-based peer production give users the freedom to contribute freely from the privacy of their homes, it is extremely necessary that such independence, liberation, and autonomy are respected in â€Å"our actions and choices as well as from the typical array of institutional entities, whether employers, banks, agents of government, or whoever.†The writers also touch on creativity, productivity, and industry. There is no denying fact this is an area in commons-based peer production that so much is needed from the contributor to show virtue and ethics. This assertion is judged from the fact that contributors are hardly coached or monitored. â€Å"Peer production offers a medium for contributing our thoughts, our knowledge, our know-how, or merely the spare cycles of our PCs toward a meaningful productâ € (Nissenbaum and Benkler, 2006).Such freedom to be personal puts a lot of challenge on contributors to stand out tall with their level of creativity and productivity to ensure that standard is maintained in the industry. There are then the virtues of benevolence, charity, generosity, altruism. There are then the virtues of benevolence, charity, generosity, altruism, writers believe that contributors should have an inner-judging ethics that should tell them that their effort and production are being undertaken as a form of social benevolence. For this reason, it is important to attach to it all needed commitment and dedication.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Women with guns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Women with guns - Essay Example The reason that this happens is because these woman are defenseless at late night time, and they do not carry a gun at times when they need to protect themselves. If women knew how to use a gun for the purposes of self-protection, there would be fewer rapes and murders and also women would not be victimized as much. There are many single mothers raising children who sometimes feel defenseless in their own home, especially if they don’t have a male figure to protect them. Single mothers should keep a firearm safely concealeden in their homes in order to protect their young families. The reason for this is that many women are unable to defend themselves from large more, aggressive predator who tries to break in their house to rob or hurt them or their children. Most single mothers have no greater responsibility than to take care of themselves and those they love the most: their children. By allowing women to keep guns in their homes, it would ensure that their households are safe and everyone is protected. Finally, women should carry firearms for their own self-independence. The reason that a woman should carry a gun for self-independence is because they should not have to feel weak and afraid. Allowing a woman to carry a gun will make her feel safe and not afraid of what may be lurking around the next dark corner when they’re on their way home late at night. A woman should never have to feel as if they need a man for protection, so letting women have firearms gives them self-independence and prevents them from being victimized in the future. When a woman has the power of a gun, that she has a gun she has a lower chance of becoming victimized. There are many reasons why a woman should carry a firearm, but the reality is that women are still being victimized. because its the There is a perception and reality that not enough women are carrying
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Can laws influence incidence of chronic illness Essay
Can laws influence incidence of chronic illness - Essay Example Enacting laws is one of the methods that can help stop the prevalence of obesity and chronic diseases. This paper will look at the how enacting laws can help reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases and whether enacting such laws is ethical. A recent research suggests that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths (Meetoo, 2010). However, this is despite the various public awareness efforts and the laws that have been enacted over the years to stop this. Obesity and chronic diseases are likely to be the leading causes of preventable death in the future if proper measures are not taken to address this menace (Meetoo, 2010). The United States of America government over the years has enacted strict laws to help reduce cigarette smoking. The tobacco control act is one of such legislations whose main aims include; making tobacco products more expensive, preventing people from starting using tobacco and helping those already using tobacco products to stop. These laws have had a small effect on controlling the use of tobacco products. However, this effect cannot go unnoticed, as it has helped save many people’s lives. The government should embark on enacting laws to help reduce the prevalence of obesity and chronic diseases. In addition to raising public awareness on the issue, laws will go a long way in reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases and ensure it does not become the leading cause of preventable death. The laws should mainly target at the marketing strategies used by fast food outlets, branding and labeling of fast foods. The sale of soft drinks and fast food products around and in schools should also be prohibited. The government should also make sure that nutritious foods are subsidized to make sure they are affordable regardless of one’s economic status (Meetoo, 2010). Is it ethical to enact laws that are aimed at
Analysis of Durkheims The Elementary Forms of Religious Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Durkheims The Elementary Forms of Religious Essay As described in Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, a totem is apparent in every society. A totem is a symbolic figure of some creature, being, or thing that represents the sanctity and principle of god. Essentially, a totem is a profane, ordinary object that has been deemed by society to have some holy, sacred characteristics. With this being said, the object itself does not have any holy or sacred qualities; rather it is merely the representation of the totem that holds these characteristics. For example, if a society’s totem is a turtle then an actual turtle would merely be a turtle, but when the turtle is presented as a totemic emblem then this symbolic representation of the turtle is sacred. Durkheim argues that, because the totem is a socially constructed representation of god then the totem itself represents society as well. Durkheim makes this assumption evidently clear by stating that â€Å"the god of the clan, the totemic principle, can therefore be nothing else than the clan itself, personified and represented to the imagination under the visible form of the animal or vegetable which serves as totem. From this, one can conclude that Durkheim viewed the worship of totem as worshipping society. Durkheim goes on to make the argument that god and society are â€Å"equivalent. †God is an outside, figurative force that holds the people worshiping it to certain manners and actions. The act of worshipping said god or totem