Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Supply chain management - Essay Example Moreover, the research also addresses other fundamental concepts such as the procedures which precede the decision to invest in capital equipment and required services, whether to undertake measures that are associated with strategic outsourcing and an explanation of the legal issues and local and international contract disputes which are faced by the company. History and Background of the Organization Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) was founded in 1939 by Stanford University students Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard (Hewlett-Packard 2013). Since, its inception in a Palto Alto garage the primary objective of the business was built on the foundations of promoting a distinct within the industry. According to Hewlett-Packard (2013), the first product that was built by engineers, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard was an audio oscillator which provides assistance to sound engineers. Eight samples of the company’s first ever creation were bought by Walt Disney Studios for their project, Fanta sia. The product line by HP broadly includes Personal Computer systems (PC’s), printing & imaging (inkjet and printing), and enterprise services (software & services, and accessories & networking) (Hewlett-Packard 2013). The company sells high quality laptops, desktop computers, tablets, monitors, servers, storage systems, handheld devices, printers, toners, ink, softwares, and networking accessories. Among its services are consultation, outsourcing, infrastructure, applications and other technological services (Reuters n.d.). The Organization’s Supply Chain Management Efforts According to the International Business Blog, HP organizes its company based on product departmentalization (McEntee 2010). That is, it has three main product departments including Personal Computer systems, printing and imaging, and enterprise services. The organization chart for HP found on the Cogmap website shows Leo Apotheke as the CEO, president and Chairman of the HP company with nine Exec utive Vice Presidents (EVP’s) below it handling the different departments including technology solutions group, human resources, imaging and printing, personal systems group, and so on (2013). Below the EVP’s are the SVP’s (Senior Vice Presidents) after which come the VP’s (Vice Presidents) and then the GM’s (General Managers). Charlie McMurty is the SVP for supply chain and Randy Salley is the SVP for Information Technology (IT) and supply chain systems. To deal with supply chain issues after facing rising inventory and customer dissatisfaction in the late 1980s, HP called an internal consulting group known as SPaM (Strategic Planning and Modeling) consisting of industrial engineers and management scientists to solve problems regarding supply chain (Lee & Billington 1995). The supply chain of HP’s computational and other products included the production of integrated circuits, board assembly, final assembly and delivery. The initiative of i mproving supply chain issues was first started by the 1990 CEO of HP, John Young (Lee & Billington 1995). The company had a very diverse product line and therefore inefficiencies could occur anywhere along the chain. The first step was the identification of the problem. The shipment of supplies could be delayed or the supplies could be
Monday, October 28, 2019
10 Facts on the Great Depression Essay Example for Free
10 Facts on the Great Depression Essay 1.Hoover reacted to growing despair by urging more voluntary action. 2.Hoover blamed the depression on international economic problems, and he was at least partially right. 3.In may 1931, the leading Austrian bank collapsed;by June , the German financial system. 4.Many World War I veterans lost their jobs during the Great Depression, and beginning in 1930, they lobied for the payment of their veterans’ bonuses, wich were not dure until 1945. 5.A bill passed congress in 1931, over Hoovers veto, allowing the veterans to borrow up to 50% of the bonuses due to them, but this did not satisfy the destitute veterans. 6.In May 1932, about 17,000 veterans marched onto Washington. Some took up residence in a ShantyTown called Bonus City that was located in the Anacostia flats outside the city. 7.In the Mid-June, the senate defeated the Bonus Bill, and most of the veterans were disappointed and resigned, and accepted a free railroad ticket home. 8. Several thousand remained, however, along with some wives and children, in the unsanitary shacks during the steaming summer heat. Among the were a small group of committed Communists and other radicals. 9. General Douglas MacArthur, the army chief of staff, ordered the army to disperse the veterans. He described the Bonus marchers as a â€Å"mob†¦animated by the essence of revolution.†With tanks, guns, and tear gas, the army routed veterans who 15 years before had worn the same uniform as their attackers. Two Bonus marchers were killed. And several others were injured. 10. Roosevelt’s caution and conservatism shaped the first New Deal. He did not promote socialism or suggest nationalizing the banks. He was even careful in authorizing public works projects to simulate the economy.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Essay example -- Philoso
My Educational Goals and Philosophy Education is the foundation of today's society. Without it, there is no future. Every other career begins on that first day of kindergarten, when a nervous student stumbles into the classroom and finds a chair in the corner of the room. At that moment, a teacher plays a pivotal role in the child's fate. If they are successful in making the child feel comfortable, they can nurture the student's desire to learn. If they are not successful, they may hinder this pursuit. Education has two major, seemingly contradictory, purposes. First, it transmits a country's culture to the next generation. Secondly, it gives societies a vehicle for changing the culture. I believe that it is essential for students to come into contact with their peers and with adults of similar and different backgrounds. This promotes tolerance and growth. Teachers should instill values in their students. They have an amazing opportunity to make an investment in the future. However, sometimes learning comes best through interaction with people of the same age. By befriending students of different races and economic statuses, children can recognize the differences and similarities between them and learn to accept and even appreciate each other for these. If society has veered down the wrong path, this social interaction between students can have tremendous rectifying powers. If students are taught to hate people of a certain color, religion, sexual orientation, etc., being around people with these characteristics, with no way to avoid them, can show students that the ideas that they have been taught may be misconceptions. Students then have the power to disagree with this hatred and contribute that to ... ...l immediately. Here, I will test my views. Eventually, I hope to continue my education by pursuing a Master Degree. I am also interested in teaching at the collegiate level at some point in my career. Whatever level I end up on, I hope to have a positive effect on the lives I come into contact with. I believe teaching is such a fulfilling career because everyday educators have the opportunity to change a child for the better. Giving students a well-rounded education, focusing on traditional subjects, which all other fields stem from, will enable the world to continue advancing and change with the times. Part of a well-rounded education also includes evoking positive interactions between people of different backgrounds. I believe that a teacher who strives to accomplish these goals has done more than fulfilled their job requirements. They have become a hero.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Explaining the Mysteries in the Story “Lucky†by Viet Dinh Essay
Viet Dinh’s short story is about the change in relationship between a man and his Aunt and Uncle. Jae, the main character in the story used to like his Uncle Sung and Aunt Kwi better than his own parents but suddenly had a change of heart because of an incident he experienced. Jae had been working in his Uncle Sung’s store when it was robbed one day. The robber put a gun against Jae’s temple and demanded for cash. Although the robber had acquired the contents of the cash register, he also demanded Uncle Sung’s wallet, threatening to put a hole in Jae’s head. While Jae had been terrified with his current situation, fearing for his life, Uncle Sung acted as if his nephew were not in a life-threatening situation, refusing to surrender his wallet. In the end, Uncle Sung bribed Jae $20 for his silence. Despite of his Uncle Sung’s request for him to keep silent, Jae told his Aunt Kwi what really happened during the incident hoping to get the sympathy of his Aunt. To Jae’s dismay, Aunt Kwi also requested for his silence. Jae was only 12 years old during the incident. While Jae’s change of heart in his relationship with his Aunt and Uncle is understandable, there are some mysteries in the story. First, why would Uncle Sung and Aunt Kwi not want Jae to tell others what really happened during the robbery? What would Uncle Sung accomplish or get by not telling the truth or by reinventing the story? Certainly, Uncle Sung has nothing to do with the whole incident and he was a victim as much as Jae was. Second, why were Uncle Sung and Aunt Kwi still mad at Jae 16 years after the robbery incident when it did not really did them any harm whether Jae told the real story or not? As a matter of fact, they were the ones who should be sorry for what they did to their nephew. Third, Jae’s feelings towards his Aunt and Uncle were not really resolved. The answers to these questions were not very clear from the story but I will attempt to find the logic behind such actions by the characters. The answer to the first mystery may be found in Uncle Sung’s sense of adventure. At the beginning of the story, Jae, who was also the narrator, related how Uncle Sung died. Uncle Sung, with all his profit from his businesses, was able to buy different cars, all of them built for speed. Uncle Sung died while driving one of these sports cars, where he apparently lost control, probably racing on a freeway. Jae held that he always felt danger around Uncle Sung. Uncle Sung’s sense of adventure was apparent during the robbery by keeping his cool despite the presence of life-threatening danger that he bragged about it in a get-together after the robbery. He even rebuked Jae for acting cowardly during the whole incident while leaving out the important part that Jea had been held captive. The first mystery could also be solved by Uncle Sung’s greediness with money. It was apparent during the robbery incident that money was more important for Uncle Sung than the lives of his workers, especially of Jae who was held captive by the robber, imposing a real threat to his life. Although, the robber was demanding for his wallet, Uncle Sung acted as if he did not care about Jae’s life hanging in the balance. He told the robber that he did not have his wallet at the moment although he had it in his pocket all along. Although Jae ended up keeping his life, Uncle Sung refused to give the robber his wallet in exchange for Jae’s life. That Uncle Sung held his money more important than anything else is shown also by his attitude regarding money. By bribing Jae, he hoped to buy Jae’s silence, and by giving a large sum of money during Jae’s wedding, he hoped to appease Jae. Uncle Sung regarded money so much as to think he could buy people with it, as through the manifestation of their silence or approval. Note that this attitude of Uncle Sung works in tandem with his being adventurous to solve the first