Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Break with Rome Essay Example for Free
The Break with Rome Essay Although it is fair to say that a number of important factors ultimately resulted in Henrys desire for a Break with Rome, it is clear that Henrys wish for a divorce from Catherine of Aragon to ensure a male heir was the key underlying motive throughout the saga. Henrys desire for power and financial gain are still both extremely important aspects of the debate, but it is certainly arguable that these are secondary ambitions which gained prominence as the events unfolded. For many years it had been clear that Henry strongly desired a male heir to the throne. It was also becoming clear that Catherine of Aragon was growing too old to bear him a child that he craved, and Henry saw this as a sign from God that his marriage to Catherine was unholy, with this point being reinforced by Catherines miscarriages. It appeared that a divorce was therefore the only solution, and for this reason it can be observed as the guiding factor in the Break with Rome. Catherine was obviously unhappy with this, and so to ensure that she would not be able to appeal to the Pope over any events that were to follow, Henry had the Act in Restraint of Appeals passed in 1533. This provided the pathway in 1534 for the Act of Supremacy. This enabled the King to alter doctrine, which he would be able to use to legalise the annulment of his marriage to Catherine. It was also extremely important in that [it] ensured opposition could be dealt with as the act required every subject to take the oath of Supremacy. The passing of the Act of Succession only several months showed how desperate Henry was to obtain his male heir. Henry was aware of the difficulties that Matilda, the only previous queen of England, had suffered, and so this act declared Mary illegitimate. Time was certainly of the essence here, as it was also important to Henry that his son be 16 at the time coming to power to ensure that he was not usurped in the same way that other boy kings had. Finally, the Treason Act also of 1534 also amplifies the idea that Henry was desperate that any son he had would be seen as legitimate and face few problems when he came to power. The actions taken between 1532 and 1534 would suggest that Henry was becoming desperate to ensure the divorce and obtain a son, and so provides strong evidence to suggest that these were his real motives behind the Break with Rome. Historians also argue that Henrys desire for financial gain was also an important factor which led to his desire to obtain the Break with Rome. Firstly, the Act in Restraint of Annates, which had initially began as a threat in 1532, was put into place in 1534. The initial aim was to persuade the Pope into granting the divorce. However, by 1534 it was clear that this was not going to happen and so Henry was implementing policies to ensure a Break with Rome. Ultimately, this means that by the time it was passed, the Act was no longer a way of threatening the Pope into granting a divorce. Instead, it was Henry simply take control of the Popes income and so it is therefore reasonable to suggest that by 1534, financial motives for a split had crept into Henrys thinking. This was again shown in 1534 by the Act for First Fruits and Tenths. This provides a further example of money that was formerly sent to the Pope becoming an additional income for Henry. It is certainly arguable that by this stage Henry was well aware of the potential financial benefits that the break could have, and so this may well have fuelled the rapid changes that occurred between 1532 and 1534. A final aspect of the divorce which is suggested by historians is Henrys hunger for power, and this becomes apparent when observing some of the Acts put into place. The Act for Submission of the Clergy in 1534 (created in 1532) can be seen as the first step in Henry trying to take control of a very important aspect of everyones lives, the Church. The Act of Supremacy reinforces the idea that Henry strongly desired power within the Church, and it begins to become apparent that along with the increasing financial importance that the break would have, power was also becoming an extremely important aspect. Such legislation as the Act of Supremacy and Treason Act provided Henry with security in his new positions, and with this evidence taken into account that it is certainly arguable that some of the other factors were simply covering for Henrys greed for power. It is worth considering that ideas of financial and power motives are not mutually exclusive. After initially just wanting the divorce and an heir, it may well have been the case that this lead to Henry obtaining more power which he was able to use his advantage for financial benefit. It is however also argued that Henrys initial intention was never to gain extra power, yet this still links in with the idea that Henrys lust for power evolved as events unfolded. Consequently, if the Pope had granted the annulment in the first place, Henrys desire for a male heir could have been rectified and the desires for power and money would never have been allowed to evolve. On balance, it has become clear that the way in which the events unfolded affected why Henry was so keen for the Break with Rome. Initially at least, there is strong evidence to suggest that Henrys only real motive was to obtain the divorce and produce a male heir. However, as the years rolled by it is suggested that the reasons behind the events developed. The concentration of legislation passing between 1532 and 1534 suggest both that Henry was becoming more desperate and also that a lust for power and money were now providing the fuel behind the events that both introduced and secured the Break with Rome. Therefore to conclude, although it is certainly possible that Henrys strong initial desire was for a divorce and to obtain a male heir, but once he realised the possibilities that lay before him in gaining power within the Church and increasing his income drastically to enable his exuberant lifestyle these motives expanded and diversified.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Way It Really Was! :: essays research papers