is an indication that the follow ers, believers, or worshipers are dependent upon this force to determine the actions they partake in, the behaviors they exhibit and so on. God and religion exist in order to keep people â€Å"in line†via ritualized activities and setting moral and ethical guidelines that people abide by. Society, in and of itself, possesses the same qualities. The norms and values of a society, which for the most part have been incorporated into the moral and ethical guidelines laid out in the society’s religion, are followed whether or not they are in line with the individuals intrinsic nature. Because of this characteristic, society is itself an outside force that people are dependent on, whether or not they acknowledge it. Lastly, Durkheim acknowledges that these ritualized activities and shared moral values foster the social solidarity and cohesion of society. By partaking in shared activities, whether it be the Islamic ritual of praying to Allah multiple times a day, the American tradition of singing of the national anthem before the first pitch of a baseball game, or the Catholic ritual of aking communion, we are acknowledging that we belong to a group or society. Common activities help establish what Durkheim refers to as â€Å"collective consciousness†, that is a specified set of beliefs and values that are common to members of a given society or group. Praying to the same god or praising the same society, which according to Durkheim are one in the same, encourages the development and maintenance of a collectively held set of morals, values, ethics, and belief s.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Team Building and Leadership Self Assessment Paper
Team Building and Leadership Self Assessment Paper First of all I would like to thank Prof. Bob Marx for his valuable efforts, kindness and time over the 3 days of marvelous journey together. Objective of this paper Through this paper I am trying to describe my job related problem and implement either Four Frame Approach or Situational Leadership Theory to improve it. In the end I will draw conclusions from there. Description of Situation The industry in todays world is growing quickly, and with this increase comes the necessity for more people to manage and lead the growing companies, but this growing need give rise to some prospective questions: Is anyone capable of becoming a leader or a manager? Is there any difference among the two? Can people be taught to have leadership or managerial qualities? Just like many other questions in business; these questions have no one definite answer. I work in a Multi National Company. The company is considered one of the world leaders in automotive products. I work in the Research and Development center of the company and occupy the post of R D laboratory engineer in the Electronic Laboratory. Our laboratory deals in the Validation and Development of automotive products. We are a team of 4 members (Refer Figure 1) who work on different projects. Both personally and professionally we share a healthy relationship and try to maintain a good and positive work environment. The strong point of our team is that we share the burden of work amongst us and help each other when the situation demands. We acknowledge the concept of teamwork and its importance to the success of our team. However, all of us together are still striving towards perfection. The principal problem is the low motivation of our team, may be its primarily because there is no positive communication with our manager. There is neither any feedback nor any assessment of task. He notices good performance but wait until half yearly performance review to express his appreciation. In an effort to achieve good results or meet deadline, he has forgotten about the finer behaviors that make the team better. Its lucid that for a manager its extremely important to be result oriented but at the same time its very important to keep the environment positive. A team means group of people, contributing their knowledge and skills, working together to achieve a common goal. But when a team doesnt perform efficiently its not merely the fault of manager of the team as a whole. We should never forget that there are always two parts to a coin. Now I would like to describe the behavior of my other team members including myself. I am the part of this laboratory from last 3 years. In this past three years I have worked on numerous projects. I am very dedicated and focused towards my work. I hardly ever need any direction from my manager but sometimes a little guidance is required. But every now and then I lose the motivation towards my work due to no feedback and no encouragement. The second lab engineer is a hard working and self directed person. He is working for the company for last 6 years. Since he follows the same monotonous routine for past 6 years, he gets bored with every task assigned. He also shows lack of interest in the work; however he works well with the team. The third lab engineer is a new team member. She is a contractor and has joined our team few months back. Her ambition is to get hired in the organization. She is enthusiastic and eager to learn new things, and always do her tasks well but at the same time relatively less skilled and inexperienced. I also find her sensitive and self critical. She takes things to heart and gets disappointed when things go wrong and then start criticizing the situation. The lack of communication with manager and no individual growth of the group are becoming the important factors for our team ineffectiveness. A new approach to problem solving My seminar on Team Building and Leadership taught me two different approaches of solving the problems. Four Frames Approach and Situational Leadership Theory are tools if used appropriately can help solve most of the professional and personal problems. Before this class I didnt even know if such type of tools existed. I am choosing Situational Leadership Theory for managing my job-related problem. I am trying to understand strengths and weaknesses of my each team members leadership style. Situational Leadership (SLII) suggests that leaders can work in any situation by adapting their behavior accordingly i.e. they should exhibit different behavior as per the situation and it should match the developmental level of the team performing a specific task. Different situations called for different kinds or styles of leadership. SLII defines 4 leadership behaviors: S1 (high-directive but low-supportive), S2 (high-directive and high-supportive), S3 (low-directive but high supportive) and S4 (low-directive and low-supportive) and equally 4 development levels of the follower: D1 (low-competence but high-commitment), D2 (moderate-competence but low-commitment), D3 (moderate-competence but no commitment) and D4 (high-competence and high-commitment). In the next table (Refer Figure 2) I have matched the leadership behavior levels and development levels of my team members: Plan of Action After studying acutely for few days the strengths and weaknesses of my team mates, I decided to apply the