mystery. By asking Jae to be silent, Uncle Sung hoped the approval of those who heard his version of the incident, that he would gain their admiration by keeping his cool despite the terrifying incident. To fully accomplish this, however, it was important for him to leave out the part that he put Jae’s life on the line, which also saved him hard-earned money in his wallet. Having found the answer to the first mystery, the solution to the second becomes apparent. Uncle Sung and Aunt Kwi were still mad at Jae because they held honor an important aspect, even though this honor was not rightfully earned. Knowing the real story of what happened during the robbery and his apparent refusal to keep silent, Jae represented a threat to Uncle Sung’s honor. Although it was really not clear whether or not Jae told the story to others, he at least told it to his parents, as could be shown with their understanding why Jae would not want to see or be associated with his Uncle Sung. In fact, the whole incident was the reason why a strain in the extended family’s relationship developed. Uncle Sung and Aunt Kwi were still mad at Jae because, after all that they had done for their nephew, he still refused to keep silent threatening the reputation his uncle worked hard to achieve. They held that Jae’s refusal to keep silent is a sign of not only his disrespect for them but also of his ingratitude towards what they did for him and his family. Again, it displayed Uncle Sung’s attitude towards money, that he expected Jae and his family not to cross him by helping Jae’s family on their business. Unfortunately, the third mystery could not really be solved from the solutions to the first two mysteries. Although Jae agreed to come to his uncle’s wake, it is uncertain whether or not he had already forgiven his uncle for putting him in danger and asking him to keep silent. Maybe he agreed to come, just as he was urged to agree to invite Uncle Sung in his wedding, because of his parents’ urging that Uncle Sung is still a family member. However, in his uncle’s wake, Jae told his Aunt Kwi that his uncle looked so peaceful. It is unclear whether this was a sign of him making peace with his uncle or not and it does not help knowing the reaction of his aunt. Aunt Kwi, after hearing what Jae has to say, pushed him away saying that he was ungrateful. There are two plausible solutions why Aunt Kwi may have acted the way she did. First, she still may hold a grudge against Jae for being defiant towards Uncle Sung. There is however a flaw in this solution. It was apparent that Aunt Kwi was preventing for the relationship between her husband and Jae from getting any worse through her action during Jae’s wedding, wherein she tried to put her husband at ease while Uncle Sung was criticizing Jae in front of other people. By preventing her husband from saying any further that may ruin Jae’s reputation, despite of the fact that she disapproved of what Jae had decided to go against their wishes, then it is possible that Aunt Kwi no longer hold any grudge against Jae. The second plausible solution why Aunt Kwi acted towards Jae the way she did during the wake was that she may have found no sincerity in Jae. Remember that Jae was only urged by his parents to come to the funeral and it is all too possible that Jae went only because of this and not because of his wanting to pay respect and tribute for his uncle. Looking into his eyes, Aunt Kwi may have concluded of this fact and so pushed Jae away while stating her dismay towards him and his being ungrateful, that after all the years and after his uncle has already passed away, Jae was still unforgiving. Saying this, the solution to the third mystery may be that Jae still has not forgiven Uncle Sung. This could also be established by the fact that Jae does not approve of his uncle’s adventurism, as is apparent by stating that he always knew Uncle Sung would die in the freeway and that he always felt danger around him. Works Cited Dinh, Viet. â€Å"Lucky. †Zeotrope All-Story vol. 8, no 2, 2008.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Renal System Physiology Physioex
Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 3: Renal Response to Altered Blood Pressure Lab ReportPre-lab Quiz ResultsYou scored 25% by answering 1 out of 4 questions correctly. 1. If all other variables are kept constant, how does the afferent arteriole radius affect the rate of glomerular filtration (select all that apply)? Your answer : b. A decreased afferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of glomerular filtration. Correct answer: c. An increased afferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of glomerular filtration. . A decreased afferent arteriole radius will decrease the rate of glomerular filtration. 2. If all other variables are kept constant, how does the efferent arteriole radius affect the rate of glomerular filtration (select all that apply)? Your answer : d. A decreased efferent arteriole radius will decrease the rate of glomerular filtration. Correct answer: a. An increased efferent arteriole radius will decrease the rate of glomerular filtration. b. A decreased efferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of glomerular filtration. 3. If all other variables are kept constant, how does blood pressure affect the rate of glomerular filtration (select all that apply)? Your answer : c. If blood pressure goes down, the rate of glomerular filtration goes up. Correct answer: b. If blood pressure goes up, the rate of glomerular filtration goes up. d. If blood pressure goes down, the rate of glomerular filtration goes down. 4. In the absence of other renal processes (including tubular reabsorption and secretion), more glomerular filtration leads to a larger urine volume.You correctly answered: a. trueExperiment ResultsPredict Question: Predict Question: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure rate and glomerular filtration rate if both of these arteriole radii changes are implemented simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition?Your answer : b. Glomerular filtration rate and pressure will rise above baseline values.Stop & Think Questions:If blood pressure were to drop (for example, as the result of blood loss), what changes in the nephron would allow the kidney to maintain ts normal glomerular filtration rate (select all that apply)?Your answer: c. afferent arteriole constrictionCorrect answer: a. afferent arteriole dilation d. efferent arteriole constriction2. Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the baseline values (from the first run), how effective was the increased afferent arteriole radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?Your answer : b. The afferent arteriole dilation improved the low glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate marginally.Correct answer: c. The afferent arteriole dilation returned the low glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate almost to baseline values.3. Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the baseline values (from the first run), how effective was the decreased efferent arteriole radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?You correctly answered: b. The efferent arteriole constriction improved the low glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate marginally.Experiment Data:Post-lab Quiz ResultsYou scored 0% by answering 0 out of 4 questions correctly. 1. If all other variables are kept constant, when blood pressure decreases, glomerular filtrationYour answer: b. remains approximately the same.Correct answer: c. ecreases.2. If afferent arteriole radius decreases in response to an increase in blood pressure, then glomerular filtrationYour answer: a. increases.Correct answer: b. remains approximately the same.3. If all other variables are kept constant, when the efferent arteriole radius decreases, glomerular filtrationYour answer: c. decreases.Correct answer: a. increases.4. With blood pressure held at a constant value, which of the following combinations will raise the glomerular filtration rate above baseline values? Your answer: c. afferent rteriole constriction and efferent arteriole constrictionCorrect answer: b. afferent arteriole dilation and efferent arteriole constrictionReview Sheet Results1. List the several mechanisms you have explored that change the glomerular filtration rate. How does each mechanism specifically alter the glomerular filtration rate?Your answer: Renal mechanisms have effects on water excretion . GFR is large compared to the amount of urine produced. Most water in the filtrate because of renal processes and independent of ADH action2.Describe and explain what happened to the glomerular capillary pressure and glomerular filtration rate when both arteriole radii changes were implemented simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition. How well did the results compare with your prediction?Your answer: The simultaneously implementation of both arteriole rates changing caused glomerular filtration rate and low blood pressure conditions went above the baseline value.3. How could you adjust the afferent or efferent radius to compensate for the effect of reduced blood pressure on the glomerular filtration rate?Your answer: You can co nstrict or dilate them.4. Which arteriole radius adjustment was more effective at compensating for the effect of low blood pressure on the glomerular filtration rate? Explain why you think this difference occurs.Your answer: There was a greater increase of glomerular pressure when afferent radius is increased ra ther than the decrease of the efferent radius.5. In the body, how does a nephron maintain a near-constant glomerular filtration rate despite a constantly fluctuating blood pressure?Your answer: Auto-regulation
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
America, Russia and the Cold War essays
America, Russia and the Cold War essays The Cold War was a rivalry between America and Russia; it began after World War II and ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. During World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union fought as allies against the Axis powers. At the meeting in Yalta in 1945 the main Allied countries decided to control Germany jointly. Each country would be responsible for a certain area of Germany. The relationship between the US and Russia was a tense one. Americans had long been wary of Soviet communism and were concerned about the Russian leader, Joseph Stalin, who was a known tyrant in his own country. Postwar Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe shocked many Americans,' and they feared a Russian plan was in the works to control the world. This aggressive move was countered by the US establishing military bases and setting up other countries to be able to stop a possible attack. In 1947 Greece and Turkey were in the line of fire for a communist takeover, so US president Truman asked Congress for aid and acquired $400 million to aid both countries in not becoming communist. So you could say that both sides were to blame for the tension that became the Cold War. In 1948, The Russians blockaded Berlin. Berlin was situated in the middle of the Russian area of Germany, so the only way to get there was to fly. This action prompted the US and British to airlift 1.5 million tons o f supplies to the residents of West Berlin. After almost one year and 200,000 flights, the Soviets lifted the blockade. This action by the Soviets was yet another red flag and the United States, Britain and France soon became the protectors of Germany instead of the conquerors. They needed to help Germany, so they were not sucked into another communist state. In 1949, with the threat of further Communist expansion, the United States and 11 other Western nations form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization In 1955 the Soviet Union and its Communist nations in Eastern E...