The Way It Really Was!      In the 1950's there were many problems. The Korean war and the civil rights struggle. Back then the music was all rhythm and blues (r &b). It was record mostly by black artists and for black audience but the white teenagers became interested. The music scene in the early 50's      Before 1954 there were 3 distinct music areas. R & B,country and pop. Music stations usually played one type of music so listeners could easily find what type they wanted. Pop had 4 major recording companies. RCA,Columbia,becca and Mercury. These companies had very good connection and could make a small band very big! Pop music had a subdued beat and smooth singing. R & B had black artists for black audiences. Country Western had the least affect by Rock and Roll. People who recorded at small independent music business and put out a record, they were called Indies. The first Rock and Roll hit      The term Rock and Roll was usually used for describing physical sex. Allen Freed was credited with inventing Rock and Roll but that wouldn't be to good for him later in life. The father of Rock and Roll      Alan freed was the first white disc jockey to play Rock and Roll. Alan show in Cleveland was very popular with teenagers. In 1954, Alan's show moved to WINS. His nick name â€Å"moondog†had to be dropped. He adopted the new title â€Å" the king of rock and roll†. Newspapers ran articles saying Alan was the main wrongdoer in creating Rock and Roll. A riot broke out at one of Alan Freed's concert. The police turned up the house lights to see what the teenagers were doing and Alan said something and the teens went on a rampage. Alan was to blame. He was charged but when the manager at WINS didn't stand behind him, Alan left and went to WABC. The charges were later dropped. Because of all of the court appearances, Alan filed for bankruptcy in 1959. In 1960, Alan was fired from WABC for not signing a statement that he took favors to play certain records. It was all down hill from there. In 1965 Alan died. His friends said that he had a drinking problem and it got worse when he was fired. Adult response to Rock and Roll      Most adults did not like Rock and Roll. They thought it was vulgar and rude. Although there was never a link from violence to teens. Many incidences proved that wrong when Nat King Cole was performing and 5 teens jumped on stage and started to beat up him.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Down East Spud Busters
As a manager, one of the many aspects of your role is to â€Å"control†, which as you know, means periodically (or continually) checking on the status of production, operations, staffing, budget, quality, etc. Now, employees often react negatively to this, communicating actively or passively resentment about the manager's actually or figuratively â€Å"looking over their shoulders†or trying to catch them doing something wrong or always â€Å"making corrections†about the way things are being done. What re some strategies you can use to do a good Job controlling, but avoid the employee backlash In attitude?This really would depend on what type of Industry and the structure of the company. From my past working experiences I used deferent methods were needed to control quality and production. As a project manager In the telecoms Industry an on-hands style was needed In order to get each station physically approved from the vendor. The relationship between managemen t and supervisors,'leads could be anywhere In the range of tense to cordial depending on he quality of the job the supervisor's crew produced.There were other elements that also had to be taken into consideration. Such as, weather, equipment availability, and deadlines. A looking over the shoulder strategy is needed, and is part of some job specification. Another strategy I have had to use was daily receiving, production and shipping reports. While using these methods a minimum interaction is needed with the employees. These types of reports can tell you if production is down from absentee, bad products from vendors or equipment failures.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Crash - 1174 Words
Crash, a movie released in 2004, was set during what seemed to be quite a short time after the incident of 9/11. The entirety of this film paints such an emotional and touching portrait of racism within our seemingly modern society. It shows quite a few ethnic stereotypes that many people still will witness today; an older man who must obviously be Muslim because he s from the Middle East, and a Latino gang member who bears an assortment of tattoos and sports a shaved head. The interactions between each character tended to result in the audience, acknowledging and simultaneously questioning the stereotypes that are constantly being tossed about. But because of the many interactions between, literally each character, the audience is then able to take note of the character s depth: one person could be shown acting out some racist behavior, but seen doing, what people would call, an act of kindness within the next scene, whether it was to the same person or someone else completely different. This is only because the initial character s story line is interconnected with the next. Unlike most films, Crash is practically choked full of sociological concepts. One of two concepts that very clearly evident in this film would be racism. As many people know, racism; the discrimination against someone of a different race, is a very real and ugly thing that still happens even today. While