Situational Leadership Theory into Action. It was tricky to decide from where to start but I went with my intuition and asked my manager for a meeting. In the meeting I started by explaining him about the Situational Leadership Theory. I drew a chart by explaining the 4 leadership styles and 4 development levels. During the course of meeting, I outlined him at which developmental level we four are and asked him what he felt about it. I emphasized about the importance of giving feedback and providing encouragement, reassurance, support and admiration to acknowledge competence. I acknowledged him for his zeal to achieve the results but at the same time pointed out its drawbacks on the team members. In the end it was discussed that how we can help each other towards achieving same goals. We decided to have a team meeting. In the meeting we discussed about the situation and the SLII theory in detail. I provided them with my feedback on the situation. We shared each others point of view and suggested the ways to make our goal more interesting. We decided that everyone should make an action plan on how to achieve that goal together. My team manager than have one on one meeting with three of us. During our meeting, he valued my coming forward and briefing him on the situation. He appreciated my dedication to work and affirmed me that from now on he will give us the feedbacks regularly. We even talked about my lack of confidence in some tasks and how I can improve it. He recognized that he also needs to improve in some areas. I dont know what he discussed with my team members but I can feel an improved environment than before. Conclusions Its still too early to tell that if the SLII theory had solved the difficulty of our team. But its has definitely helped. And thats a really good start. I can see the improvement in our work and even in myself. I think its better to say that SLII is not just a theory but a model which when applied correctly can yield enhancing results. Self Assessment Paper Managing, understanding, motivation focused on others or yourself are lot more efficient when you understand yourself, and the people you seek to motivate. Understanding personality is also the key to unlock inexpressible human qualities, e.g. leadership, empathy and motivation, whether your purpose is self-development or helping others. With 7 main goals we started our 3 days of beautiful journey on Team Building and Leadership seminar. The principal goals were to learn about myself and my strengths, my growing edge and about each other so we can work together as a high performance team. These goals were well accomplished as the seminar helped me to know more about my elusive qualities and others emotions. It made me realize that I should spend more time in building my strength rather than remedying my weaknesses. In this assignment paper I am going to assess myself on the four main topics of seminar: Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is the ability, capacity or the skill that influence ones ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures. It includes the ability to motivate oneself and persist even when one is frustrated, to control ones impulses and delay gratification, to regulate the mood and keep distress from overwhelming the thinking ability, to empathize with others and to hope. Its structure is divided into Personal Competence (Self Awareness and Self Management) and Social Competence (Social Awareness and Relationship Management). With the help of EI Self Assessment questionnaire (Pg 17-20 of the booklet) I interpreted that I have the capacity to correctly manage my emotions and feelings but I lacked in self motivation. I am good in sharing the problems of anyone but I am afraid of taking the risks. The seminar helped me to know my strengths and limits. It helped me realise my capabilities and self confidence. It prepared me to be flexible in handling changes and to react efficiently in pressure situations. The self believe and confidence of Jennifer Connelly in the movie A Beautiful Mind taught me that one should not be afraid of taking risks and initiatives. When one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior. (Henry C. LINK) Team Building Skills: I was once told that teamwork depends on the performance of every single member on the team. I had trouble understanding it until I was shown how the office computer performs when just one key is out of order. That one key destroys the effectiveness of the computer. Now I know that even though I am only one person, I am needed or essential for the success and fulfilment of the team. Everyone work, think and act in unique ways. A principal reason why teams struggle is due to different styles and approaches to work. It is very difficult to work efficiently in a team without knowing what your style of work. Once you know your style, it is equally important to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of other members. At my work, we are team of 4 members. We trust each other and we work together to achieve a common objective. I learned, from the game which we played last day, that to accomplish a goal we always have to work in accordance with a plan. After the group discussion and feedback, I realized that I was contributing actively in the team and offering the solutions. Everyone was equally focused to win. In the end I was happy to share the responsibility for my teams loss and to get the positive feedback about my role. Situational Leadership: It states that the effectiveness of a leader depends upon how much his leadership style is suited to the characteristics of his group and the nature of the group task. Its a contingency theory that concentrates on team readiness; the more ready the team the less the need for leader support and supervision. The case studies and the questionnaire which we responded in the seminar affirmed me that I have D3 developmental level and I have S3 leadership skills. I knew that I am capable of performing any task but at the same time I am doubtful of my own abilities. The seminar made me realize that I should not be afraid of doing things my way and taking things at my own pace because life is not about giving all or nothing; give what you can. It made me to push myself farther than I thought I could go. I learned a lot about myself and having a blast. I used situational leadership theory to improve my work related problem. I can feel the improvement at my work and the changes in myself. The Four Frames: Just getting the people in the team is not good enough. They have to be told what the goal is. A team consists of different individuals. The objective is to make them all work together like a fist, like a team. This is the job of manager to recognize the major constituencies and to manage conflict as productively as possible. A manager needs a wide range of ways of seeing frames. Frames are the set of assumptions that one carry in head; helps negotiate a particular territory. Reframing is an ability to understand and use multiple perspectives. There are four different frames for Leadership: Structural Frame (how