Monday, October 21, 2019
What to Expect From the ACT Math Section
What to Expect From the ACT Math Section Does algebra leave you confused? Does the thought of geometry giving you anxiety? Maybe math isnt your best subject, so the ACT Math section makes you want to leap into the nearest volcano. Youre not alone. The ACT Math section can seem really frightening to someone who isnt an ACT Math expert, but it really isnt anything to stress out about. It simply tests you on math youve learned during your junior and senior years of high school. You can still do well on this test even if youd didnt pay a lot of attention in your trigonometry class. Heres what you need to know to master it. ACT Math Details If you havent taken the time to read ACT 101, you should do so. If you have, you know that the ACT Math section is set up like this: 60 multiple-choice questions – there are no grid-ins on this college admissions exam60 minutesGrades 9 through 11 math You can also use an approved calculator on the test, so you dont have to try to figure out all those math questions on your own. ACT Math Scores Just like the other multiple choice test sections, the ACT Math section can earn you between 1 and 36 points. This score will be averaged with the scores from the other multiple-choice sections –English, Science Reasoning and Reading – to arrive at your Composite ACT score. The national ACT composite average tends to stay right around a 21, but youll have to do much better than that if you want to be accepted by a top university. Students attending the top colleges and universities in the country are scoring between 30 and 34 on the ACT Math section. Some, like those attending MIT, Harvard and Yale, are getting closer to 36 on the ACT Math test. Youll also receive eight more ACT Math scores based on different ACT reporting categories, and a STEM score, which is the average of the ACT Math and Science Reasoning scores. ACT Math Question Content Is it imperative that you take an advanced math class before taking the ACT Math test? Youll probably fare better on the exam if youve taken some trigonometry, and you may have an easier time with the more advanced concepts if youve practiced a bit for the test. But basically, youll have to brush up your skills in the following categories. Preparing for Higher Math (approximately 34 - 36 questions) Number and Quantity (4 - 6 questions): Here, you must demonstrate your knowledge of real and complex number systems. Youll have to understand and reason with number quantities in many different forms, such as integer and rational exponents, vectors, and matrices. Algebra (7 - 9 questions): These questions will ask you to solve, graph and model many different types of expressions. Youll solve equations with linear, polynomial, radical and exponential relationships, and youll find solutions to systems of equations, even when theyre represented by matrices. Functions (7 - 9 questions): These questions will test your skills with f(x). Questions may include – but are not necessarily limited to – linear, radical, piecewise, polynomial and logarithmic functions. You must manipulate and translate these functions, as well as apply features of graphs. Geometry (7 - 9 questions): You will encounter shapes and solids, finding congruence or similarit ies on things such as surface area or volume. You will have to demonstrate your ability to solve for missing variables in circles, triangles and other figures using trigonometric ​rations and equations of conic sections. Statistics Probability (5 - 7 questions): These types of questions will showcase your ability to describe center and spread of distributions, and to understand and model bivariate data and calculate probabilities including related sample spaces.  Integrating Essential Skills (approximately 24 - 26 questions) According to, these integrating essential skills questions are the types of problems youd probably tackle prior to 8th grade. Youll answer questions related to the following: rates and percentagesproportional relationshipsarea, surface area, and volumeaverage and medianexpressing numbers in different ways Although these seem pretty simple, the ACT warns that the problems will become increasingly complex as you combine skills in more and more varied contexts. ACT Mathematics Practice There it is – the ACT Math section in brief. You can pass it if you take the time to prepare properly. Take an ACT Math Practice Quiz to gauge your readiness, like those offered by the Khan Academy. Then launch into these 5 Math Strategies to improve your score. Good luck!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Biography of Indias Indira Gandhi
Biography of Indias Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi, prime minister of India in the early 1980s, feared the growing power of the charismatic Sikh preacher and militant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s, sectarian tension and strife had been growing between Sikhs and Hindus in northern India. Tensions in the region had grown so high that by June of 1984, Indira Gandhi decided to take action. She made a fatal choice - to send in the Indian Army against the Sikh militants in the Golden Temple. Indira Gandhis Early Life Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917, in Allahabad (in modern-day Uttar Pradesh), British India. Her father was Jawaharlal Nehru, who would go on to become the first prime minister of India following its independence from Britain; her mother, Kamala Nehru, was just 18 years old when the baby arrived. The child was named Indira Priyadarshini Nehru. Indira grew up as an only child. A baby brother born in November of 1924 died after just two days. The Nehru family was very active in the anti-imperial politics of the time; Indiras father was a leader of the nationalist movement and a close associate of Mohandas Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Sojourn in Europe In March 1930, Kamala and Indira were marching in protest outside of the Ewing Christian College. Indiras mother suffered from heat-stroke, so a young student named Feroz Gandhi rushed to her aid. He would become a close friend of Kamalas, escorting and attending her during her treatment for tuberculosis, first in India and later in Switzerland. Indira also spent time in Switzerland, where her mother died of TB in February of 1936. Indira went to Britain in 1937, where she enrolled at Somerville College, Oxford, but never completed her degree. While there, she began to spend more time with Feroz Gandhi, then a London School of Economics student. The two married in 1942, over the objections of Jawaharlal Nehru, who disliked his son-in-law. (Feroz Gandhi was no relation to Mohandas Gandhi.) Nehru eventually had to accept the marriage. Feroz and Indira Gandhi had two sons, Rajiv, born in 1944, and Sanjay, born in 1946. Early Political Career During the early 1950s, Indira served as an unofficial personal assistant to her father, then the prime minister. In 1955, she became a member of the Congress Partys working committee; within four years, she would be president of that body. Feroz Gandhi had a heart attack in 1958, while Indira and Nehru were in Bhutan on an official state visit. Indira returned home to take care of him. Feroz died in Delhi in 1960 after suffering a second heart attack. Indiras father also died in 1964 and was succeeded as prime minister by Lal Bahadur Shastri. Shastri appointed Indira Gandhi his minister of information and broadcasting; in addition, she was a member of the upper house of parliament, the Rajya Sabha. In 1966, Prime Minister Shastri died unexpectedly. Indira Gandhi was named the new Prime Minister as a compromise candidate. Politicians on both sides of a deepening divide within the Congress Party hoped to be able to control her. They had completely underestimated Nehrus daughter. Prime Minister Gandhi By 1966, the Congress Party was in trouble. It was dividing into two separate factions; Indira Gandhi led the left-wing socialist faction. The 1967 election cycle was grim for the party - it lost almost 60 seats in the lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha. Indira was able to keep the Prime Minister seat through a coalition with the Indian Communist and Socialist parties. In 1969, the Indian National Congress Party split in half for good. As prime minister, Indira made some popular moves. She authorized the development of a nuclear weapons program in response to Chinas successful test at Lop Nur in 1967. (India would test its own bomb in 1974.) In order to counterbalance Pakistans friendship with the United States, and also perhaps due to mutual personal antipathy with US President Richard Nixon, she forged a closer relationship with the Soviet Union. In keeping with her socialist principles, Indira abolished the maharajas of Indias various states, doing away with their privileges as well as their titles. She also nationalized the banks in July of 1969, as well as mines and oil companies. Under her stewardship, traditionally famine-prone India became a Green Revolution success story, actually exporting a surplus of wheat, rice and other crops by the early 1970s. In 1971, in response to a flood of refugees from East Pakistan, Indira began a war against Pakistan. The East Pakistani/Indian forces won the war, resulting in the formation of the nation of Bangladesh from what had been East Pakistan. Re-election, Trial, and the State of Emergency In 1972, Indira Gandhis party swept to victory in national parliamentary elections based on the defeat of Pakistan and the slogan of Garibi Hatao, or Eradicate Poverty. Her opponent, Raj Narain of the Socialist Party, charged her with corruption and electoral malpractice. In June of 1975, the High Court in Allahabad ruled for Narain; Indira should have been stripped of her seat in Parliament and barred from elected office for six years. However, Indira Gandhi refused to step down from the prime ministership, despite wide-spread unrest following the verdict. Instead, she had the president declare a state of emergency in India. During the state of emergency, Indira initiated a series of authoritarian changes. She purged the national and state governments of her political opponents, arresting and jailing political activists. To control population growth, she instituted a policy of forced sterilization, under which impoverished men were subjected to involuntary vasectomies (often under appallingly unsanitary conditions). Indiras younger son Sanjay led a move to clear the slums around Delhi; hundreds of people were killed and thousands left homeless when their homes were destroyed. Downfall and Arrests In a key miscalculation, Indira Gandhi called new elections in March 1977. She may have begun to believe her own propaganda, convincing herself that the people of India loved her and approved of her actions during the years-long state of emergency. Her party was trounced at the polls by the Janata Party, which cast the election as a choice between democracy or dictatorship, and Indira left office. In October of 1977, Indira Gandhi was jailed briefly for official corruption. She would be arrested again in December of 1978 on the same charges. However, the Janata Party was struggling. A cobbled-together coalition of four previous opposition parties, it could not agree on a course for the country and accomplished very little. Indira Emerges Once More By 1980, the people of India had had enough of the ineffectual Janata Party. They reelected Indira Gandhis Congress Party under the slogan of stability. Indira took power again for her fourth term as prime minister. However, her triumph was dampened by the death of her son Sanjay, the heir apparent, in a plane crash in June of that year. By 1982, rumblings of discontent and even outright secessionism were breaking out all over India. In Andhra Pradesh, on the central east coast, the Telangana region (comprising the inland 40%) wanted to break away from the rest of the state. Trouble also flared in the ever-volatile Jammu and Kashmir region in the north. The most serious threat, though, came from Sikh secessionists in Punjab, led by Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Operation Bluestar at the Golden Temple In 1983, the Sikh leader Bhindranwale and his armed followers occupied and fortified the second-most holy building in the sacred Golden Temple complex (also called the Harmandir Sahib or Darbar Sahib) in Amritsar, the Indian Punjab. From their position in the Akhal Takt building, Bhindranwale and his followers called for armed resistance to Hindu domination. They were upset that their homeland, Punjab, had been divided between India and Pakistan in the 1947 Partition of India. To make matters