technically the whole movie could be classified under the concept, a goodShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : The Movie Crash 1662 Words  | 7 Pagesneed to know in a short amount of time.When it comes to the textual analysis of it all it all depends on how the script is written not only that but how the script is played out in the film. In the textual analysis of a film you have to really pay attention to the environment during the film. You have to pay attention to the race in the film, the themes throughout the film and the gender roles played in the film. In the movie Crash we s ee many pairs where they each have their own different points ofRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1055 Words  | 5 Pages1108 23 November 2015 Movie Analysis Although the movie Crash aired in 2004, the movie does a phenomenal job at depicting social conflicts that are still evident in 2015. Crash, also deals with wide range of controversies and offers multiple narratives. And since narrative is always a two-way street, the movie does a great job of showing two perspectives of everything. More specifically, it challenges our ethical and moral beliefs in a sense that many of the scenes in the movie reside in the grey areaRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1362 Words  | 6 Pagescalled â€Å"Crash†, this movie basically talks about racism and the impact it has on the lives of people in Los Angeles. This movie got a good response from the viewers, as it concentrated on some real harsh realities of racism and asked some hard questions which are generally avoided in movies. This movie clearly promotes the a very delicate issue, and hence requires some detailed assessment. I personally feel the movie was good and it portrayed some very common events of racism, I think â€Å"Crash†showsRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1853 Words  | 8 Pages GENRE I RACE IN THE FILM CRASH DEPARTMENT OF FILM AND CREATIVE WRITING INTRODUCTION TO FILM STUDIES B MODULE CODE: 09 24802 STUDENT ID: 1613440 MICHELE AARON UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM 1. Introduction This paper is a critical analysis of the American film Crash, directed by Paul Haggis which was performed for the first time in 2004. This essay will therefore deal with Gender I and Race, two of the approaches discussed in the subject Introduction to Film Studies B in the secondRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Crash 963 Words  | 4 Pagesindividual, for instance the way they perceive others and also the way they perceive themselves. Paul Haggis’s movie â€Å"Crash†conceptualize on this idea and interpret it in an in entirely different way; so that we can see that there are reasons and motives to why our society is separated this type of way. The movie is full of many sociological issues, such as gender, race, and social class. The movie is centralize around racism, and wants to give its own interpretation on racism, the reasons why it happensRead MoreDepth Analysis of the Movie Crash2037 Words  | 7 Pagespaper will provide a broad analysis of the movie Crash, and yet a specific picture of visual narrative techniques and audio techniques. The categories contributing to the nucleus and major movie components are theatrical elements, cinematography, editing, and sound. The Academy Award winning movie Crash is a story about society s controversial subjects projected in an in your face depiction of lives that in some way or another, cross. Depth Analysis of the Movie Crash The over-all theme ofRead MoreMovie Analysis : The Movie Crash1926 Words  | 8 PagesThe Movie Crash takes place in Los Angeles, California in the winter time. Throughout this movie, all of the stories connect in one way or another. This movie shows the lives of a diverse population of people, they have different race and social classes. In one of the first parts of the movie, they show a racist pawn shop owner that refuses to sell a gun to a man, simply because he is speaking to his daughter in another language, he generalizes all people of that race and accuses the man of â€Å"killingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Crash 1394 Words  | 6 PagesCRASH! This was the last sound Tim Horton heard before he crashed into the woods. His drunk body made the violent rolling of the car feel like nothing. His mind still back at the bar, crying for a better life. He wanted this attempt to be painless and quick, but was depressed to see his immaculated body upside down in his turnovered car. The drunk had no more tears to shed, he had no screams to let out; all he could do was hit his head against the seat. He wanted something to break ,but his mindRead MoreMovie Analysis : Crash 1606 Words  | 7 Pagesare many movies out there that take a viewpoint form so many angles, this movie Crash does this that. Watching this mo vie brought about many emotions from my own life but to get a sense of what other people in the world go through when it comes to interacting with other races, the experiences we’ve had with them and also the perspectives we hold inside of us overall. This chapter will look at three scenes form the move crash and break each one of them down to showcase the significance of what individualRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Crash Essay1448 Words  | 6 PagesWriting Inquiry  September 29, 2106      Crash Movie Essay  Since the beginning of time, the world has been intolerant of people that are different or stand out. People have an issue accepting others that have contrasting views, values, opinions, beliefs, and even appearances. Whether we like it or not, there is a little bit racism in all of us, although it may not be as evident in one person as it is in another. In the 2004 film, Crash, race is portrayed as being an abnormality that negatively
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