to organize); Human Resource Frame (how to tailor organizations to satisfy human needs); Political Frame (how to cope with power and conflict) and Symbolic Frame (how to shape a culture that gives purpose meaning to work). I still remember Timothy said in seminar that any frame if applied efficiently can solve any problem. But on the contrary, I think that all four frames support each other. The biggest example is RFK High School Case. The situation of the school demands the application of each and every frame to improve problems. Even David King at the end of the day structured everything into four frames. With the help of questionnaire on Leadership Orientations (Pg 22 of the booklet), I recognized that I belong to Human Resource Frame (HR). I am a good listener and my strongest point is interpersonal skills. I am concerned about people and share their feelings. I care and support others and try to keep everyone involved. Conclusions Personally I feel that all the goals of the seminar were entirely accomplished. I learned a lot about myself, my elusive strengths and my weaknesses. I got to know my classmates well and now I am optimistic that we can all work together efficiently in our future projects. I had a lot of fun and it was a fantastic experience. I enjoyed a lot while playing different games and challenged myself to win them. I really appreciated the portrait of David King played by my class mates and that of Chauncey played by Bob. This seminar taught me a lot and it has definitely exceeded my expectation. It was an unforgettable and lifetime experience for me. The seminar changed my vision toward many things. My warm regards and thanks to Professor Bob.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Features of C++ in programming
Features of C++ in programming Ans1. Unique features of C++ : Encapsulation: It is the process of combining data and functions into a single unit called class. Using the method of encapsulation, the programmer cannot directly access the data rather data is accessible through the functions present inside the class. It led to the important concept of data hiding. Abstraction: It is one of the most powerful and vital features provided by object-oriented C++ programming language. The main idea behind data abstraction is to give a clear separation between properties of datatype and the associated implementation details. Polymorphism: It is the ability to use an operator or function in different ways. Poly, referring to many uses of these operators and functions. A single function usage or an operator functioning in many ways can be called polymorphism. Inheritance: It is the process by which new classes called derived classes are created from existing classes called base classes. The derived classes have all the features of the base class and the programmer can choose to add new features specific to the newly created derived classes. C++ better than C: Stronger typing: the type system in C++ is stronger than in C. This prevents many common programming errors coupled with the next very important feature, the stronger type system even manages not be an inconvenience. A Bigger standard library: C++ allows the full use of the standard library. It includes the Standard Template Library. Parameterized types: the template keyword allows the programmer to write generic implementations of algorithms. Data and methods to edit the data act as one entity i.e. by the usage of classes. Limiting scope of data i.e. by using private/public variables. Constructors and destructors for defining default behaviour of entities. Ques2. Demonstrate the use of Inline Functions and Function Overloading. Ans2. An Inline function is a function that is expanded in line when it is invoked. This kind of function is used to save the memory space which becomes appreciable when a function is likely to be called a number of times. It is used to eliminate the cost of calls to small functions. Normally, a function call transfers the control from the calling program to the function and after the execution of the program returns the control back to the calling program after the function call but in inline function, when the program is compiled, the code present in the function body is replaced in place of the function call. Syntax: inline datatype function_name(arguments) { function body } Example: #include #include inline float mul(float x, float y) { return (x*y); } inline double div(double p, double q) { return (p/q); } int main() { clrscr(); float a= 12.345; float b= 9.82; cout
Monday, August 19, 2019
Spirits and Abraham Lincoln: Letters to President Lincoln Concerning S
In the late nineteenth century, American spiritualists maintained that Abraham Lincoln had been a spiritualist too. Whenever they drew up lists of prominent believers, Lincoln was foremost among the reformers, judges, governors, senators, and scientists whose stature lent credence to their movement. In this paper, I look at letters written to President Lincoln by spiritualists or about spiritualism, but it is not my aim to determine whether or not Lincoln was a spiritualist. Instead, I use these letters to reflect on spiritualism as a cultural phenomena. It captured the imaginations of many Americans in the years leading up to the Civil War, drawing them to sà ©ance rooms, to mediums, or to their family parlors to commune with the dead. The letters to Lincoln reveal how spiritualism evolved from older cultural traditions and what it came to mean for spiritualists. Letters to Abraham Lincoln are available on the World Wide Web, part of the Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress. The Lincoln Papers include a large number of incoming letters from a variety of correspondents: friends, political figures, and regular people. Most of the letters have been transcribed and annotated by scholars at the Lincoln Study Center . Very few lettersâ€â€only tenâ€â€deal with spiritualism at all. The authors, however, represent the full spectrum of letter writers, from Lincoln ’s closest friend, to a well-known New York judge, to ordinary peopleâ€â€that is, ordinary people who received messages from spirits. Five of these ten letters came from avowed spiritualists, four men and one woman.[1] One man denied being a spiritualist, and another sent a tongue-in-cheek introduction to two mediums, leaving his sentiment... ...ttp://, accessed [30 December 2014]. [16] The relationship is described in an annotation. Joshua F. Speed to Abraham Lincoln, February 13, 1849. Transcribed and annotated by the Lincoln Studies Center , Knox College , Galesburg , Illinois . Available at Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress, Manuscript Division ( Washington , D.C. : American Memory Project, [2000-01]),, accessed [30 December 2014]. [17] Joshua F. Speed to Abraham Lincoln, October 26, 1863. Transcribed and annotated by the Lincoln Studies Center , Knox College , Galesburg , Illinois . Available at Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress, Manuscript Division ( Washington , D.C. : American Memory Project, [2000-01]),, accessed [30 December 2014].