worse, the Indian Punjab had been lopped in half once more in 1966 to form the Haryana state, which was dominated by Hindi-speakers. The Punjabis lost their first capital at Lahore to Pakistan in 1947; the newly-built capital at Chandigarh ended up in Haryana two decades later, and the government in Delhi decreed that Haryana and Punjab would simply have to share the city. To right these wrongs, some of Bhindranwales followers called for an entirely new, separate Sikh nation, to be called Khalistan. During this period, Sikh extremists were waging a campaign of terror against Hindus and moderate Sikhs in Punjab. Bhindranwale and his following of heavily armed militants holed up in the Akhal Takt, the second-most holy building after the Golden Temple itself. The leader himself was not necessarily calling for the creation of Khalistan; rather he demanded the implementation of the Anandpur Resolution, which called for the unification and purification of the Sikh community within Punjab. Indira Gandhi decided to send the Indian Army on a frontal assault of the building to capture or kill Bhindranwale. She ordered the attack at the beginning of June 1984, even though June 3rd was the most important Sikh holiday (honoring the martyrdom of the Golden Temples founder), and the complex was full of innocent pilgrims. Interestingly, due to the heavy Sikh presence in the Indian Army, the commander of the attack force, Major General Kuldip Singh Brar, and many of the troops were also Sikhs. In preparation for the attack, all electricity and lines of communication to Punjab were cut off. On June 3, the army surrounded the temple complex with military vehicles and tanks. In the early morning hours of June 5, they launched the attack. According to official Indian government numbers, 492 civilians were killed, including women and children, along with 83 Indian army personnel. Other estimates from hospital workers and eyewitnesses state that more than 2,000 civilians died in the bloodbath. Among those killed were Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and the other militants. To the further outrage of Sikhs worldwide, the Akhal Takt was badly damaged by shells and gunfire. Aftermath and Assassination In the aftermath of Operation Bluestar, a number of Sikh soldiers resigned from the Indian Army. In some areas, there were actual battles between those resigning and those still loyal to the army. On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi walked out to the garden behind her official residence for an interview with a British journalist. As she passed two of her Sikh bodyguards, they drew their service weapons and opened fire. Beant Singh shot her three times with a pistol, while Satwant Singh fired thirty times with a self-loading rifle. Both men then calmly dropped their weapons and surrendered. Indira Gandhi died that afternoon after undergoing surgery. Beant Singh was shot dead while under arrest; Satwant Singh and alleged conspirator Kehar Singh were later hanged. When news of the Prime Ministers death was broadcast, mobs of Hindus across northern India went on a rampage. In the Anti-Sikh Riots, which lasted for four days, anywhere from 3,000 to 20,000 Sikhs were murdered, many of them burned alive. The violence was particularly bad in Haryana state. Because the Indian government was slow to respond to the pogrom, support for the Sikh separatist Khalistan movement increased markedly in the months following the massacre. Indira Gandhis Legacy Indias Iron Lady left behind a complicated legacy. She was succeeded in the office of Prime Minister by her surviving son, Rajiv Gandhi. This dynastic succession is one of the negative aspects of her legacy - to this day, the Congress Party is so thoroughly identified with the Nehru/Gandhi family that it cannot avoid charges of nepotism. Indira Gandhi also instilled authoritarianism into Indias political processes, warping the democracy to suit her need for power. On the other hand, Indira clearly loved her country and did leave it in a stronger position relative to neighboring countries. She sought to improve the lives of Indias poorest and supported industrialization and technological development. On balance, however, Indira Gandhi seems to have done more harm than good during her two stints as the prime minister of India. For more information on women in power, see this list of Female Heads of State in Asia.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pizza Hut Franchise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Pizza Hut Franchise - Essay Example 2002 Tricon Global becomes YUM! Brands Inc. The Quad Pizza is launched in the UK. Pizza Hut opens its 500th restaurant. A & W and Long John Silver’s join the Yum brand. 2001 Pizza Hut begins a franchising programme with its delivery stores 2000 Pizza Hut introduces The Edge, a thin pizza with toppings all the way round the edge 1999 Pizza Hut has over 400 restaurants, employing 14000 people. The Italian Pizza is launched in the UK 1998 Pan Pizza is relaunched as Grand Pan in the UK 1997 PepsiCo decided to focus on their (sic) drinks business. As a result, Tricon Global Restaurants is born, creating the largest restaurant brand in the World. Tricon became the partner company with Whitbread. The Sicilian Pizza is launched in the UK. There are 277 restaurants and 100 delivery stores in the UK 1995 Stuffed Crust is launched in the UK 1994 10,000 Pizza Huts are open world-wide 1993 There are 300 restaurants and delivery stores in the UK 1992 There are 9000 restaurants in 84 countri es 1990 Pizza Hut reaches Russia. In the UK there are now 200 restaurants 1989 The first restaurant is converted into a Restaurant Based Delivery store 1988 The UK’s first delivery unit opens in Kingsbury, London 1987 An average of one restaurant opened each week in the UK 1986 100 restaurants in the UK and 5000 world wide 1984 50 restaurants so far in the UK 1982 UK joint venture commences between PepsiCo and Whitbread 1980 Pan Pizza Introduced 1977 PepsiCo buys Pizza Hut 1973 Pizza Hut goes international with restaurants in Japan, Canada & England. The first UK Pizza Hut opens in Islington, London 1972 1000 restaurants are open throughout the USA 1958 Frank and Dan Carney open the first Pizza Hut in Wichita, Kansas.†’ ( As part of a consortium, Yum! Brands,... In recent years, the economic downturn in the world has impacted the restaurant industry. Thus, quick and cheap service restaurants like Pizza Hut cater to the needs of pocket tight consumers by offering quality food with a wonderful dining experience. As a national and international brand name, Pizza Hut maintains its position as the leader in the pizza industry, providing great food at reasonable prices. Moreover, it offers new tactics to retain and enlarge on its market share among its customers. In addition, through effective advertising and marketing strategies, it maintains a reputation of brand recognition ( At Yum! They have developed a growing international dominance by emphasizing four major business strategies: 1). promote industry-leading, long-term franchise and shareholder value; 2). design dominant brands in China of every major classification; 3). encourage forceful global development and establish powerful brands; 4). significantly enhance U.S. brands in returns, consistency, and positions. Its focuses on four principal strategies as pictured below: In addition, Yum maintains reliable figures of achievement in 2010 with 17% Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth. This commercial success underscores the fact that Yum has obtained at least a 13% percent growth for nine consecutive years, which surpassed its 10% EPS growth expectations. Moreover, for that year alone, it established almost 1,400 new restaurants on the international scene. Significantly, Yum has retained its Return on Investment Capital (ROIC) of 20%+ and still is the market leader in the industry.
Empolyee relatons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Empolyee relatons - Essay Example In case of employee participation the level of participation can be classified in two ways, a) high level and b) low level. High level employee participation is observed in case of corporate houses. It has been observed that employees participate in high level decision making process when it comes to solving doubts related to factors, including, 'co-determination', "pension fund trustees,' and employer-wide collective bargaining." (Farnham, 2000, 38) On the other hand the low employee participation occur at departmental and workplace levels or among the workgroups. There are various degrees of management to tolerate "collectivism ranges from willing co-operation at one extreme, to grudging acceptance at the other." (Farnham, 2000, 38) The modern business and its management have sorted out various connections between collectivism and employee relations. In case of US owned companies deal with factors like collectivism and employee relationship from individualist management perspective. On the other hand a common tendency has been observed among UK companies that they deal with the same issues from collectivist approach. Study of business management shows that individualism and collectivism contradict each other. Purcell has observed this incidence in some of the Japanese owned and British companies and in this context he has remarked, "Management styles operate along the tow dimensions and'action in one area, toward individualism, for example, is not necessarily associated with changes in collectivism scale." (Farnham, 2000, 38) The individualist approach of treating the aspects like collectivism and employee relations is characterized with non unionism, which means there must not be any interference of the union into the affairs of the company. On the contrary, companies that follow collectivist approach encourage in the formation of union and they expect that employee unions must come forward to covey desires and expectations of employees in decision making process of the company. Such approach is mostly observed among UK based companies. Hence, it can be said that, "an employer recognizes trade unions for representational, consultative, negotiating or co-determination purposes is an critical and visible expression of management style and its approach to employee relations." (Farnham, 2000, 38) The employee relations also include within its scope various aspects that are exclusively controlled by management of the company, such as, promotion, internal training and employee welfare. But when it is seen that a company is refusing to accept existence of the union it implies that the management is shifting towards individualist style of approach rather than collective one. In proper maintenance of employee relation, management of a company focuses over two critical issues that are also closely interwoven with each other, namely, the degree of discretion and the patterns of relations. The degree of discretion is used by the managers in making choice about aspects related with employee relations. After the managers execute the discretionary degrees, certain patterns emerge and those are considered as patterns of relation. For proper operation of a company there is a constant need of efficient people. It is not always possible for management of a big corporation to find out the right person, who suits for a particular role.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Research Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Research Plan - Essay Example For instance, price competition, the pressures brought about by price increases, changes in customer trends and preferences, and industry concentration. These factors have made it extremely challenging for supermarkets to keep their customers, let alone encouraging them to be loyal. As a result of these changes, there are a number of ways through which retailers respond. Tesco, in particular, has always been a leader in influencing the market, and retaining customers, largely due to their technology driven strategies, that focus on marketing the products and services with the help of technology. In addition, the company also emphasizes on establishing and developing relationships with their customers. On the other hand, other companies like Asda and Safeway have decided to take another path, focusing on offering goods and services at a more competitive price. Sainsbury, at the moment, is still trying to gain back the market share of what Tesco has taken from them (Obitz, 2009). This chapter shall focus on the concept of relationship marketing and customer relationship marketing, both of which aim to preserve the loyalty of existing customers, instead of simply aiming to gain new ones. In order for this to happen, companies need to be innovative in its marketing approach, and this study shall investigate the approach of supermarket retailers such as Tesco, which has opted to make use of the Internet as part of its marketing strategy. The following sections shall therefore discuss the integration of technology with customer relationship marketing and relationships marketing (both of which are two different concepts, as will be discussed later on). As was described in the previous paragraph, the leading supermarket retailers all have their own unique marketing approach, especially when it comes to the kind of relationship that they are able to establish with their customers. Apparently, there are two types of marketing
Bret Hart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Bret Hart - Essay Example This essay will flesh out the thesis that in Harte’s stories, there is manifest celebration of the virtues of the social underclass. Where literature was previously the preserve of the privileged and addressed to the same privileged audience, Harte broke this trend, and courageously at that, and highlighted the depth, effervescence and humanity of those in the fringes of society. Tennessee’s Partner is a great short story. At its core is the theme of friendship, if not unconditional love. Tennessee’s Partner (who was never referred by his actual name through the entire story) displays such an unconditional acceptance of his friend Tennessee that he soon withers and dies upon the latter’s execution. Even when his wife runs away with Tennessee, his partner doesn’t try to harm him. To the contrary, he welcomes him back home in all cordiality. This is all the more remarkable when one considers the livelihoods of these two characters. They are both petty criminals, often committing offenses against the law. It is natural to expect loose codes of friendship and loyalty among people who are considered criminals. Yet Tennessee’s Partner shows such dedication toward the wellbeing of his friend. In what is a brilliant symbolic touch, the very naming of the story as Tennessee’s Partner indicates the strength of unity of identit y of these two loyal friends. The reference to an individual solely through his friend’s name is a statement of the strong intertwinement of their two identities. Similarly, consistent with Harte’s reputation of being a brave writer who pushed the frontiers of social sensibility, there are sufficient hints at a homosexual relationship between the two lead characters. Perhaps fearing public outrage (as homosexuality was taboo during Harte’s era) the author might have only conveyed the intimate nature of their relationship via indirect literary means. Another way of looking at this is that Harte has
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Nestl Is The Most Successful Organization Essay
Nestl Is The Most Successful Organization - Essay Example Nestle boasts of manufacturing more than 10,000 different products and sells over a billion products daily. Despite the number of countries wherein Nestle operates globally, their awareness of the importance of integrating local culture in each host country’s operations contributes to their success. They averred that â€Å"there is no one single product for everyone - our products are tailored to suit tastes and habits wherever you are†. The company’s focus and the emphasis are strategically manifested in four words: â€Å"Good Food, Good Life†. In order to sustain the organization’s capability to ensure that their products remain to give maximum nutritional benefits, their Research and Development (R & D) are allocated approximately CHF 1.5 billion annually to continually innovate and renovate existing products. Nestle has instituted a unique program which combines financial success with corporate social responsibility. The company coined the progr am â€Å"Creating Shared Value†to encompass the following: â€Å"using our core business strategies and operations to create value for shareholders; serving consumers and the public by offering them nutritious products that are both enjoyable and contribute to their health and well-being; and seeking to improve the economic and social conditions for people and communities across our entire value chain – for farmers who supply us raw ingredients, for communities where our factories are located, for suppliers who work with us and for our trade partners†Nestle: Creating Shared Value, 2010, par. 4)
How Tibor Kalman Did His Designing Work and how he utilized his Essay
How Tibor Kalman Did His Designing Work and how he utilized his creativity - Essay Example The author of the paper tells how Tibor dropped out for journalism classes. Before joining the journalism classes, he had spent a year picking cotton in Cuba then returned to the US in 1971. Kalman created window displays for a New York University student book exchange which impressed the owner dearly. The owner was known as Leonard Riggio. Later on, he was appointed as the supervisor of the bookstore’s in-house design department by Riggio. This marked his baby steps in his works as an author. Later in the year 1979, Kalman, Carol Bokuniewicz and Liz Trovato came together and established the design, M & Co. firm that faired very well in the field. Kalman left as the supervisor as he proved dissatisfactory. The firm did a lot of corporate work for clients who were diverse including the Limited Corporation, the new wave group and so on. In the early 1990s, on top of that, Kalman was also known to have worked with the interview magazines as the creative director. This shows how a dvanced he was and unique when it came to works of creativity. Perhaps it is one of the traits that contributed to his success in the field of designs (Tibor Kalman). Later on, the Benson sponsored Colors magazine sought his expertise as the founding editor-in-chief and this led to Kalman dissolving the M & Co. firm back in the year 1993 to solely and devotedly work on the magazine, thus he relocated to Rome. He made an effort of moving his family to Rome due to the zeal he had towards working for Colors. The Colors worked with the motto that stated, ‘A magazine about the rest of the world’. With this respect, it narrowed down and focused on multiculturalism and international awareness. It was, therefore, one very important magazine on an international level and was well recognized even externally. Therefore, working here meant Kalman’s growth and advancement as a creative work in the field of design.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Nestl Is The Most Successful Organization Essay
Nestl Is The Most Successful Organization - Essay Example Nestle boasts of manufacturing more than 10,000 different products and sells over a billion products daily. Despite the number of countries wherein Nestle operates globally, their awareness of the importance of integrating local culture in each host country’s operations contributes to their success. They averred that â€Å"there is no one single product for everyone - our products are tailored to suit tastes and habits wherever you are†. The company’s focus and the emphasis are strategically manifested in four words: â€Å"Good Food, Good Life†. In order to sustain the organization’s capability to ensure that their products remain to give maximum nutritional benefits, their Research and Development (R & D) are allocated approximately CHF 1.5 billion annually to continually innovate and renovate existing products. Nestle has instituted a unique program which combines financial success with corporate social responsibility. The company coined the progr am â€Å"Creating Shared Value†to encompass the following: â€Å"using our core business strategies and operations to create value for shareholders; serving consumers and the public by offering them nutritious products that are both enjoyable and contribute to their health and well-being; and seeking to improve the economic and social conditions for people and communities across our entire value chain – for farmers who supply us raw ingredients, for communities where our factories are located, for suppliers who work with us and for our trade partners†Nestle: Creating Shared Value, 2010, par. 4)
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Business Market Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Market Assignment - Essay Example So, in order to reduce all those type of discrepancies, at the time of launching the product (Toepener) in the market of Canada, it is better to undertake the process of test marketing. It is one of the most renowned procedures of marketing used at the introductory stages of a product in a new market. By doing so, the actual performance of that specific product in those regions of the market might be analyzed and evaluated. Due to which, the target customers and the distribution system that might prove effective for Toepener may be evaluated. Side by side, the type of advertisement and promotional strategies required to increase the level of awareness of the target customers might also be analyzed. Thus, this process might present an entire list of activities and the duration of time and the strategy required (fat launch or narrow launch or dynamic launch) to introduce the new product (Toepener) in a new market (Canada). Then, it might be easier for the marketing managers to devise t he launching plan of Toepener within the regions of Canada. And the plan might also present positive results for the product (Toepener) within the markets of Canada. ... The product (Toepener) might be positioned in the market of Canada as an extremely trendy and hygienic product at a competitive price. It is done to attract the health conscious individuals comprising of a premium life style. Along with this, the product is mainly useful for those segments (customers) desiring to maintain a high living standard, which is entirely free from germs and pollutants. Therefore, only a niche category of customers might get attracted towards this brand s compared to others (Ferrell & Hartline, 2010). Apart from this, if such a technique of automatic shut- down after completion of the work might be implemented within Toepener, then such a distinguished feature of Toepener might surely be preferred by the target customers. This feature might prove extremely beneficial for the brand to enhance its reputation and market share in the market of Canada among other existing rival players. Side by side, the competitive prices of the product of Toepener is also anothe r vital strategy that enhanced its total sale and equity in the market of Canada among other rivals. Therefore, it might be portrayed that the strategy of presenting value-added products (Toepener) at a quite lower price may be effective for the market of Canada. This might help in enhancing the profit margin and brand loyalty of the products to a certain extent as compared to other contenders in the market of Canada. Along with this, it might also prove effective in positioning the product among many other substitute products in the market of Canada. Thus, to present the product (Toepener) in the market of Canada, the slogan might be, ‘live a healthy and germ less life’. It might surely
Monday, October 14, 2019
The System of Inquiry Essay Example for Free