Sunday, August 18, 2019
MBA Admissions Essays - Major Accomplishments -- MBA College Admission
I had practiced it before, but this time it was for real. Well, as real as a college mock trial tournament can get. I objected, pointed, and did squat thrusts during 10-minute breaks. During the trial, I paused for a few seconds of silence and methodically tied up the loose ends of my closing monologue. My mock trial team sat quietly for a couple of minutes until the judges offered some feedback and tabulated the scores. Unfortunately, we lost in a landslide and would not be moving on to the final round of competition. Before our team departed from Ithaca, however, we still had to sit through closing ceremonies, where team and individual awards would be distributed. We arrived to the function with our head between our tales, but when they read the award for best mock trial attorney, my name was called. I was shocked and utterly ecstatic. I was even surprised that it wasn't a run of the mill paper award I had won, but actually a wooden plaque with some official looking carvings. It wa sn't an Academy award or Nobel Prize, but for someone who had practiced relentlessly for months, it su...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Effects of Women Incarceration on Young Children Essay
Number of women putting in prison has increased drastically in recent decades. Approximately 600,000 women were incarcerated in 1990. This number has increased to more than one million in 2000. Though women are less likely to get imprisonment, the rate of their imprisonment is rising drastically (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2001). Majority of women put in prison are mothers. Families of incarcerated women are badly affected and face challenges such mental illness, poverty, substance abuse and child abuse. Sometimes, permanent changes in children of incarcerated women take place even when their mother has returned home. Such children lose the hope of having their mother for the rest of life with them. They think that their mother will go to jail sooner or later (Greene & Hurtado 2000). Children of incarcerated mother are subjected to go through troubles in their adolescence. Such children may commit a crime, may involve in substance abuse, mental illness may be profound in them, may leave schools in their early life and may receive inappropriate adult care. Criminal behavior of mothers brings damaging effects in children. They are badly affected when they see their mother arrested and put in prison (Young & Carrie 2000). This paper provides information about the effects of women incarceration on young children. Different age groups of children are taken into consideration and the effect of their mother’s incarceration on them is discussed in detail. This paper describes how children try to cope up with the incarceration of their mothers. Changes in policies are required and this paper recommends such changes to provide support to such children and to keep them away from the harm. Effect of Women Incarceration on Young Children Majority of the incarcerated women are mothers. The effects of mother’s incarceration on young children are not much known. Such children are not considered when their mothers are put in prison. Researchers, policy makers, communities and service providers do not think about the affected children and thus, nothing is being done for the well-being of those children. Children at different development stages are affected to a different extent. Infants and toddlers are affected in a different manner, where as, pre-schoolers, school-aged children and adolescents are affected in entirely different manner to a different extent (McClellan 1994). Impact of Mother’s Incarceration on Infants and Toddlers Babies are not able to understand the imprisonment of their mothers but people around them come under stress due to the incarceration of the baby’s mother. Such stressed people’s behavior tells the babies that something wrong has happened. The stress period begins when the mother is arrested, put in prison and the stress continues even after the mother’s return. Care givers do not take care of the babies the way a mother can do. Such babies do not receive breast feeding that is essential for their growth. Their routines are badly disrupted. Infants and toddlers are more likely to receive neglecting and abusive care. They are most likely to receive very less capacity to regulate them. They have to face severe stress that is often imposed by their family. They may also have to face poverty. Children of this age group are not able to understand the arrest and imprisonment of their mothers. Some children of this age group forget their mothers and become attached to the caregiver. So, the bond between mother and the child will be broken for ever. When children of this age group are taken to penal settings, they are unable to understand why they cannot touch their moms though their moms are in front of them (Marcus-Mendoza 2001). Impact of Mother’s Incarceration on Pre-Schoolers Pre-schoolers’ age ranges from three to five years. Children under this age group need the development of skills that are essential for them to get success in their academics and society. Individuality seems to be prominent and such children need to live independent life. Discipline development is essential at this stage and certain routines need to be set at this age. Children under this age group are also not able to understand much about the incarceration of their mother but they can catch the feelings by the notions of people surrounding them (Greene & Hurtado 2000). Children’s limited understanding power does not let them connect crime with imprisonment and thus they simply tend to focus on the results of the incarceration. For example, they start disliking the police just because their mother was taken away. They do not like judges because they are responsible for putting their mothers in jails. Sometimes, such children start disliking their mothers because they think that their mother has done something wrong. They need time to settle their minds again to have the same picture of their mother as they had before; the mother who was used to take good care of them. Children under such circumstances usually consider the criminal justice system quite unjust and they consider them as the victims of the criminal justice system (Hagan 1996). Impact of Mother’s Incarceration on School-Aged Children When children come to an age between 6 to 12 years, they become more aware of them and people. Their thinking abilities are enhanced and concepts about rights and wrongs become clearer to them. Such children begin to establish relations with their caregivers and go away from their mothers. In fact, such children should be able to rationalize that their mother is a good person. This can be done when the image of their mother is portrayed to them in a positive manner. They tend to justify that the acts of their mother were quite fair and the criminal justice system has been unfair to them or they may even complain of a biased behavior. Such behavioral developments in children of this age group are quite alarming as criminal behavior may also be developed in such children (Fejes & Miller 2002). Children of this age group do not share this bitter reality of their life with others. They hide as their weak point. Thus, they are less likely to receive any kind of support from others such as teachers, and care takers. They tend to minimize socialization. Aggressive behavior may also develop in such children and they feel difficulty in putting their efforts in their education resulting in more absences (Feldman et al. 1999). Development of Criminal Behavior in Young Children of Incarcerated Women Children of incarcerated