The System of Inquiry Essay The basic framework of the system of inquiry is to eliminate bias in determining the appropriateness of the actions and decisions of social workers in NASW. It also includes the consideration for the welfare of the people to whom the services of the social workers are rendered without prejudicing the welfare of the social workers at the same time. In essence, the basic framework revolves around the idea of withholding judgment until all the pertinent facts are considered and the natures of the ethical situations are analyzed. This basic framework will be used because social workers oftentimes deal with ethical dilemmas where the ethically sound and valid decisions are difficult to identify. In some cases, the options available for social workers are ethically permissible and yet they are required to choose only one option. It is therefore imperative to choose the most suitable option with the least corresponding harmful consequences possible. Otherwise, the prudent act of choosing carefully from the possible ethical options becomes a futile undertaking. The system of inquiry will be applied only after the facts of the case are identified. Thereafter, the applicable sections of the NASW Code of Ethics will be used as bases for determining the ethical worth of the actions or decisions of the social workers under study. A selected panel will head the investigations of the cases, the results of which are still subject to appeal, after which the decision will be considered final and irrevocable. Thus, the NASW Code of Ethics will not only serve as an immediate guide for the members of the organization. It will also function as an objective â€Å"arbiter†during investigations of ethical complaints or breaches in the proposed ethical conduct of social workers. The System of Inquiry As far as the NASW Code of Ethics is concerned, the primary role of social workers is â€Å"to promote the wellbeing of clients†because â€Å"client’s interests are primary†(Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers). Thus, social workers are expected to set aside their personal bias and other personal concerns when professionally dealing with their clients. Senior leaders in the profession are likewise expected to secure the professionalism of the social workers because these senior leaders â€Å"can create, maintain, or change culture†(Managing Business Ethics Chapter09, p. 230). In other words, the observation that senior leaders can influence the outlook of the organization and its members implies the responsibility to make sure that direction of the actions and decisions of the members are aligned with the policies of the organization including the NASW Code of Ethics. There are instances when social workers face the dilemma of whether or not to allow the request of their clients which social workers know are harmful or do not provide any benefits to their clients. As an example, some social workers in the health profession may face the situation where their patient requests that his life support system should be cut for personal or family reasons. It may be that the patient’s family can no longer shoulder the expenses of providing a life support system to their patient-relative. A variation of this situation is when the terminally-ill patient is no longer capable of making an informed decision on what he wants to be done as far as his medical needs are concerned. As a result, the relatives of the patients are prompted to act or decide on behalf of their terminally-ill family member. In such cases, there arises a conflict in the interests of the patient and the social worker. On one hand, the interest of the social worker is to promote the welfare of the client at all times as a primary concern and as far as the NASW Code of Ethics is concerned, specifically section 1. 01 otherwise known as â€Å"Commitment to Clients†. On the other hand, the interest of the patient or the relatives is to cease the life-support system of their relative who is terminally ill. Most often than not, the attending physician is prompted by the circumstances to consult with his immediate superiors. In this case, the superior of the attending physician will have to use the NASW Code of Ethics as basis for the decision. Section 1. 02 of the NASW Code of Ethics states that social workers should not only respect but also promote their clients’ rights to self-determination and assist their clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals†(Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers). Taking into account this section of the Code, it is apparent that the superior should respect the decision of the patient or the relatives of the patient to cut-off the life-support of the terminally-ill patient. It is suggested that it is not within the boundaries of either the attending physician or the superior of the physician to force their clients to follow the decision of the social worker. Since it is the primary obligation of the social worker to promote the welfare of the client, it follows that the social worker should not insist to sustain the life of the patient. It is this instance that shows how the right to self-determination of the patient may override the duty of the social worker.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Importance Of Flood Inundation Modeling Environmental Sciences Essay
The Importance Of Flood Inundation Modeling Environmental Sciences Essay In recent years, flood inundation models become important increasingly in both flood forecasting and damage estimation as it provides the basis for the decision making of flood risk management. Such models are mainly used to simulate flood inundation extent and depths at different sections of the studied flood rivers. With their help, hydrologists are able to study and analyse the hydrologic systems of floods well. This project was initiated to further understand the flood model Lisflood-FP global climate change and predict the future intensity of precipitation and temperature in Singapore. This will allow engineers and other professionals to gauge the intensity of the future weather and conduct necessary works to prevent unwanted event like flooding, from happening. Background Floods are the most destructive and recurring natural disasters all over the world and a wide range of the world population and their property is at the risk of flooding. Thus, one of the crucial tasks in quantifying the damage estimation of the flood events is that determining the reliable prediction of potential extent and water depth of flood inundation. In General, flood inundation predications are used to service the decision-making in design urban planning in future. The principle of predication are derived from single realisation of numerical hydraulic models and applied on a forward-modeling framework (BatesandDe Roo, 2000). Despite calibration studies are underway to determine a single parameter set that optimises the model fit to some observed data, the confidence level of the predicted results becomes a major problem for decision makers. If the uncertainty is considered in terms of input parameters (e.g. geographical information, hydrological data, hydraulics parameters, and boundary conditions), only a small portion of a typical issue might be regarded as certain or deterministic. The rest inevitably contains uncertainty that arises from the complexity of the system, lack of knowledge or human-induced errors. In previous studies, the uncertainty sources associated with the flood inundation modeling have been generalised into three categories, such as input data, hydraulics parameters and model structures (Bales and Wagner, 2009). Different uncertainty techniques (e.g. Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation) have been applied into the flood inundation modelling to assess the uncertainty derived from one or multiple factors. However, limited studies have been further discussed the sensitivity of uncertainty sources like roughness coefficients. Moreover, the uncertainty analysis methods applied in previous studies relied heal Objective and Scope This report is a write up on the research of Final Year Project, Flood Inundation Modeling under stochastic uncertainty, had been carried on by the author for the last 10 months. The objective of this project is to systematically study and analyse the impact or effects of uncertainties associated with parameter of roughness coefficient in flood inundation modeling, which is Lisflood-FP Modeling. The predicted data can be used for the predication of future flood inundation and damage estimation under risk analysis. In this report, the following preliminary study works will be covered. To review the one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) hydraulic models for flood inundation modeling, and to review the uncertainty sources associated with the flood inundation modeling process and the available uncertainty analysis methods. To conduct a Monte Carlo simulation to assess the propagation of uncertainty associated with roughness coefficients to the results of flood inundation modeling, in terms of water depths and inundation extent. The scope of this project includes a comprehensive literature review on flood inundation modeling process and recognition of the uncertainty effects from various sources. On the basis of literature review, the impact of the uncertainty of roughness coefficients is to be analysed a hypothetical study case. A conclusion will be made according to the preliminary data analysis and the ideas for futures work will be shaped. Methodology (GLUE) Annual reports of companies and information from public domain were reviewed extensively to identify current GHG emissions reduction measures that are adopted by shipping companies. Academic research papers and reports from agencies such as IMO, DNV and World Shipping Council (WSC) were examined to gather information on the potential and effectiveness of the measures and to identify critical issues. Primary research was conducted through a two-pronged approach of surveys and interviews. Survey questions were designed in accordance to the objective of this study and the questionnaires were posted to container liner shipping companies, both with and without offices in Singapore. A small number of survey responses were anticipated and therefore the surveys were used to capture ground information. The interviews with governmental agency, classification societies and selected shipping companies serve as the second pillar of the primary information collection in this study. Report Structure Figure 1. Report structureThis report includes 5 chapters as shown in Error: Reference source not found. A list of abbreviations and a glossary are also included. This report consists of 6 chapters shown in Figure 1.1. Chapter 1 is a brief introduction of background and scope of this study. Chapter 2 reviews the hydraulic models used for flood inundation modeling, the associated uncertainty sources and the uncertainty analysis methods. In Chapter 3, a 2-D hydraulic model is established for a study case adapted from a real world river system, where the model configuration and simulation results are introduced. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 discuss the effects of the uncertainty of the roughness coefficients on flood inundation modeling. In Chapter 6, a summary is made and the ideas for future studies are presented. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEWS The information acquired through various literature reviews are discussed in this chapter to understand the background of floods and flood hazards, as well as the importance of flood inundation modeling. On the other hand, the 1-D/2-D hydrodynamic models for simulating both channel and floodplain flows were reviewed respectively. Subsequently, an overview of this chapter is provided. 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Floods Throughout the long human history, floods are the most frequently occurring natural hydrological phenomena, which consist of the futures such as water depth, flow velocity, and temporal and spatial dynamics. The regular-magnitude floods occur every year at the expected stream flow range. It is beneficial to provide fertilise soil with nutrients, transport large quantities of sediment and deposit on the floodplain, and clean-up a river with any stagnant contaminates. However, some floods become disasters due to the extreme events, which happen suddenly without any warning, such as storm, dam break, storm surge and tsunami. As a result, their significant impacts cause imponderable damage on human society and ecosystems, particularly in terms of life loss and property damage. Flood can be defined as water body rises to overflow the lands where is not normally submerged with the perspective of flooding wave advancement (Ward, 1978). This definition includes two main flood types, namely river floods and costal floods. River floods are mostly arising from excessively or long-drawn-out rainfall, thus the river discharge flow exceeding the stream channels capacity and overtopping the banks and embankments. Especially in urban area, floods may also take place at the sewage drains when the heavy storms water surcharged in and overflow the drains. In addition, some natural or man-induced catastrophe could result in the water level is risen up suddenly and then overflow the river bank or dam. The reasons why the costal floods appear are usually originated from the severe cyclonic weather systems in terms of a combination of high tides, elevated sea level and storm surges with large waves. The inundation at coastal areas may results from the overflowing as the water level exceeds the crest level of defense, or from the overtopping as the waves run up and break over the defense, or defense structure failure itself (Reeve and Burgess, 1994). Furthermore, tsunami can cause long ocean waves due to the great earthquake and resulting in coastal floods. 2.1.2 The flood hazard Flood hazard is defined that those floods generate pop-up threats to the life and properties of human beings at the flood-prone areas where man had encroached into. The hazard level is validated by a combination of physical exposure and human vulnerability to the flood inundation process. Floods have been regarded as the top of the most destructive hazards from everlasting. In China, floods account for about 1/3 of all the natural catastrophes and responsible for 30% of the overall economic losses (Cheng, 2009). Furthermore, some south-east Asian countries are flood-prone areas, such as Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar, which are bearing the disasters from the frequent river and coastal floods. In 2004, the mega-quake, which exceeds magnitude of 9.0, induced a series of destructive tsunamis with the highest wave of 30 meters along the coasts bordering the Indian Ocean. There were over 230,000 victims lost their lives in around 14 countries. Hence, Indonesia was the hardest hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand (Paris et al., 2007). Moreover, the tropical cyclone Nargis happened on 2nd May, 2008 attacked the Southwest Coast of Myanmar. There were 24 million people been affected and approximately 50,000 to 100,000 people been killed (Kenneth, 2008). However, flooding is not only the critical issue in Asian, but also in the entire world. In 1927, the United States met the most devastating flooding of the Mississippi River in American history. The levee system was broken out and submerged 27,000 km2. Because of millions of population living along the Mississippi River, it led over 400 million US dollars in loss and 246 human deaths (Barry, 1998). In Europe, Netherlands had affected by the critical river floods in the past years since the most areas are below the sea level. The worst flood disaster happened in 1953 killed 1,835 people, covered almost 200,000 hectares of land, destroyed 3,000 family houses and 200 farms, and drowned 47,000 heads of cattle (Lamb and Knud, 1991). The facts mentioned above proven that the global flooding management is increasingly vital to protect millions of worldwide population from the severe threat. However, because of the high costs and inherent uncertainties, it is impossible and unsustainable to build up the absolute flood protection system, but it can be managed to reduce the hazard to lives and property by the most cost-effective measures. Therefore, flood inundation models become the most useful predictive tools which are used to evaluate and analyse the flood hazards, as well as to improve and mitigate the flood risk management. 2.1.3 The Importance of flood inundation modeling From the perspectives of physical processes and anthropogenic influence, the floodplain is a dynamic flow environment. Since it is much difficult to handle the confliction between maximising benefit-over-cost ratio and minimising the human impact, the application of inundation modeling becomes the most likely moderate approach for flood management strategy. Actually, the final objective of flood inundation studies could be minimise susceptibility and vulnerability to loss in both economy and human lives aspects (Parker, 1995). Therefore, it is necessary to use flood inundation models to simulate and predict the possible impacts of floodplain development. The principle of flood inundation models is to allow the upstream flood flow to discharge directly to the downstream flood extent. Those models become much valuable and helpful flood predictive tools which are able to apply in different real and virtual scenarios for analysis. In comparison with those traditional statistical models, which are according to all the numeral data observations of past flood events, the largest advantages of physically-based inundation models are their capability of spatial and temporal variables in terms of discharge, water level, velocity, flow duration and inundation extent, on the processive flood events. Meanwhile, they also support the hydro-system operation, flood warning, risk quantification and decision making for the design and planning of flood mitigation measures. Besides, the flood risk maps are able to be determined on the basis of the flood inundation modeling results. They are static two-dimensional maps indicating the flood probability with flood depth and extents, which is usually generated through flood uncertainty quantification techniques, i.e. Monte Carlo Simulation. They are widely adopted by government and insurance company to delineate areas of land at high risk and guide the investment and emergency response strategies. 2.2 LISFLOOD-FP Flood Inundation Model A flood inundation model is an intergraded flood simulation model-chain which includes an estimation of stochastic rainfall, a simulation of rainfall-runoff and an inundation model of flood development (McMillan and Brasington, 2008). For stochastic rainfall estimation of certain catchment, according to the available precipitation records, a long synthetic rainfall series could be created. Hereafter, these series are applied into a rainfall-runoff model to generate the corresponding discharge estimation series. And the estimations of discharge are imported into a 2-D hydrodynamic model, which utilizes high-resolution elevation data to enable urban floodplain modeling at the smallest scales and paves the way for additional modules for vulnerability and damage assessment. Finally, the flood inundation model is expected to run within a proven uncertainty estimation framework and subsequently to compare with the real-world scenarios for model calibration and allow explicit uncertainties analysis. LISFLOOD-FP model is one of the most popular flood inundation models all over the world (Bates and De Roo, 2000). It is a coupled 1D/2D hydraulic model on the basis of a raster grid. LISFLOOD-FP model treats the flooding as an intelligent volume-filling process from the perspective of hydraulic principles by embodying the key physical notions of mass conservation and hydraulic connectivity. 2.2.1Principles of LISFLOOD-FP Model Structure and Concepts The basic components of the LISFLOOD-FP model is a raster Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (Bates and De Roo, 2000) of resolution and accuracy suf ¬Ã‚ cient to identify surface roughness for both the channel (location and slope) and those elements of the  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡oodplain topography (dykes, embankments, depressions and former channels) considered necessary to  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ood inundation prediction. A  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ood consists of a large, low amplitude wave propagating down valley (Bates and De Roo, 2000). When the bankful  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow depth is reached, water stops to be contained only in the main river channel and water spills onto adjacent shallow gradient  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡oodplains. These  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡oodplains act either as temporary stores for this water or additional routes for  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow conveyance. C:UsersDaniel SunAppDataRoamingTencentUsers703775521QQWinTempRichOle[[emailprotected]){LA]KX[A1$UE8M8AV.jpg Figure 1 Conceptual model of the LISFLOOD-FP flood inundation model (Wilson, 2003a; 2003b) Assumptions for LISFLOOD-FP Model In order to design a physical model simulating the flood development and to simply the numerical computation, the assumptions are stated as followings: The flow within channel can be represented by the kinematic wave approximations. The channel is assumed to be so wide and shallow that the wetted perimeter is approximated by the channel width. The flood flow can be gradually varied. Both In-channel and Out-of-channel flooding flow are treated as raster grids by using a series of storage discretised cells. Flow between storage cells can be calculated using analytical uniform flow formulas, i.e. the Saint-Venant and Manning equations. There is no exchange of momentum between main channel and floodplain flows, only mass is exchanged. 2.2.2 In-Channel Flow The hydraulic models consist of two main processes, representing the flow within the channel (In-channel Flow) and flow on the floodplain (Out-of-channel Flow). But we ignore the effects at the channel- ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡oodplain interface development of intense shear layers leads to a strongly turbulent and three-dimensional  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ow  ¬Ã‚ eld. In this project, one of the objectives is to quantify the uncertainty associated with the inundation process. In-channel Flow is defined that the channel flow is below bankful depth. Thus, the flow process is represented by using a classical one-dimensional hydraulic routine approach (1-D approach), which is described in terms of a simplification of the full one-dimensional St. Venant equation system (Knight and Shiono, 1996), which leads to a kinematic wave approximation obtained by eliminating local acceleration, convective acceleration and pressure terms in the momentum equation. Saint-Venant Equations Due to simplicity of computation and ease of parameterization, the one-dimensional (1-D) Saint-Venant equations have been the most widely adopted approach for unsteady open channel flow. The partial differential Saint-Venant equations comprise the continuity and momentum equations under the following assumptions (Chow et al. 1988): Flow is 1-D, and depth and velocity vary only in the longitudinal direction of the channel. Velocity is constant, and the water surface is horizontal across, any section perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. Flow varies gradually along the channel so that hydrostatic pressure prevails and vertical accelerations can be neglected. The longitudinal axis of the channel is approximated as a straight line. The bottom slope of the channel is small and the channel bed is fixed. The effects of scour and deposition are negligible. Resistance coefficients for steady uniform turbulent flow are applicable so that relationships (e.g. Mannings equation) can be used to describe resistance effects. The fluid is incompressible and constant density throughout the flow. Therefore, the continuity equation states that the change in discharge with distance downstream (), and the change in the cross-sectional area of flow over time () are in balance. Thus, the lateral inflow ( ) to or from the channel and floodplain can be expressed as (Wilson, 2004). (2.1) where Q is the volumetric discharge in channel [L3/T], x is the longitudinal distance along the channel [L], t is time interval [T], A is the cross-sectional area of flow [L2] and q is the lateral inflow from other sources per unit length along channel [L2/T]. The momentum equation states that total applied forces is equal to the rate of momentum change in each unit of flow, plus the net outflow of momentum (Chow et al. 1988). For this project, the full dynamic wave equations can be simplified in terms of kinematic wave model. The assumptions are that local acceleration, convective acceleration and pressure terms are ignored, and the flow gravitational forces are equal to the frictional resistance force. The momentum equation can be written as: (2.2) where is the down-slope of the bed [-] and is the slope of friction [-] Roughness coefficients are defined as the resistance to flood flows in channels and floodplains. To introduce Mannings roughness ( n ), the Manning Equation is chosen. Therefore, the friction slope in the momentum equation can be described as: (2.3) where R is hydraulic radius [L]. Substituting the hydraulic radius, the momentum equation can be written as: (2.4) where n is the Mannings coefficient of friction and P is the wetted perimeter of the flow [L]. However, for the Equation (2.4), there are some limitations such as only considering the down gradient hydraulic characteristics, and neglecting the backwater effects and shock waves. Numerical Solution The 1-D Saint-Venant Equations are discretized using numerical methods of a finite difference approximation (Chow, 1988). Stream flow and cross section values are calculated with a simple linear scheme that uses a backward-difference method to derive the finite difference equations. Therefore, they are combined to obtain the following equations: (2.5) where Q is the volumetric discharge in channel [L3/T], x is the longitudinal distance along the channel [L], t is time interval [T], q is the lateral inflow from other sources per unit length along channel [L2/T], and is the geometry and frication factor of channel which is written as: (2.6) where is the Manning friction coefficient [T/ L1/3], is the channel width [L], and is the channel slope. Meanwhile, the finite difference equation can be set up in order to calculate the quantity Qi,j at each node (i, j), where i represents the space and j the time : (2.7) (2.8) in order to create a linear equation, the value of Q in the expression of Equation (2.5) is found by averaging the following values : (2.9) Note: All Equations variables refer to the definitions in Figure 2 C:UsersDaniel SunAppDataRoamingTencentUsers703775521QQWinTempRichOleH37F%N4L(VS%DNUG`X_(I4E.jpg Figure 2 Finite difference box for the linear kinematic wave equation 2.2.3. Channel Discretisation by Mesh Generation In order to conduct the kinematic wave simulation, the flow domain is spatially discretised into discrete elements or grid cells to represent the arbitrary modling area by numerical mesh generation process. It starts at the inflow point of each grid cell with indicator of the direction to the next downstream cell. With the help of Airborne Laser Altimetry (LiDAR) and Stereo Air-photogrammetry, the high-resolution DEM grid cells are able to contain topographic data, such as channel width, bed slope, manning friction coef ¬Ã‚ cient and bankful depth. Therefore, the numerical solution can be approximate obtained with the advantage of high-performance digital computers and high numerical stability. In this project, the regular high resolution rectangular grids mesh generation is adopted. However, despite that the mesh resolution in the region is increased, it resulted in less smooth of friction coefficients. This is because the polygonal area over which the various friction contributi ons were averaged was reduced. 