women may develop criminal behavior. Following are some factors that determine the likelihood of criminal behavior. Coping Strategies Children of all ages go through extremely hurtful situations. They begin to implement coping strategies to get out of the awkward situations resulting from their mother’s incarceration. They begin to suffer from anxiety, feelings of shame and anger and financial problems. They begin to deny the reality, show aggressive behavior, blame themselves, get involved in substance and alcohol abuse and find ways to escape from the situation by running away. These strategies may benefit kids on temporary basis but they leave long lasting bad effects. These issues may lead to criminal behavior (Casey-Acevedo 2002). Giving Good Reasons This is another strategy that children of incarcerated mothers use to portray their mothers as very good persons. They do so to hide the reality of their mothers. They deny the fact that their mother had committed a crime and that is why she was sent to prison. They justify their mother’s position by insisting that people saying bad words about their mother are indeed bad themselves. They even begin to justify the crime committed by their mother. They insist that crime may be permissible in certain circumstances such as they justify that stealing is a right act if done to provide clothing and food for family. They consider themselves and their mother as a victim of situations such as poverty that had forced their mother to commit a crime. Criminal justice system seems unfair in their eyes. As a result, anti-social behavior begins to develop in such children (Feldman et al. 1999). Poverty Usually incarcerated mother had been the finance provider for children. Incarceration of mother results in lack of funds. They do not get proper nutrition and basic things that are the rights to get by all children. As children face poverty, they consider stealing as permissible and thus commit crimes to fulfill their needs. They want to get the things that children living with their mothers usually get; proper nutrition, good clothing, education, healthy environment etc. The absence of such facilities fosters the likelihood to commit a crime (Greene & Hurtado 2000). Absence of Adult Guidance When mother is sent to prison, children do not receive any guidance and supervision from an adult any more. Adults know better how to guide young children so that they become a part of a safer environment. The absence of adult supervision make children suffer and struggle in society and school. They stop going to school, face difficulties in their jobs, and get involved in relationships that exploit or abuse them. They may get involved in drug culture and even in the sex trade (Gabel & Shindledecker 1993). Strategies for the Minimization of Harm There is a great need to implement strategies that can minimize the harm posed to the children of incarcerated women. Following are some useful strategies to combat this issue: Mothers Should Not Be Incarcerated There is a need to keep the whole family together and for this purpose the mothers should not be incarcerated. In case they commit a crime, there should be some alternatives in place of incarceration. Community based interventions should be implemented. The threat of imprisonment will lead towards betterment. Conditional sentencing will not require any imprisonment and justice system will accomplish the goals that were expected to be obtained from the incarceration of women. Training should be provided to important professional groups Educators, child protection workers, mental health professionals should be trained in a way to support the children of incarcerated mothers. They should be able to explain the children about the connection of crime to punishment. Children should be taught about rights and wrongs. School attendance should be encouraged. Caregivers should be trained in a way to provide the children of incarcerated mothers the best nurturing environment. The visits of children to their mothers should be supervised and motivated in positive manners. Conclusion Children of incarcerated women are at a greatest risk of being traumatized and get involved in criminal behavior. Their personalities are badly affected due to the absence of their mother in the time of their needs. Caregivers are not providing the required care. Criminality of women can be reduced by using effective strategies. Children of incarcerated women should be given under the supervision of an adult to help them grow in a safer environment. Strategies to cope up with the bitter reality of their mother’s incarceration should be implemented in a positive way. Schools and society should be encouraged to help such children instead of making fun of them or taunting them. Good neighbors can also play good roles. Children should be provided with the basic facilities that are essential for nurturing them. Mothers with offensive background should be provided with the support to get reasonable jobs to fulfill their basic needs. This way the crime rate among women can be minimized. Society should let such women improve their criminal behavior by motivating them to quit their crimes. Such women should be appreciated to do meaningful activities that can help them become mentally healthy. Children should never be taken away from the children due to incarceration.
Is404 Final Study Guide
IS404 Final Study Guide 1. p6 Need to know the 4 broad categories for technologies. a Networks b System c Processes d Applications 2. p5 Need to know access control systems consists of 3 elements a Policies b Procedures c Tools 3. p16 The purpose of access control is to regulate interactions between a subject and an object, such as data, a network or device 4. p8 Need to know the Confidence in any authentication system can be measured by two components : the type of correlation and the number of authentication factors 5. p21 Access control threats cannot be 100% eliminated because new ones are constantly being devised. . p26-27 Quantitative risk assessment relies on several calculations a Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) b Annual Rate of Occurrence (ARO) c Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) 7. p24 Social engineering is the single most common strategy attackers use and it’s also the most effective 8. p35 Under system application domain, patch management is what? Can be used to addres s security threats 9. p30 Where are access controls needed most? Unless there is an asset of special importance stored on the network, it is unnecessary to place separate access controls on each asset 10. 45 Significant lots of overlap in security layers 11. p45 A classification scheme is a method of organizing sensitive information into various access levels. 12. p46 Anyone can gain access to unclassified information through legal means via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) -13. p48 The privacy act of 1974 is related to the federal government. 14. p52-53 Why would you need to classify data? – Risk avoidance 15. p58 Operational efficiency: * The right information * The right people * The right time 16. p71-72 What’s a key requirement for HIPAA? – Security and privacy of Health data 17. 77 FERPA * Computer media * Written documents stored in the student folder * 18. p89 IT security policy framework consists of: * Policy * Standard * Guideline * Procedure 19. p107-108 Kinds of security breaches: * System exploits * Eavesdropping * Social engineering * Denial of Service Attacks * Indirect attacks * Direct Access Attack 20. p98 Federal and state laws have been created to act as deterrents to information theft. 21. p99 DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act – allows unauthorized disclosure of data by circumventing an established tech measure. 22. 120 Customer access to data is the advent of the internet had made it easy for customers to order merchandise. 23. p130 Separation of responsibilities if an attacker compromises one account he or she will get denied for another account 24. p152 Acceptable Use Policy AUP – Defines how an employee may use equipment. 25. p143 Social engineering is a strategy in which hackers exploit the general human trust: * Assumed identity * Believability * Multiple Contacts * Request for Help 26. p148-149 Job rotation reduces risk factors with separation of duties 27. 166 You can manage a ACLs in Micr osoft using windows active directory or NFS version 4 28. p172 UNIX right are : read, write, and execute 29. p172 No permissions has a value of zero 0 30. p165 Secure DIM – Another method is to secure the communications channel. You can use protocols such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to accomplish this 31. p168 Delegate Access Rights are granted from something that owns an object to another user or system 32. p209 Media Access Control is based on the sensitivity of the information contained in the objects. 33. p209-210 Role based Access Control: * Role assessment Role authorization * Transaction authorization 34. p219 Kerberos uses strong cryptography in order for the client to prove its identity to the server – Single Sign in Method SSM 35. p228 All access point within a range display their SSIDs 36. p218 2 Factor Authentication: something you have, something you know, something you are 37. p280 Need to know the three different types of remote access authenticating pr otocols: PAP- CHAP- PPP – 38. p273 Need to know the purpose of AAA : Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting 39. p285 Internet Key Exchange IKE, is the de facto standard of IPsec 40. 280 TACACS provides flexibility to network administrators by implementing AAA capabilities. RADIUS does not 41. p285 Web Authentication is needed where VPN is not available. 42. p293 Single server provides central digital signing and verification services 43. p306-307 PKI does not ensure that the end user can be trusted 44. p312 Authentication service validates the subscribers credentials for the registration authority prior to the request for a digital certificate 45. p304 Non repudiation is a concept of assuring the originator cannot refute the origin of a statement document 46. 326 One advantage to non-intrusive testing methods can uncover valuable information about potential vulnerabilities. 47. p327 Vulnerability Assessment is the first step to hardening the network * Network scanners * Port scanners * Web Application scanners 48. p332 Breach response is double blind 49. p334 Code injection is an attack when a hacker injects malicious code into an input field, usually a web application 50. p340 The penetration testers is the major deliverable from any penetration test is the analysis and report delivered to the organization
Friday, August 16, 2019
Ehtical and legal perspectives Essay
When policemen take their Oath of Office, it signifies a transformation of their status from being civilians into full pledged members of the law enforcement. Part of this transition is to observe some strict ethical standards that could undermine or strengthen their roles in an investigation. Among the ethical standards that must be observed is the ethics of lying during an interrogation of a suspect. An officer may use a small piece of evidence and would convince the suspect that such piece of evidence would link the suspect to the crime he is accused of. How far can an officer go such as lie to a suspect in order to elicit a response during an interrogation process? The results in the long run of continuous deception of police officers to suspects during the interrogation process can be detrimental to our society as these tears out the social fabric that binds our law enforcement with civil society. As a result, juries tend to become skeptical of police testimonies even on the instances that the police are telling the truth. In the United States, there are about six thousand false convictions for felonies every year (Huff et al, â€Å"Guilty Until Proven Innocent,†Crime & Delinquency, vol. 32, pages 518-44, 1986) and that police deceptions are one of the major causes of the rise of conviction of innocent persons. Moreover, under the McDade Law passed on October of 1998, federal prosecutors are required to comply with state ethics law in order to force federal law enforcement agencies to use deceptive tactics and forcing suspects to confess or elicit responses from their questions. The issues involved when the officer lies to the suspect during interrogation lies in the core values of justice system which expects the observance of ethical behaviors such as honesty and justice as well as equality. There’s also a large difference between ethical and legal issues. Ethical issues may be considered legal but unethical whereas legal actions may not also be always ethical.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Movie Concept Proposal Essay
The gender of the target audience I believe would mostly be males because in gangster films, males take the prominent role and women are sometimes degraded in the roles they play. For our film, the gender of the target audience would mainly be males, though females could be attracted to the film also. 4. Background: I. Time:1949-1980 II. Place:Taipei III. Event or specific social context:In December 1949, Chiang evacuated his government to Taiwan and made Taipei the temporary capital of the ROC (also called the â€Å"wartime capital†by Chiang Kai-shek). Some 2 million people, consisting mainly of soldiers, members of the ruling Kuomintang and the intellectual and business elites, were evacuated from mainland China to Taiwan at that time, adding to the earlier population of approximately six million. After the 228 Incident, the conflicts between the â€Å"benshengren†and â€Å"waishengren†turn white hot. The different goals of the Chinese Nationalists and the Taiwanese, coupled with cultural and language misunderstandings served to further inflame tensions on both sides. The early Han Chinese immigrants known as the â€Å"benshengren†(Chinese: ; literally â€Å"home-province person†) in Chinese, which often referred to â€Å"native Taiwanese†in English, but the term is also frequently used for the Taiwanese aborigines. The people who emigrated from mainland China after 1945 known as â€Å"waishengren†. 5. Characters:(1) Xiang( ) (2) Shin( ) (3) Mei( ) (4) Li( )Xiang’s father (6) Han( )Shin’s father 6. Scenario:The relationship between Xiang, Shin and Mei was just a case of playmates in their childhood. Xiang’s father, Li, was one of the soldiers who evacuated from mainland China to Taiwan at 1949. One day, when Li was working at canny plant, he met Hua, a beautiful Hak-ka girl, and then they fell in love. Xiang was born in 1954, Taipei. Xiang’s family and Shin’s family lived next door; as a result, they became best friends. When they got to elementary school, they met Mei. They didn’t keep anything from each other. After Graduated from elementary school, they entered a school in which most of the students were born locally. As one of only three non-locals in Xiang’s class, he became a frequent target of bullying; he and fellow students with roots in the mainland began to form gangs for their own protection. He didn’t know why, and He was confused that why those local students hate him. He swore to take their revenge on those who bullied him. He joined a local gang at 12, and United Bamboo Association (uniting all the â€Å"non-local†gangs to stand up against another local gang) was created a couple of years later. The friendship between Xiang and Shin was broken. After few years, Shin became a cup and Mei married him†¦ This is a story about love and hatred between them and also the struggles about family, nation and gangster. 