2.2.4 Out-of-Channel Flow Out-of-Channel flow (i.e. Floodplain Flow) is defined that water is transferred from the channel to the adjacent overlying floodplain areas when bankful depth is exceeded by flood. However, the 1-D approach is not suitable to simulate the floodplain flows due to its incapability of capturing velocity variations and free surface across the channel. Thus, floodplain flows can be similarly described in terms of classical continuity and momentum equations, discretized over a grid of square cells, which allows the model to represent 2-dimensional dynamic flow on the floodplain. Therefore, we assume that each cell is treated as a storage volume and the change in cell volume over time is therefore equal to the  ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uxes into and out of it during the time step (See Figure 3, Wilson, 2003a; 2003b). (2.10) where is the volume variation [L3] of each cell during time [T], and , , and are the volumetric flow rate [L3/T] respectively coming from the up, the down, the left and the right adjacent cells of the grid. C:UsersDaniel SunAppDataRoamingTencentUsers703775521QQWinTempRichOle7L0})O%E([emailprotected] Figure 3 Flows between cells on the floodplain with LISFLOOD-FP (Wilson, 2003a; 2003b) Flow between two cells is assumed to be simply a function of the free surface height difference between these cells, hence the following discretisation of continuity Equation (2.1) (See Figure 4 5) (2.11) (2.12) (2.13) where  is the water free surface height [L] at the cell node (i,j), and are the cell dimensions [L],  is the effective grid scale Mannings friction coefficient for the floodplain, and and describe the volumetric flow rates [L3/T] between the floodplain cell node (i,j). C:UsersuserDesktop1.jpg Figure 4 Discretization scheme for floodplain grid C:UsersDaniel SunAppDataRoamingTencentUsers703775521QQWinTempRichOleM`G%`D63ODY2$7)H3G4O7OQ.jpg Figure 5 Floodplain Flows between Two Cells The flow depth, hflow, represents the depth through which water can flow between two cells, and is defined as the difference between the highest water free surface in the two cells and the highest bed elevation (this definition has been found to give sensible results for both wetting cells and for flows linking floodplain and channel cells). 2.3 Uncertainty in flooding inundation modeling It is the key factor to reduce or prevent the level of flood hazards that ensuring prediction accurately of the flood inundation area and providing reliable information of risk. In general, the result produced by flood models is only a single deterministic prediction for the peak flow of the flood. However, the confidence level of the output results would be affected by the uncertainty of input data in terms of peak flow, the topographic data, and the model parameters. As a result, the uncertainty associated with the flood inundation modeling is seldom quantified, It most likely because that the sources of uncertainty are not totally realised and lack of available data to study uncertainty. Uncertainty analysis of LISFLOOD-FP modeling has been studied in recent years. From those reports, the sources of uncertainty can be summarised into three major catalogues in terms of model data inputs, hydraulics parameters and model structures. 2.3.1Model data inputs Hydrologic and meteorological data One of the most dominant input parameters is the design flow, which comes from flood frequency analysis and provides the boundary condition. However, the uncertainty of steamflow is inherent since it is derived from the stage-discharge rating curves on the basis of flood records, especially for the high-return-period flow events. In summary, there are four types of uncertainties associated with the hydrograph of steamflows, namely (1) watershed characteristics; (2) storm precipitation dynamics; (3) infiltration and (4) antecedent conditions. However, the storm precipitation dynamics has the largest impact on the prediction. Furthermore, the overall prediction of hydrologic models could be increase due to uncertainty-added by lacking of understanding of the spatial and temporal variability in precipitation, evapotranspiration, and infiltration. Topographic data The topographic data is including both land surface digital elevation model (DEM) and river bed bathymetry. It is one of the dominant factors to predict the flood inundation area accurately. It does not only influence the hydrologic modeling process, but also the mapping water surface elevations. Firstly, the extraction of watershed characteristics (e.g. slope, streams and watershed boundaries) from DEM is affected by its resolution, leading to varied discharge values estimated from the hydrologic model. Secondly, the resolution of DEM and the accuracy of bathymetry affect the cross sections extracted for 1-D channel flow simulation and the interpolated meshes (or grids) for 2-D overland flow simulation. Thirdly, Bales and Wagner (2009) investigated the Tar River basin and revealed that high-quality topographic data, along with the appropriate application of hydraulic models are likely the most important factors affecting the horizontal extent and vertical water surface elevations of flood inundation maps. 2.3.2 Model structures The flood inundation models are also sensitive to the channel geometry in terms of cross sections number, cross-sectional spacing in between, finite-element mesh quality and hydraulic structures. Additionally, the type of model (1-D, 2-D or coupled) used in simulating the river hydrodynamics also brings uncertainty to the overall results. The geometry representation of channel is more critical to 2-D and (3-D) models since the elevation is defined at each mesh node distributed throughout the channel and floodplains. Moreover, the mesh generation strategies will affect 2- and 3-D models not only in the prediction of inundation area, but also the computational time (Horritt et al. 2006). 2.3.3 Hydraulics parameters Hydraulic models (e.g. 1-D, 2-D or coupled) used to simulate the river hydrodynamics and water surface elevation in floodplain are sensitive to a set of model parameters. Friction values (Mannings roughness coefficient, n), accounting for effects of variable cross sections, non-uniform slope, vegetation and structures at the sub-grid scale, have a significant impact on hydraulic simulations (Merwade et al., 2008). Mannings roughness coefficient (n), which is commonly assigned by using standard look-up tables for different substrate types, can range from 0.035 to 0.065 in the main channel, and 0.080 to 0.150 in the floodplains (Chow et al. 1988). Distributed data throughout the floodplain are seldom available as a basis for estimating friction values for the model domain. Many of the uncertainties in hydraulic models are lumped in the Mannings n value, such that the models can be calibrated through adjusting such a parameter. The difference in magnitude and changing channel conditions will cause the optimal set of parameters to be found in a slightly different area of the parameter space for each different flood event. Wohl (1998) analysed the uncertainty of Mannings n relative to a commonly used step-backwater model for channel reaches in five canyon rivers. The results indicated that the uncertainties in discharge estimation resulting from the roughness coefficients in step-backwater modeling of paleo-floods were comparable to or lower than those associated with other methods of indirectly estimation flood discharges. Pappenberger et al. (2005) analysed the uncertainty caused by Mannings n (range from 0.001 to 0.9) in the unsteady flow component of the 1-D model HEC-RAS. The results showed that many parameter sets could perform equally well even with extreme values. However, this was dependent on the model region and boundary conditions. Pappenberger et al. (2007) employed a fuzzy set approach for calibrating flood inundation models under the uncertainties of roughness and cross-section. The roughness of channel has been identified as more sensitive than the standard deviation of the cross-sectio n. 2.4 Integrated modeling and uncertainty analysis framework Flood risk maps are critical to help manage the risk of inundation, which are generated based on good understanding of the uncertainty associated with the various variables involved in flood inundation modeling. A sequential process is normally adopted, where hydrologic analysis starts first, and then hydraulic analysis and geospatial processing will follow. Merwade et al. (2008) proposed a conceptual fr
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Emilia, A Heroine of Shakespeares Othello Essay -- Othello essays
Emilia, A Heroine of Shakespeare's Othello   Shakespeare, in his tragedy Othello, presents a minor character who does great things in the final act. Her character is deserving of analysis. Kenneth Muir, in the Introduction to William Shakespeare: Othello, explains the motivation of Emilia through most of the play: Emilia’s character, too, is determined by the plot. In the source, the villain’s wife is privy to the nefarious designs. Shakespeare wisely makes her, like the other characters, ignorant of Iago’s character. She knows that she has lost his love, and her unhappy marriage drives her to cynicism about sex; but she tries to win back her husband’s affections by carrying out his wishes, even when this involves betrayal of the mistress she loves. (41) A.C. Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, defines the character of the ancient’s wife: Few of Shakespeare’s minor characters are more distinct than Emilia, and towards few do our feelings change so much within the course of the play. Till close to the end she frequently sets one’s tooth on edge; and at the end one is ready to worship her. She nowhere shows any sign of having a bad heart; but she is common, sometimes vulgar, in minor matters far from scrupulous, blunt in perception and feeling, and quite destitute of imagination. She let Iago take the handkerchief though she knew how much its loss would distress Desdemona; and she said nothing about it though she saw that Othello was jealous. (222) Emilia is not mentioned in the play until the initial furor of the first two scenes subsides. Brabantio’s rage, among other reasons, necessitate that Desdemona live with Iago and Emilia during the Moor’s campaign in Cyprus against... ...g murder: â€Å"And your reports have set the murder on.†Emilia is aware that she is violating social convention here: â€Å"’Tis proper I obey him, but not now.†This violation costs her dearly. Emilia’s stunning interrogation and conviction of her own husband as the evil mastermind behind the murder results in Iago’s killing her. She becomes a martyr for the cause of truth and justice. Quite suddenly she is transformed into a heroine of the play! WORKS CITED Bayley, John. Shakespeare and Tragedy. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1981. Bradley, A. C.. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York: Penguin, 1991. Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.
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