7. Main Issues: (1) the contradiction and struggles between Benshengren and Waishengren (2) the struggles and conflicts between friendship and gangster (3) the love and hatred between young people (4) the grief of nobody in the great era (5) Cooperation and Symbiosis is the only way for a Healthy Taiwan 8. Marketing Strategy: (1) Where:Focus on metropolis. Taipei, New Taipei City, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung. (2) How: (a) Starting up to a year before the release of a major studio movie, distributors run movie trailers that are meticulously edited and audience-tested. The idea is to give moviegoers a taste of the laughs, special effects and plot twists of the studio’s upcoming releases, while leaving them wanting more. (b) About the same time that the first trailers hit the theaters, the movie studio will unveil an official Web site for the film. Typical movie Web sites allow visitors to view multiple versions of the trailer, watch behind-the-scenes interviews and mini-documentaries, read plot synopses, download cell-phone ringtones and desktop wallpaper, play games, and chat in forums and even pre-order tickets. (c) As the release date of the film draws closer, try to get early favorable press coverage in newspapers, magazines and on entertainment TV shows. (d) To bombard the public with so many images and promos for the movie that it becomes a â€Å"can’t miss†event. Plaster the sides of buses with huge ads, run tons of teaser trailers on TV, place full-page ads in major newspapers and magazines, and the movie’s stars will show up on all of the major talk shows. (e) Place rich, interactive ads on the Web sites most trafficked by their target audience. They can also release behind-the-scenes clips, and other viral videos on video-sharing sites like YouTube. 9. Poster Design (pictures & copywriting) The characters in the poster from left to right are Xiang, Mei and Shin. In the poster, the Chinese word â€Å"Yi†(? )means the loyalty in friends or gangster, where is Xiang’s second family, just like his home. The historical novel â€Å"Romance of the Three Kingdoms†glorified Guan Yu by portraying him as a righteous and loyal warrior. Guan Yu was one of the most altered and aggrandized characters in the novel, which accounted for his popular image in Chinese society. As a result, I used the image of â€Å"Guan Gong†to represent the meaning of â€Å"Yi†, which also means loyalty in Chinese word.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Race, Ethnicity, & Prejudice
Race, Ethnicity, and Prejudice-Online Project At one point in time the U. S. Census defined someone as a â€Å"negro†if they were one-sixteenth black. That is, if one of your sixteen great-great grandparents was of African descent (and the other fifteen were of â€Å"white†European descent), you were defined as â€Å"negro†. In Jamaica, people believed to be of â€Å"pure†African descent are described as black. People who are bi-racial are usually described as â€Å"colored†. In Brazil, there are even more differentiations of those believed to be of African descent.The point of all this is that our definitions are culture-bound and socially constructed. They are, therefore, not particularly scientific and change over time. This does not mean that race and ethnicity have no real meaning. They have meaning because we give them meaning. 1. What method do census enumerators use to classify people according to race? A census enumerator is a person who collects census data. Before 1960, census enumerators were themselves responsible for classifying people according to race. However, in 1960 there was a switch to self-reporting.From this point on, individuals were in control of classifying themselves. It was no longer the census enumerators who classified individuals, but individuals who classified themselves. Census enumerators would just compile the results. 2. Which categories of ethnicity are used by the census bureau? The categories of ethnicity and race used by the census bureau have undergone numerous changes over the years. At first, from 1790 to 1880, the census recorded only â€Å"color. †During this time period it was a person’s skin color that was of importance and there were three categories: White, Black, and Mulatto.The categories expanded in 1890 and consisted of five gradations: Black, Mulatto, Quadroon, Octoroon, and White. It was in 1900 that the word â€Å"race†actually appeared in the ce nsus. The question now asked for each person’s â€Å"color or race. †At this time the census used only two categories: White and Black. It wasn’t until 1950 that the word â€Å"color†was completely dropped and the census only asked for the person’s race. In 1960 people were able to classify themselves. Shortly following the census added the category â€Å"other. In 1977 there were four racial categories established: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, and White. Plus there was the â€Å"Other†category. Also, the census added two ethnicity categories: Hispanic origin and Not of Hispanic origin. 3. How have categories changed for the 2000 Census? Since 1977, the racial and ethnic makeup of the country changed significantly. There were no questions as to whether the previous standards still reflected the diversity that was present in the United States. So, with that, the categories for the 2000 census were r evised.The categories now consisted of: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and White. The category of â€Å"Some Other Race†is also included. In regards to ethnicity, there are two categories: Hispanic or Latino, and Not Hispanic or Latino. Aside from changes in the categories, another significant change for the 2000 census is that respondents are allowed to check off multiple â€Å"race†boxes. 4. What problems do you see with the Census definitions? The diversity in our society is increasing.Putting people in categories is becoming more problematic because the categories are arbitrary; none of the groups have clear or unambiguous boundaries. Classifying people into a certain category is restrictive and doesn’t take into account that â€Å"people classified as â€Å"Asian and Pacific Islander†represent scores of different national and linguistic backgrounds, and â€Å"America n Indian or Alaska Native†includes people from hundreds of different tribal groups†(Healey 13). The census definitions are very limiting and they don’t do diversity justice. Also, there is still no place for a number of groups among the categories listed. For example, where should we place Arab Americans and recent immigrants from Africa? †(Healey 13). I understand that it is unrealistic to have a category for every single group, but we should realize that the definitions used by the census, the classification schemes, have limited utility and application. In addition, there is a growing number of mixed-race individuals for whom there are no categories. Although currently that number is relatively small, it is projected to increase rapidly due to a growing number of marriages across group lines.How should those individuals be classified? Sources: Healey, Joseph F. (2010). Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change. (5th Ed. ). Pine Forge Press, an Imprint of SAGE Publications, Inc. Sweet, Frank W. (2011, Feb. 25). A Brief History of Census â€Å"Race†. Retrieved from http://knol. google. com/k/a-brief-history-of-census-race U. S. Census Bureau, Population Division. Racial and Ethnic Classifications Used in Census 2000 and Beyond. Retrieved from http://www. census. gov/population/www/socdemo/race/racefactcb. html
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